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ENWorld Setting Wiki?

How do you feel about an ENWorld Setting Wiki?

  • I think that sounds like a great resource! Where do I sign up?

    Votes: 41 39.4%
  • I think that sounds like a waste of time! Count me out.

    Votes: 16 15.4%
  • It might be worthwhile or it might suck. I'm undecided at this time..

    Votes: 43 41.3%
  • Other (Please Explain)

    Votes: 4 3.8%


First Post
I'm fairly new to wiki's myself, so i'm curious if this sort of interface is possible : what i'd like to have available for any given setting i'm creating is a space where i can post various pieces of the setting, like a bit of detail on a given region or race, a mechanic for accomplishing some task, and having a discussion area (like a forum) just for that mechanic. If the discussion area could be indexed in such a way as to delineate when posts occured relative to edits of the topic being discussed, that would be a nice bonus. Couple that with only allowing certain people to edit, and it seems like it would be a very good tool.

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First Post
jdrakeh said:
See my above post, which directly addresses the points that Umbran mentions.
Okay, I was being diplomatic when I said "interesting." What I should've said was that IMO a shared campaign wiki would be rough around the edges but probably very charming and a lot of fun.

That is, fun to look at, read, have editing wars on, steal ideas from, etc., but the constant editing inherent in a Wiki would make it useless as an actual game reference to a user outside of the creators.

jdrakeh said:
...here's an example of said division as it exists elsewhere: RPGNet Wiki Project.
Lots of ripped-off IP. Not cool.


Front Range Warlock
Uder said:
Lots of ripped-off IP. Not cool.

What? I believe all of the IP on the RPGNet Wiki either originated on the RPGNet forums or was contributed by its original authors. Since you've taken the time to accuse RPGnet of IP theft, however, perhaps you'd care to provide some examples of what you think is stolen?
Last edited:


First Post
jdrakeh said:
What? I believe all of the IP on the RPGNet Wiki either originated on the RPGNet forums or was contributed by its original authors. Since you've taken the time to accuse RPGnet of IP theft, however, perhaps you'd care to provide some examples of what you think is stolen?
Hundreds of Marvel & DC comic character writeups.

Ew, there's also porn spam in some of the entries.


Front Range Warlock
Uder said:
Hundreds of Marvel & DC comic character writeups.

Like the thousands found in M&M threads here, on RPGnet, the Hero forums, the Green Ronin forums and so on? Like the ones found on hundreds of fan pages across the internet? Like the ones held harmless by Marvel and DC as works of fandom? Seriously - it's fandom. Fandom both condoned and unprosecuted by the IP owners at hundreds of thousands of fan sites and forums every day.

Whatever problems you may have with RPGnet personally, stooping to calling them IP thieves without basis or provocation is... to borrow a phrase... not cool. It seems that you're making a real effort in this thread to either undermine my suggestion of a Setting Wiki (by trivializing the suggestion with veiled attacks on the medium) or attack RPGnet (by leveling accusations of criminal activity against them).

Ew, there's also porn spam in some of the entries.

That's exactly what I mean. If you're only participating in this thread to spew venom or level potentially libelous accusations, please stop (participating in the thread, that is).


First Post
Okay, I'm done. But in the future, you might want to avoid polls with more than one answer.

If you see any of that as venomous, or as personal attacks, or as libelous, well... have fun running that wiki you're proposing.


Front Range Warlock
Uder said:
Okay, I'm done. But in the future, you might want to avoid polls with more than one answer.

Note that 'RPGNet rips-off IP!' had nothing to do with the poll or the thread. Not even remotely. Nor did proclaiming that it had was full of porn (as if spam is intenitonally retained or something). None of that had anyhting to do with the topic of this thread. That was you making some very nasty, baseless, accusations that were entirely off-topic (and I say that as one of RPGnet's most vocal detractors).

I have no problem with people saying 'Hey, I think this idea sucks!' (note that several other people have intimated that, and I didn't take a bite out of them). People who, OTOH, traipse into the thread pretending to support the idea while delivering backhanded compliments, or who specifically take some time out to accuse another site of IP theft with no basis for doing so aren't welcome. Period.

There is a word for such people that I'm certain you're familiar with.


First Post
BiggusGeekus said:
lnk plz kk thx

its not ready. Heck, one one of my players knows about it since he helped set it up. One other player may learn about it if he reads these threads. But it will appear in my sig when it is ready. I'm thinking a week or two away depending on how lazy I get.


Mod Squad
Staff member
IronWolf said:
A WiKi is a great place to document your setting.

I disagree - it's only a great place to document your setting if and only if you only intend to work with the setting matrerial on a computer. If they don't use a laptop at the gaming table, and intend to work from hardcopy, a more traditional approach is called for. And it isn't as if word processors won't handle cross-references within and between documents, should internal linking be desired.

As for discussion - I don't think a wiki is best suited for discussion of setting material. Note how the message boards are intended for discussion, but aren't a wiki :)

Again, wikis are a great tool for collaborative creation. But more conventional tools would be better for sharing materials that aren't intended for group editing.

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