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D&D 5E Enhancing "Storm King's Thunder"

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[MENTION=6866167]Thurmas[/MENTION]: That's really sad. A clever tactic on the party's behalf but yes, terribly anticlimactic. How did the players feel about it afterwards?


[MENTION=6866167]Thurmas[/MENTION]: That's really sad. A clever tactic on the party's behalf but yes, terribly anticlimactic. How did the players feel about it afterwards?

Well, the Bard that came up with it was quite pleased for foiling the DM's plans, so I guess he left happy. My wife and I (both players) not so much. First thing out of her mouth when everyone left was "what the hell?!"


Bummer. And it sucks that Iymrith can't return to seek revenge since the group has dissolved. I feel your pain.

Yeah, the DM even played it so that the dragon spoke to us as we concluded, saying this wasn't over and she would get her revenge. We did at least take all her gold. Not really sure how, since all our bags were destroyed, but no need to sweat the details.

Maybe we can have a reunion game one day and finish it out.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
Iymrith could haunt the surviving members of the Party after she and half the Adventurers were sucked into ... nobody knows where.
This involves a bit of re-writing history ... but we are in an Epic Fantasy world after all.
I'm thinking of something like the 4e Dreamwrought Dragon: you fall asleep and Iymrith taunts you (via a Dream/Nightmare spell) until you wake up in a cold sweat, not feeling very rested.
Iymrith is clever and subtle, she ought to have minions available to send against the surviving Adventurers - and their friends too?

If you ever form a new group, there is a dangling plot thread from Ye Olden Days for the new group to resolve.
After about 14 levels of being mocked and thwarted and threatened from 'just beyond reach', the new players ought to be gunning for Iymrith too.
DM's Eyes Only: the secret is to set off another dimensional rift in the same place; this either pulls the PCs into the Astral Plane (or wherever Iymrith has been all this time) or pulls her back to the amphitheater.
Give the PCs enough clues that they can prepare a way back this time. And Iymrith might conceive what Raistlin was going to do to that cleric-woman in the process of facing Dragonlance's 'Tiamat', should anybody be bold enough to track her down.


Finished it. The campaign met its finale with a final battle against the blue dragon. No PCs died, though I kinda spaced out and forgot to attack a couple of times. High level fighting is silly.
Happy to turn over the DM screen to my friend for Tomb of Annihilation!
We'll have some one-shots occasionally where they will finally fight Tiamat. I'm thinking instead of using Rise of Tiamat, I'll use some of the high level stuff from Out of the Abyss. Fight some demons then go to hell and fight Tiamat.


First Post
Just confirming you know that the demons of the Abyss aren't related to the Nine Hells (where Tiamat is.)

If you want to use both, perhaps the demon lords (who are at war with the devils of Hell) have pieces of a key to open a portal to hell that they use to send their invading demon armies. Have your players summon and defeat the demon lords one-by-one (detailed in Out of the Abyss) to collect these fragments so that they can travel to the Nine Hells to fight Tiamat. Introduce some high CR devils like Pit Fiends to fight on their way to Tiamat.

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