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Enworld's Grognards


The thread/poll on How you got to D&D showed a surprising number of old cardboard pushers, and lead generals.

So, what did/do you play?

For myself, I'll say I still have a closet full of AH and SPI stuff that I'd love to see out on a table again. Started playing War at Sea. A few other favorites: Wooden Ships and Iron Men, Panzerblitz, Terrible Swift Sword, Armada, Richthofen's War, Pacific War, Fast Carriers, Flat Top, War of the Ring.

Started playing a little more thanks to Cyberboard and Aide de Camp, but it's not the same as sitting around a table face to face. I have trouble keeping up turns on the computer.

Used to play a lot of minis too. Mostly WWII micro-armor, some Harpoon, a LOT of Seekrieg, Napoleonic Navals, some Chainmail, Johnny Reb. Never had the patience to paint them so I mostly played with others' fleets/armies.


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We used to play a lot of games with Frank Chadwick from Games Designer Workshop at the foreign language building on the campus of the Universoty of Illinois on Wednesday nights. I miss the heydays of the Central Illinois Tabletop Warriors although I was too young at the time to really understand how cool it was.

Naturally, we played all things GDW and several of the games you mentioned above.

Teflon Billy

I used to play alot of the games that came free with Ares Magazine (Barbarian Kings, Apocalypse America etc).

Loved them

Don't think I qualify though.


First Post
Feudal, Panzer Leader, Squad Leader, Diplomacy, various WWI aero games, several ship games. All Avalon Hill.

Still own Feudal, Panzer Leader and Squad Leader, but haven't found anyone interested in playing them for years. Practically have forgotten how to play them. Except Feudal. I've found the rare person over the years I can engage in that one, since it's the easiest of the bunch.

Old One

First Post
<Old One Salutes>

"Reportin' fer duty, sir!"

In my giant wargame steamer trunk are a huge number of AH, SPI, West End Games and GDW games...including WSIM, PanzerBlitz/Leader, Arab-Israeli Wars, Squad Leader & ASL (with tons of add-ons), Britannia, Luftwaffe, Caesar's Alesia, Wellington's Victory, 3 other versions of Waterloo, Tactics II, Victory in the Pacific, Richtofen's War, Boots and Saddles, War for Middle Earth, Dawn of the Dead, Onslaught (D-Day to the Rhine), Air Assault on Crete, Tank Leader: East Front & Tank Leader: West Fron, Tobruk, Imperium Romanum, Air Cav, Battle of the Bulge, Turning Point: Stalingrad, Panzer Command, Drive on Stalingrad, Cobra and over a dozen others.

Some of them seem to be turning to Collector's Items and I am sorely tempted to unload a bunch on E-Bay (especially since I still have a bunch of shrink-wrapped ASL stuff).

I have also played a number of mini-games (primarily micro-armor WWII and Modern). Ahhh...the memories!

~ OO


I posted some of this in the other thread, but I'll expand it a bit here. Tactics II was my first wargame. Played many wargames over the years (mostly AH but later SPI, Mayfair and others) including Blitzkrieg, Gettysburg, Jutland, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Wooden Ships and Iron Men, Patrol, Sniper, Squad Leader, Panzer Blitz, Panzer Leader, Invasion America, Ace of Aces, Starship Troopers, Tobruk, and others. I guess I started playing with minis and Chainmail rules about a year before D&D came on the scene. It's probably was the bridge over from wargames but my fiction reading had already branched out frmo Asimov and Bradbury to Howard and Tolkein, so that might have also been a factor.


First Post
Old One said:
Caesar's Alesia...Victory in the Pacific...Richtofen's War...Tobruk...Battle of the Bulge...

Oh yeah! The names are causing my memories to swarm. Good times, back when...

Which was the AH Stalingrad? I know I played that too.


DM Beadle
I haven't seen Third Riech mentioned, nor the old solitare squad game Ambush with its three or four suppliments. Or how about Front Line the WWII card game, Air Combat, Pax Romana, Wizards, Firepower, or even more recent games like Samurai, Kingmaker, Axis and Allies, Fortress America, or Empire.

Sigh... still have my Panzer Leader and Arab Israeli War sets collecting dust on my shelf. :) Gives me a warm fuzzy to think about them! Thanks for this thread... I'm going to have to reintroduce some of my friends to these classics.


First Post
Empires in Arms is by far my favorite, although I own half a dozen other bookcase games. That old War of the Ring game from ?SSI? is a serious classic. My older bro and I used to play it a ton back in the day. . . . ah, the memories. And for some strange reason, we always listened to an 8-track of Elton John's "Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy" while we played.

You can find Empires and Arms fans online, and there is a healthy play-by-email community. After the fam and I move this June, I am going to be running one, in fact; I've got a few spots open if any are interested.

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