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I'm interested

Are you looking for a nice duel or a vicious beating. I have a half-orc Ftr/Bbn/Rgr concept that is foaming at the mouth to lay down some smack on some elf chick.

ECL 10. And please, try to keep in the spirit of a duel. Whip vs. sentient gelatinous cube would be a little odd, to say the least. But savage beatings work too. I'm fairly certain that some fighting styles can easily crush a whip wielder, and others will make for a nice to-and-fro battle.

I think we have our competitors. Just post your characters stats when you've got them ready, and we'll start the duels this weekend.
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So you already got three?

Or not?

(Remember who's judging :))

ETA: Ah, damn. I'll make up a character anyway and follow the duels, so I can see where I would have succeeded where the other guys/gals lost :D
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First Post
Meet Cyme

Cyme: CR 10; Male Human Mnk10; Medium humanoid; HD 10d8+20; hp 68; Init +7; Spd 60 ft.; AC 27, touch 25, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +7; Grp +13; Atk +16 melee (2d6+3/x2, unarmed); Full Atk +16/+11 melee (2d6+3/x2, unarmed); SA flurry of blows, ki strike (magic, lawful); SQ human traits, improved evasion, still mind, slow fall 50 ft., purity of body, wholeness of body; AL LN; SV Fort +10, Ref +15, Will +12; Str 14, Dex 24, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 18, Cha 8.
Skills and Feats: Balance +22, Escape Artist +20, Jump +17, Tumble +22, Combat Expertise, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Improved Disarm, Mobility, Stunning Fist, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (unarmed).
Possessions: Monk’s outfit, amulet of mighty fists +1, bracers of armor +2, cloak of resistance +1, elixir of fire breath, gloves of dexterity +4, monk’s belt, ring of protection +2.
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First Post
Meet Mad Mog

Even for PVP, I can't totally twink out a character. He's big, he's bad and you don't want to go toe-to-toe with him, but he could be taken out easily by a smart opponent. He can sneak a bit (nice armor) and hates elf bints cos they made fun him when he was little. He wields two bastard swords called 'Pain' and 'Greed'.

Mad Mog; CR 10; Male Half Orc Bbn 3 / Rgr 3 / Ftr 4; Medium Humanoid; HD 3d12+12 + 7d10+28; hp 101[121]; Init: +2; Spd 40 ft; AC 19[17] (+1 dodge) Touch 15, Flat footed 17; Base Atk +10; Grp +15; Atk +17[19] melee (1d10+8[10] (+2d6), 17-20/x2) vicious bastard sword; Full Atk: +13/+8[+15/+10] melee (1d10+8[10] (+2d6) 17-20/x2) vicious bastard sword and +13 melee (1d10+5[7], 17-20/x2) wounding bastard sword; SA none; SQ: Darkvision 60’, Orc blood, Fast movement, Illiteracy, Rage 1/day [Stats when raging], Trap sense +1, Uncanny dodge; AL CN; SV: Fort +14[16], Refl +7, Will +4; Str 20[24], Dex 14, Con 18[22], Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 6;
Skills and Feats: Climb +6, Concentration +4, Handle animal +0, Hide +10*, Intimidate +11, Jump +6, Listen +6, Move Silently +10*, Spot +6, Survival +3, Swim +6; Alertness, Diehard, Dodge, Endurance, EWP (bastard sword), Favored enemy (elf bints: +2 on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival & damage rolls), Improved Critical (bastard sword), Weapon Focus (bastard sword), [Track], [Two-Weapon Fighting], Weapon Specialization (bastard sword), Wild empathy
Possessions: Amulet of natural armor +1, Shadowed silent moves studded leather armor +3*, 'Pain' Vicious bastard sword +1, 'Greed' Wounding bastard sword +1



First Post
So nobody else can join? Foulest curses!

Can I volunteer anyway? >_>

I'll even have Kirby perform a dance to help persuade you:

<(^_^<) <(^_^)> (>^_^)> <(^_^<) <(^_^)> (>^_^)>

<(^_^<) <(^_^)> (>^_^)> <(^_^<) <(^_^)> (>^_^)>

And just in case I can, here's Jimmy the Unhappy Peasant. He is unhappy because his village was wiped out by Angry Thomas The Barbarian, who is wont to wipe out villages for little to no provocation. He trained for eight years, then sought out Angry Thomas The Barbarian, only to discover that Angry Thomas The Barbarian had had an epiphany, a conversion, and was now Serene Thomas The Healer. Thus, Jimmy became unhappy.

Jimmy the Unhappy Peasant; Human Ftr10: CR 10; ECL 10; Size M; HD 10d10+30; hp 90; Init +1; Spd 20 ft (base 30 ft); AC 27, touch 11, FF 26; BAB +10/+5; Grapple +16; Atk: +19/+14 melee (1d10 + 9/crit 17-20, Sword, bastard +1 (Wounding)), +16/+11 melee (1d6 + 6, Spiked Armour), +16/+11 melee (1d6 + 6, Spiked shield, heavy); SV Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +2; AL N; Str 22, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 8.

Languages spoken: Common, Sylvan, Elven

Skills and Feats: Climb +13, Escape Artist -4, Jump +13, Listen +5, Spot +5, Swim +13; Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Cleave, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Great Cleave, Improved Critical, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Combat Expertise, Greater Weapon Focus, Improved Shield Bash.

Possessions: 213 pp, 15 gp, Coins (0 gp, 4.56 lb), Spiked heavy steel +3 shield (9170 gp, 15 lb), Spiked full plate +3 (10150 gp, 50 lb), Gauntlets of ogre power (4000 gp, 4 lb), Bastard +1 sword (wounding) (18335 gp, 6 lb), Helm of comprehending languages and reading magic (5200 gp, 3 lb)

Voidrunner's Codex

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