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Enough Nightmares, lets hear about good players.


First Post
For once I'm in a game worth bragging about, I'm Dming my usual group through City of The Spider Queen, after a few sessions they've made it barely anywhere but the game have been great due to the interctions between characters

First we've got Ug, a typical Orc Barbarian/Frenzied Berserker, so strong he's scary, and often goes off into a frenzy at the drop of a hat threatening everyone.

To keep Ug in check, we have Leetah, a great healer and soft spoken to the core, one who refuses to harm anyone innocent or guilty, she would likely heal an assassin in her bedchambers before she worried for her own future.

Thirdly is Quinta, the self proffessed Virtuosso in her own mind a future queen and idol to everyone she travels with her menagerie of followers. Quinta happens to have three obssessions the number five, spells dealing with fire, and controlling everything, and therefore, everyone around her, including.

Dante, a necromancer extrodinaire, and a future Lich, always accompanied by an undead eyebal known as Frag, his plans are lofty to be sure immortality, an army of the undead and a pointed helmet to cover his bare skull as he raises a spire of blackness over waterdeep. currently he and Quinta are disagreeing with her frequent castings of Dominate Person over him.

(Featuring all new Content) Bah, where are my manners, lets hear some other good stories, I know they are out there.
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Let me chime in with mine.

I run a PBEM now with the most wonderful group of players.

They will roleplay forever, and always feel free to disagree, and even dislike other characters, BUT it never gets personal and never gets in the way of the game. They act so much like a group of real people, who sometime love each toehr, but frequently are annoyed with each otehr.

Overall, excellent.



Probably the best roleplay I've ever seen was from a friend of mine in college, he played a Pictish war shaman who came from a stone age culture and he really got into the character, giving him great gruff voice, constantly working from the character perspective, coming up with folklore stories to get his points across, getting into the spirit world and adviser of tough guys aspect of his PC. He was constantly into binding spirits and making culturally appropriate magic items such as a severed head that muttered curses and healed from the blood dripping from it.


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Rules and Stances

Hi all!

Currently, I'm playing in a Nyambe game; still using 3.0. There are five players, including the GM. We've been gaming together for about six years now, through a bevy of different game systems. I game with many different groups, but this one is impressive because of the cooperative attitude we share during play.

For instance, the GM sets up stories that integrates our PC's interests and abilities. In turn, the PCs utilize both "token" and "author" stances to facilitate the GM's adventure. We don't have an obsession with "immersive" stance, though it gets used plenty. :)

We all know the rules and own our own rulebooks. Whenever a significant action is taken, the player has the book open to the relevant pages for ease of reference. Therefore, any mechanically difficult process gets handled efficiently. Even complex combats take less than fifteen minutes; these minute are intense, BTW.

Furthermore, whenever a PC leaves the "spotlight," their player stays in "audience" stance; they don't start sleeping or gabbing about some show or movie. This allows for quality roleplaying even when "splitting up" the party. We are respectful of the story and want to participate in its creation, even if only through watching or making occasional OOC suggestions or commentary.

I've been in and am currently in many different groups, but my Nyambe group is just the best. :D

Thanks for reading.



Rotten DM
Bob "bolo" King in Ft Ord Ca. Only guy I know who play 3 characters at once. Have two of be friends only due the last adventure. The new character was disliked by his ranger and on the I don't list of his fighter. Until his assassin (the third) try to take out one the npcs in the party because the npc bugged the assassin. Assassin backstabbed npc. And assassin was then backstabbed by his ranger. And then the ranger dared anyone in the party to help the assassin. Kind of like watching Jonathan Winters do 3 characters in the same skit. Then he got mad because his assassin was axed.
Reads confusing and it was.
Plus on rules errors instead on yelling and screaming he would accept the call and then quote the pages he thought would apply. Then leave up to me to follow the rules or not.

Teflon Billy

The player whose house we gamed at was a homebrewer and would bring out pitchers of his various beers for us to enjoy.

Most nights he would prepare an elaborate cheese-and-cracker platter for us as well.

I miss that group.


First Post
(by the way, it is extraordinaire, there is so much crappy french used on these board, like rouge, that I feel bad not correcting.. sorry)

I think the best players are those that can give the DM a break with intense in-party roleplaying. We had a party where the cleric changed her patron deity 3 times, and a cavalier who refused to have a patron deity. We argued over the matter since level 3, and we're level 17 now. We even tried to use diplomacy (opposed skill roll) to get him to follow a god, but he was always so lucky with these rolls. The DM even had to end our ranting to get his game going. :)

Oh, and the knight has a half-brother who is some kind of king (and a paladin of Tyr), and they are always arguing about his libertin attitude and the fact that he bedded almost all the single women in town. While 80% of the in-party roleplay is about internal conflicts, I've never seen a group so united and strong.

Now that the cavalier has lost his young half-celestial daughter to a demon (hehe, vile darkness is vile!), he roleplays well his growing connection with his half-brother's children.


First Post
This is a "BS" game im running out of a Dungeon magazine while i plan my big "campaign" for Freeport set in DL.
I have a couple weeks before roughly half the group return from vacation, so im running the remaining members in this little dungeon Magazine adventure. (Realms setting)

The first character is a good rper. Great character development, etc. The only one in my "normal group" as the other two are new to our group, and this will be the first time playing w/them.

