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D&D 5E Enhancing "Rise of Tiamat" (Practical stuff to try at your table!)


Death at the Council

This adventure is intended to be run just after the First Council, while the characters are in Waterdeep reporting on the results of their first mission.

When the Cult of the Dragon contacted the devils of the hells for their aid, the Duchess Zariel arranged for Merisal to answer their summons and aid them.

Merisal's Cover

Merisal has assumed the form of a female minstrel, and joined a band of other female minstrels, who are extremely popular with the richer patrons and nobility in Waterdeep. To include a number of the senior aides and functionaries of the Alliance Council.

In her cover form, Merisal is a half-elven minstrel/harpist named Perral. Her bandmates are Meliranna, a singer/drummer, and Vestila, a lutist/flautist. Perral is blonde and buxom, Meliranna is brunette and athletic, and Vestila is red-haired, tall and slender. All are extremely beautiful, flirtatious, and skilled performers. They consciously chose to associate together to widen their appeal. Each have their dedicated admirers. Perral's admirer is a Paladin of Lathander, and a member of the Order of the Gauntlet, name Garalt. Meliranna strings along three admirers - a minor noble of Lord Neverember's court, Lord Athil du Hornkest, Hirst, squire to Sir Isteval, and Badtholem, apprentice to Lord Hornblade. And Vestila has two - Yvenne, a maid at the Waterdhavian Palace, and Delliana Silvermist, a notable Waterdhavian fiancier.

A Herring's Spy

Delliana Silvermist is using Yvenne to gather inside information on the Alliance's logistical needs, so she can negotiate better deals with the Council. In addition to their mutual connection through Vestilia, Delliana has addicted Yvenne to a drug that only she can supply. The drug is an aphrodisiac derived from certain fiendish plants.

Delliana was in turn, introduced to the drug by Merisal disguised as Vestilia, who also introduced Delliana to an actual supplier from Skullport. Vestilia is also prone to using other artificial enhancers, and the supplier is also her normal supplier. The supplier (Dark Doug) actually gets his actual supply from Merisal in the guise of a female drow, who he knows as the Lady Theloma. If the characters track Lady Theloma, they find her house, staffed only by an old gender-indeterminate housekeeper (Merisal again), who says she doesn't know where her employer goes, but she's sure that the house isn't Lady Theloma's, and that Lady Theloma is almost certiainly not what or who she appears to be. The housekeeper doesn't care. The gold is real, even if her employer isn't, and she's careful to make sure that's all she knows.

All of this is Merisal just setting up a smoke-screen, and corrupting mortals for fun. After her initial setup, Merisal's entire involvement is just in the drug re-supply. She's just been letting all involved do as they like. Nor has she charmed anyone - it's just been good old-fashioned seduction.

*Quest: An Unpickled Herring
If the characters are integral in breaking Yvenne of her addiction, she is capable of recounting to the players that she was always a little confused by Vestilia - she was wildly inconsistent in her behavior, and sometimes, she'd swear she caught Vestilia using one of Perral's gestures or turns of phrases. She always wrote it off as the drugs or Vestilia's long friendship with Perral.

Award XP as if the party had defeated a group of CR 7 monsters equal in number to the party. Increase the character's reputation with the Emerald Enclave by 1.

*Quest: A Line Unwound
If the characters fully investigate this line AND they conclude or suspect that none of Delliana, Yvenne, or Vestilia are Merisal's disguise, award XP as if the party had defeated a group of CR 9 monsters equal in number to the party.

If the characters conclude that the Housekeeper is Lady Theloma, award half the listed XP, or the full XP if they actually force the housekeeper to flee, her deception revealed.

A Smoked Herring

Meliranna is a doppleganger. She is not engaged in any plots. She's (It's) just trying to breed, and Meliranna's role is well-suited to this. The doppleganger is completely innocent of all of Merisal's plots.

*Quest: An Unsmoked Herring
If the characters prove Melirana's innocence, or recruit her as a spy, award XP as if the party had defeated a group of CR 3 monsters equal in number to the party.

Also, increase the character's reputation with Lord Neverember by 1.

Just a Hint of Herring

If the characters investigate Perral, they can discover that in addition to her minstrelry and harping, she also has a reputation as a petty thief. The most she's ever stolen though is only enough to get her escorted out of town. She's also widely known as a troublemaker, and a card shark.

Merisal established her cover some months back, arriving in a ship at Baldur's Gate, then traveling a winding route through the Heartlands to Waterdeep. If the characters spend the time and effort, including an in-person visit to Baldur's Gate, they can reveal Perral to be a false cover. Merisal's real nature however, is still concealed. By the end of this, however, Badtholem will have already investigated Lord Athil, and both corpses will be long past the time limit for speak with dead.

