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First Post
EN World is grand
But it can not quite beat out
Warcraft's Big Coolness.

Orcs and Elves anger
each other. But Pirate Cat
Can ban them both. Ha.

:) :) :) :)


First Post
There once was a goblin from Ratchet
Who loved gold and built something to snatch it.
The machine picked pockets aplenty
But once it had money
It ran off and he never did catch it.


An undead wizard named Clyde
Found a banshee to be his bride
But she harped day and night
'Till he tried to end his plight
And learned undead can't commit suicide.


A human and orc, weapons draw!
The two foes declared the last straw.
Who would have thought
Such conflict love had brought?
They just became brothers-in-law!


My favorite video games are all Blizzard's
Like Warcraft, with orcs, elves and fire-lizards.
But when playing with dice
Any way that you slice
You can't beat EN-World and those Coastal Wizards.


First Post
I roar my challenge,
Swinging my mighty hammer,
I kill it and take the sweet loot.

Many hours spent at Enworld,
Reading, writing, editing posts.
If there were no Enworld,
I would be really bored.

Warcraft: Orcs and Humans,
Warcraft 2: The Tides of Darkness,
Warcraft 2: The Dark Portal,
Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos,
Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne,
Diablo 2,
Diablo 2: The Lord of Darkness,
Starcraft: BroodWar,
Blizzard, when will you stop making
Electronic crack for me?
(My suckup poem ;) )

i realy liek warcraft,
i want to plya an ork,
my love of blizard knows no limit.
(Uh, okay another suckup one...)

Jacked up and good to go,
My compter awaits the inevitable,
I will play World of Warcraft.


First Post
Azeroth calls me
But... so many story hours...
Better flip a coin

And, as a tribute to the coolest orcs ever to grace the fantasy genre:

May honor guide me
For the warchief and the tribe
My life for the Horde


First Post
Black arrow flies true
Orc Grunt says “stop poking me”
Teleri smiles wide


Thank you *curtsy* Thank you *curtsy*

Teleri Blackthorn


Old School Blogger
Ah, I've played Warcraft since the first,
But its the roleplaying I yearn for worst.
It always more fun to kill the orcs
Surrounded by your favorite dorks ;)

EnWorld and me, together you see,
Since the Lord Eric himself called the shots
(Damn me and mine, passwords in line
And my original forgotten as not!)

See, Beta for me
Rhyming posts ye shall see :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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