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[EOM] Additional Lists


I think Elements of Magic is a fantastic take on an alt.magic and flexible.magic system.... and we're all eagerly awaiting the FAQ. }:> And the next book...

... until then I've whipped up Further Tomes of E.O.M. to add in a few more lists and options to E.O.M. Three sections: Alter Environment [Element] lists (which can do a variety of effects based on the 5 primary elements, such as fog, increase temperature, stone shape, etc), a series of 'regular' lists (such as telekenisis, distortion, movement, hand spells, etc), and a light/shadow pair of lists, negate sound/voice set of lists and an alternate for Evoke [Sound].

Just a start to some ideas banging around inside my head. }:) Just to tie us over until the FAQ/Next Book.


Comments welcome (and desired!)



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I like your ideas. But you wanted also some comments :) .

1. The Alter Environment spell lists with two decriptors should be only casted with the combination of the separate spell lists, not only one of them.

2. Not all elements aren't covered with Alter Environment lists.

3. I thought that Alter Size could be covered with Polymorph Biomatter, but I don't know if an Outsider is Biomatter. So it's acceptable.

4. Most spell lists cover only a very narrow window of effects. Dazzle is IMO a too small list and could probably an effect of another spell list (or a combination of these).

5. [Element] Shield: Okay, there aren't all effects of the PH covered, but there shouldn't be a spell list inflation. The effects can be simulated through a combination Evoke [Element], Abjure [Element] (for protecting for Evoke [Element]) and Abjure [opposite Element] (for protecting against Fire, if you use Water). I don't know if one is protected against one element whether he he is more vulnerable against a attack with the opposite element but the description in the Abjure paragraph is definitely wrong.

6. Light and Shadow should be special applications of the appropriate Evoke [Element] list.

7. Cancel Sound and Voice Projection are special applications of the Polymorph Sound list and for messaging there exist the Telepathy lists. I don't think that the damage lists for Evoke (Area) Sound should be changed. A Sound missile is like a Force missile and deafness should be covered with the elemental side effects.

P.S.: Are you from Germany?



-g- Thanks a tonne for the comments }:> Let me see...

1. Oops -- I realize now it isn't completely explicit, for indeed that is what I meant }:) One can only cast the combo-lists if you posess both lists in the []s. I will make that more clear...

2. I was planning on doing all the lists, but decided to do the basic ones first, and tack on the others later, mainly because my mind wasn't as forthcoming with effects/possiblities for all the elements :p (Though if I could take a good solid hour to do it, I could probably come up with enough to make some more lists). You have me convinced now... I shall do it!

3. -nods- It can be covered by Polymorph, but I believe (I just realized I forgot to double check to be sure) that this Enlarge list allows for a greater enlargement than the polymorph. Its a polymorph with a narrower range, but greater ability within that range. }:)

4. Some of the lists are quite sparse, yes... I'll have to look into combining them if appropriate...

5. Hmmm. I do not believe (unless I didn't read somethign right) that you can create a damage shield with Evoke [Element], ie, damage is taken by the target when they attack you.... the abjures do exist, of course. Are you suggesting that the abjures shouldn't be in there, and it should be simply a damage shield, and if the person wants an abjure with it, they should cast that?

6. I'd be willing to allow that. }:)

7. Realllly... one can use polymorph [sound] as a silence? I think I missed that... :p And I do suppose message could be done with telepathy (fx: whisper). Hmm. Need to revisit those...

Insofar as the Evoke, while the deafness could be written-in as a new part of the side effects (currently it is not really), I really wanted to also focus on the different damages it would do esp. to crystaline structures et al; a way to replicate the shout/shatter spells without creating a list specifically for those. }:)

8. No, but my father is. }:)

Thanks again! As I mentioned I do plan on adding more and updating it, so every comment will help me to tweak it better }:>



First Post
There is no Elemental shield version in Evoke [Element], but I thought this could be a new application. But I now think that it should be a variation of Evoke Area [Element]'s pillar version. And the Abjure [Element] is necessary because one would be damaged through the shield itself otherwise. But it could be defined that all damage goes only in one direction.

To the abjures (examples with fire shield): If you had the effect of Abjure Fire then you are protected against fire and not against ice. For the protection against ice, you need Abjure Ice. Read your definition of Element Shield and you will know what I mean :) . Otherwise your interpretation is correct.

8. So you are an American?


First Post
RuleMaster said:
To the abjures (examples with fire shield): If you had the effect of Abjure Fire then you are protected against fire and not against ice. For the protection against ice, you need Abjure Ice. Read your definition of Element Shield and you will know what I mean :) . Otherwise your interpretation is correct.

yup that's why a new way to cast the infuse creature with element could be create (but this spell list is already sooo powerfull )


r-kelleg -- sure, I will make a backgroundless version (have been meaning too, actually }:) I'll do it early next week (out this weekend)...

re: [Element] Shield -- I had originally thought of making part of Infuse [Creature] with [Element], but as you said, it was already too powerful :p Unless I missed it, there are no rules for creating damage effects that last over a few rounds (non-instantaneous damage durations), so maybe a whole list for such things would be good, which would allow for range 0 areas (ie [element] shield) or ray attack vs one person (ie Acid Arrow) or the like. Then you would need the Abjure to protect yourself from the damage too if you wanted that. Hmm. I'll look into it some more. }:)

I'm not an American either. }:) I am Canadian, as it turns out...

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First Post
Till when your revised lists will be finished? I looked into the easyprint version and the text is the same.

Also I wonder what the smiley }:) means...

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