Not a Herring

Merisal's actual effort is for much higher stakes. Using Vestilia's form, she's seduced Lord Athil, and worked a few blackmail-able events into the seduction as well. She hasn't concealed her connection to the Cult, nor the fact that she is a shape-changer. She is using Lord Athil ruthlessly and recklessly to gain the Council's secrets. She has even had some minor success in her plan - Lord Athil isn't particularly sneaky, and a number of people have noticed a change in his behavior.

The characters can detect Lord Athil's nervousness and guilt easily (DC 12 Insight check, passive). Likewise, tracking him to a rendevous is almost trivial. In fact, if the characters don't get suspicious on their own, Badtholem tracks down, and confronts Lord Athil the night of the last Council briefing, just before the characters would leave for their second mission.

If this happens, Lord Athil's and Badtholem's absences are noted the following morning, and news of their deaths is reported to the council. If the characters investigate, they can obtain the bodies to question using speak with dead, or they might use commune to discover the spy.

Badtholem: I waited in the shadows until I saw the traitor Athil meet someone who appeared to be a female drow. I saw him pass her some of Lord Neverember's confidential documents, and heard them speaking together, though I was unable to hear the words distinctly. When I approached closer, the drow revealed her true colors. She changed into a red-haired fiend with bat's wings and a devil's tail. Lord Athil seemed briefly surprised, but when I tried to stop the fiend defended it long enough for it to paralyze me with some form of slime it threw from its hands. Then it cast some spell on me while Lord Athil watched. When it kissed me, I wanted it to, even as I felt my life drain away.

Other likely questions for Batholem:

  • Why did you follow Lord Athil? I was jealous.
  • What do you think of Vestilia? Glad that my beauty is innocent of being a spy.
  • Were you aware that Meliranna is a doppleganger? My Meliranna? I assure you, she is not, cannot be, a doppleganger. None such could pass the inspection I gave her.
  • What do you think of Perral? A lesser supporting light to my Meliranna's star.
  • Who do you think the shapechanger/succubus/erinyes is masquerading as? Vestilia. Her corrupt nature betrays her. I saw the debauchery she engages in. No pure maiden she.

Lord Athil: When I first saw her, I thought she looked like an angel. When I heard her play, I felt life lift me up. And when I heard her sing, I thought heaven itself was singing through her. Fool. When she showed an interest in me, I didn't question why, I just counted every blessing I had never earned. Fool. It wasn't until I was too deep to see anything but her that I discovered her false nature. At first I thought her nothing more than some doppleganger trying to worm its way into high society. Then she tricked me into attending a cult meeting. I though I could turn her. Fool. Or discover her handlers. Fool. But she played me beyond that. But at the end, I discovered nothing was left of me but a puppet, and that I had betrayed all I had loved to the very forces of Hell. Damned fool.

  • *Who was she? I don't know. At first I thought her Vestilia, but after I discovered her shapechanging, I noticed Vestilia dining with Yvenne. And I saw Meliranna in the streets while I was out walking with Her. And met Perral in the market when all three of us stopped to smell the flowers at a cart. So I don't know - all my obvious suspects are false.
  • What did you reveal to her? (Lord Athil recounts the briefing information giving by the Lady Harper and the party.)
  • Did you know Meliranna is a doppleganger? (Lord Athil looks confused.) But I already told you she isn't the shapechanger. For one, I'm pretty sure the horns and wings indicte her as a fiend of some kind. Wait. You mean the real Meliranna was a doppleganger as well? (Lord Athil laughs uproariously.)
  • What do you think of Perral and Vestilia? Never trust Perral in a card game. But given her lover's a paladin of Torm, I'm pretty sure she's not a fiend. As for Vestilia, I'm afraid the poor girl has gotten into something that will be the end of her.
  • Where were the Cult Rituals held? In a seedy brothel in the South Ward. I don't remember where though. Most of my attention was on Her, not where we were going.

Catching a Fish

If the characters investigate Lord Athil before Badtholem does, they walk into a scene carefully prepared by Merisal. Carefully hidden in a concealed alcove (Perception DC 21), she cast a Major Image just before Lord Athil enters the room, with an image of her in her drow form pacing about the room. Thanks to her scrying, she knows the characters are nearby, so if she can she times things so Athil is giving her a satchel containing the documents just as the characters burst into the room. She then proceeds to do a number of things, as soon as she can. She casts Mass Suggestion ("Preserve your honor and fight to the Death. Death before Dishonor.") on Lord Athil and as many other characters as she can (Lord Athil voluntarily fails his save). She changes her illusory self to appear as one of Bel's erinyes, as if an alter self spell failed. Then she Teleports herself and the satchel away to a safe place, dropping the illusion, and leaving Lord Athil to the mercy of the party.


