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Eoris Essence RPG


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Last year at GenCon I visited a booth for an RPG that was just being released called Eoris Essence. The artwork and production values were amazing, but the system looked a little nutty. Anyone played this or have any word on what the system is like?

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I am glad to inform you guys that Eoris Essence, the trpg that came out some years ago, finally has released PDF versions of the books.

Eoris Essence is a Tabletop Role-playing Game that features a vast universe and a system that provides a wide range of Character diversity with fast paced and dynamic combat mechanics. Check it out!

PDFs are out!





Best wishes for everyone!

Read more: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...-Essence-PDFs-finnaly-for-sale!#ixzz3lkxGtQjf


Im the only person I have ever met in real life that actually owns Eoris, or has even heard of it. I couldn't tell you about it ...honestly I haven't played it, it looks pretty insane though. I got it for collection purposes mainly.


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That's awesome!! I know most people never got to know about the books. For some reason advertising the books was very hard for us. Very few people know it exists even though we have talked about it on forums and I even paid over 500 bucks on ads. I have been unable to get the books out there.

I hope the PDFs help people get the books and learn about the world.

I found it on Amazon, by blindly searching for RPGs I'd never heard of before, and I was impressed by the art and production quality.

As you might expect, I find a lot of games that way, so my catalog of books I have yet to read is fairly daunting.


First Post
Well, a second part to the game is coming out next year and right now we have a bunch of products that can help you get into the thing easier. You can go to dtrpg and download the free adventure and characters. It can help a lot.

On the other hand we have the art book, white symphony, and other books will be coming out in the following months. I truly hope you like the books and that you enjoy what you find in them.

Best wishes!

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