The second rper goes completely the other direction!

The third is just there (imo) to be an XP leach. A real bore. I think its a matter of time before the PC's notice this, and he has an "accident". Especially when the rest of my normal group returns.

This is an email i sent out to the entire party giving them an "update" after our first gaming session.

*Since everyone knew in two weeks the "real" game would begin, the only person who had a character was Chris, and he used a character from an old game. The other two players (Mike, Joe) rolled up new characters just to play tonight, as this was the first time gaming w/them. They didn't even have names for their characters. I was hoping I could find out their style before i placed them in my upcoming campaign. Yeah,now i know where to place them alright...

*(email sent to people in the group, after the first session)
Chris- James Harpenshield; Paladin of Tyr. His career began helping cormyr fight the demon dragon, and fend off the goblin hoards. After the war ended, he went back home to the Dalelands and uncovered a plot the Zhenteriam were using to try and frame the humans of Ashabenford (on the borders of Cormanther Forest) by having it appear they were breaking a pact that stood with the neighboring elves regarding cutting lumber in the region. (See Standing Stone in the FRCS). He proved the Dark elves were not involved, and caught the Zhent soldiers who had been disguising themselves as elfs and killing human merchants on the road. (Which happened to be the major trade road into the moonsea country). The idea if they were able to start a "war" between the two, the Zhents could put a strangle hold on the trading companies in the region. For this Chris was awarded by his church MORE dangerous work, dealing with caravan disappearances and homicide/missing persons. A promotion with no pay/beneift increase! : ) He was sent north to the Silver Marches to investiage a string of missing caravans headed for Citidel Felbarr. All the while he has been trailed by a mysterious blind gypsy woman, always ready to offer a deadly game of chance. Presently he has all but ignored the woman. And she him.......for now.

My two cents.
Haprenshiled is a stern "no nonsense" Paladin who perhaps has seen to much bloodshed in the war and has taken on his deities "Punish the guilty at all costs" and epitomizes their tenant of "dispensing vengeance on the guilty for those who cannot do it themselves". While climbing high in the social ranks of the Tyrian church (as his deeds in Ashebenford have reached all the way back to Tantras) I feel although a good man, Harpenshiled may at times forget that while Tyr is all about dishing out justices he also preaches "to be fair and true and just in all actions". I hope he continues to temper his righteous fury with divine Patience and sympathy. As the two provide balance. : )

Mike - ??? Wizard. From parts unknown. A human with a shady past and dark intentions. While traveling back to his current place of employment by the famous Steele Twins of Waterdeep he came upon a local rogue in a small town. After a long ten day of traveling, (and much ale) he let his guard down long enough for the unscrupulous rogue, later known only as "Rat Face" to sneak into his private room and make off with the package he was to deliver to his benefactors. After discovering it had been stolen, he tracked down the disgusting creature (yes the rogue is human, but still pathetic) before he could leave town. As he would be unable to return to Waterdeep empty handed). However, much to his dismay the bastard had sold the package off to a merchant for far less than its real worth. Had the rogue known whom he had "really" stolen from, he may have returned it. Alas, (Mikes Wizard ??? Name unknown, hence forth to be known as "THE SHADOW" HA HA HA YOU GET A RIDICULOUS NAME UNTIL I KNOW WHAT IT IS!) manage to "convince" "Rat Face" to show him where the merchant was headed that had the package. AFter a short discussion which involved the promise of permanent injury, "Rat Face" agreed to assist "The Shadow" in finding his stolen property. Their short journey led them to a Valley where they found several "CULT" members that had "drank the cool - aid" and were sun haters "F*** THE SUN!!!!!!" (*see Adam Sandler). There upon after informing "Rat Face" he was basically and indentured servant, he met up with the Paladin (Chris) who had also found the cult, before stumbling upon a Dwarf(Joe) from the local region sent to assist the Paladin in his investigation of the area. Will he find his package? ..... Will he be able to return to Waterdeep?

My two cents
"The Shadow" is a sick individual. Period. Lets start with how he makes his living. He works for notoriously unscrupulous individuals, who have dealings with demons, drug runners, brothels and pit fights. If asked for his "job description" you would likely get nothing more than "Transporter". He next humiliates his porter by making him wear armor three sizes to big, and threatens to throttle him openly if he continues to complain. I have to hand it to him though, its a great way to make sure he doesn't run off. His tactics are highly questionable! involving how he chooses to retain his help, a form of intimidation used on "Rat Face" to make him a permanent porter, was performing sexual acts on a dead cult member after he was killed in battle, and forced "Rat Face" to watch, hinting this would happen to you if you get out of line. The disgusting look of satisfaction on his face after this shameful deed, would have been enough to set the Paladin off for sure, "IF" he was there....... he wasn't. So "Enter Necrophiliac". I see no redeeming qualities in "The Shadow" aside for he seems to be very lucky and obviously resourceful. Which is probably why he is employed by the Steele Twins.

Joe's Dwarf- A dwarf sent from Citidal Felbarr to help the Paladin with his investigation. Name unknown. (Hence to be known as
"Phudge Brokentoe" until he comes up with one.) HA HA HA I love this naming characters.

My two cents...
He seems to have no personality. For a Dwarf, his head is in the right place though. (About hip level)

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