Merisal has gone to great lengths to both reveal her presence, conceal her identity, and to weaken and corrupt as many people as she can, while still retaining her freedom. If, despite her work and the long odds facing them, the characters manage to definitively discover that she was Perral, that her usename is Merisal, or that she is a succubus, award XP as if she had been defeated in combat. (2900 XP)

Regardless, if the characters have an opportunity to interrogate Lord Athil or witness the satchel exchange, they earn 1800 XP.

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The follow ons for the Merisal side. These never got fleshed out because the main adventure was getting awful long as it was, and I didn't feel the need to add more content.

Mole or Double Agent?
If the characters have managed to turn Talis or some other cultist, intelligence provided by them, lead to a mission by the alliance, which turned out to be a trap/ambush. However, the ambush/trap was set up for the mission as planned, not as executed, and Talis (or whomever) is still responding.

Is there a mole in the council?

Is Talis a double-agent? Has she been compromised? Turned?

This is intended to be run as the sequel to "Death at the Council".

Wyrm's Word
See Volmer's side.


Hey everyone. New to this forum, and just start running a mega campaign with a party of 6 on Roll20 that runs from LMOP -> HODQ -> ROT (and perhaps beyond). My party just hit the Hunting Lodge so I'm trying to flesh out how I'm going to run ROT as much as possible. Already gotten a lot of great tips from people on this thread and elsewhere, but I have a few specific things I'd like to add that I could use some tips/helps with.

I've decided to revamp/beef up ROT to have more about recruiting different types of allies and also tying in quests to my character's backstories. I will be incorporating the Jotunmoot concept introduced earlier in this thread as well as a couple of things from SKT for the giants as allies. Also going to replace the Mission to Thay with the great Elementum Divinator also posted on here (which works well b/c my party liberated the Spell Forge). Here's what I need some advice on:

Metallic Dragons: I love the idea of the party recruiting an army of metallic dragons as allies, and also the idea of a mid-air battle between the party riding a dragon and chromatic dragons ridden by a Wyrmspeaker and friends. Suggestions for other adventures/quests I can add in to flesh this out as a serious sub-arc?

Elves: One of the PCs is a fallen assimar who was adopted by Elven parents in Silverymoon. I'd love a way to tie in his backstory and somehow also involve recruiting elves as allies. Thoughts/ideas?

Mistcliffs/Plane of Air: Another of the PCs is an aarokocra monk from the Mistcliffs. I'm thinking about having quest that ties into his backstory that involves returning to the Mistcliffs (maybe as part of the existing mission in Chult?) and/or a trip to the Plane of Air. But I honestly don't have any good ideas for this. He also has that he befriended brass dragons while he was growing up so maybe there's a hook to the metallic dragon support as well?

Demogorgon: Another PC is a warlock in a pact with Demogorgon (I know, it was their choice. overall they are chaotic netural). I'm trying to come up with a way to work that in as well. Only thing I can think of is that Demogorgon wants to keep Tiamat in the Nine Hells because she's a drain on their resources? But not sure of the specifics or how to tie that into the ROT plotline. Would there be a way to modify the great Devilish Influences add-on to include something about Demogorgon ultimately pulling the strings?


Lowcountry Low Roller
Hey everyone. New to this forum, and just start running a mega campaign with a party of 6 on Roll20 that runs from LMOP -> HODQ -> ROT (and perhaps beyond). My party just hit the Hunting Lodge so I'm trying to flesh out how I'm going to run ROT as much as possible. Already gotten a lot of great tips from people on this thread and elsewhere, but I have a few specific things I'd like to add that I could use some tips/helps with.

I've decided to revamp/beef up ROT to have more about recruiting different types of allies and also tying in quests to my character's backstories. I will be incorporating the Jotunmoot concept introduced earlier in this thread as well as a couple of things from SKT for the giants as allies. Also going to replace the Mission to Thay with the great Elementum Divinator also posted on here (which works well b/c my party liberated the Spell Forge).
Not that you asked, but I recommend slotting in the second half of Storm King’s Thunder as Iymrith’s plan to keep the giants busy while the Tiamat cult makes their preparations just fits so well. My players enjoyed the mission of getting the Giant ordning restored and earning the favor of their help to defeat the cult. Blagothkus provides the perfect connection.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
Hey everyone. New to this forum, and just start running a mega campaign with a party of 6 on Roll20 that runs from LMOP -> HODQ -> ROT (and perhaps beyond). My party just hit the Hunting Lodge so I'm trying to flesh out how I'm going to run ROT as much as possible. Already gotten a lot of great tips from people on this thread and elsewhere, but I have a few specific things I'd like to add that I could use some tips/helps with.

I've decided to revamp/beef up ROT to have more about recruiting different types of allies and also tying in quests to my character's backstories. I will be incorporating the Jotunmoot concept introduced earlier in this thread as well as a couple of things from SKT for the giants as allies. Also going to replace the Mission to Thay with the great Elementum Divinator also posted on here (which works well b/c my party liberated the Spell Forge). Here's what I need some advice on:

Metallic Dragons: I love the idea of the party recruiting an army of metallic dragons as allies, and also the idea of a mid-air battle between the party riding a dragon and chromatic dragons ridden by a Wyrmspeaker and friends. Suggestions for other adventures/quests I can add in to flesh this out as a serious sub-arc?

Elves: One of the PCs is a fallen assimar who was adopted by Elven parents in Silverymoon. I'd love a way to tie in his backstory and somehow also involve recruiting elves as allies. Thoughts/ideas?

Mistcliffs/Plane of Air: Another of the PCs is an aarokocra monk from the Mistcliffs. I'm thinking about having quest that ties into his backstory that involves returning to the Mistcliffs (maybe as part of the existing mission in Chult?) and/or a trip to the Plane of Air. But I honestly don't have any good ideas for this. He also has that he befriended brass dragons while he was growing up so maybe there's a hook to the metallic dragon support as well?

Demogorgon: Another PC is a warlock in a pact with Demogorgon (I know, it was their choice. overall they are chaotic netural). I'm trying to come up with a way to work that in as well. Only thing I can think of is that Demogorgon wants to keep Tiamat in the Nine Hells because she's a drain on their resources? But not sure of the specifics or how to tie that into the ROT plotline. Would there be a way to modify the great Devilish Influences add-on to include something about Demogorgon ultimately pulling the strings?
Demogorgon: "If I can't have it, no one shall !" He wants to mess with Tiamat's efforts to enter the Physical World because doing that is something he cannot do either. It is just him being a pest, not something important (to him anyway).

Metallic Dragons: Eventually the Lords Alliance &c are going to raise an army. The dragons can be used as 'air cover' for their passage. Firstly to prevent evil dragons from strafing the marching soldiers (and their supplies) as they go, second to keep nearby but neutral dragons from interfering with its passage, third to stop spying by Cult forces. I ran my Tiamat as WWII so you could introduce dragonrider PCs as Bomber Command or specific ground attack missions (such as "trash the entrance to Adult Dragon X's lair so he is too busy building defenses against a follow-up raid to bother the army. We need him (or them) out of action for a week.") If you can find a copy of Dragons of Faerun you can get some names and motives for the really big impressive guys who can choose to show up.

Elves: unless the Arcane Brotherhood joins the alliance, the alliance is weak on magic power. Somebody has to create a Tiamat-summoning ritual so they can figure out how to sabotage the Cult's ritual. (IIRC, the PCs find some notes about this.) The elves are the magic guys early on. Go ahead and explain to leaders of a CG race why they need to learn heavy-duty NE stuff.

Other possibility: persuade some ex-Chosen of Mystra to join the fight, noting that this is not normal Cult activity, plus the 'study Evil's ways' conundrum above.


Not that you asked, but I recommend slotting in the second half of Storm King’s Thunder as Iymrith’s plan to keep the giants busy while the Tiamat cult makes their preparations just fits so well. My players enjoyed the mission of getting the Giant ordning restored and earning the favor of their help to defeat the cult. Blagothkus provides the perfect connection.

Yep, I've seen that advice on here as well. I just picked up STK and have just started reading through it now - by "second half" do you mean from "The Chosen Path" onwards?

I'd also kinda liked the idea of having them fight one of each color of chromatic dragon. They have the white dragon at the end of HODQ and Nerovain (green) in ROT. Lymrith would add a nice blue dragon to the adventure. My characters also got quest from Voragamanther in the Mere, but not sure if that will be too tough of a battle for them (considering his secret).


Lowcountry Low Roller
Yep, I've seen that advice on here as well. I just picked up STK and have just started reading through it now - by "second half" do you mean from "The Chosen Path" onwards?
I believe so. The bit where Harshnag(?) gives them the main quest. Instead Blagothkus can be that link. Especially as he might owe them a favor if they liberate his castle. I had the dragon cult hold his wife’s spirit hostage in order to get Blagothkus to comply with their demands.

Voidrunner's Codex

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