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[EPH] Wilder?


First Post
Hello there,
I've been looking at the Wilder class in the Expanded Psionics Handbook, and I'm having trouble trying to visualize a viable build for one. Specifically, which powers would make good ones. Maybe I'm just used to the flexibility of a wizard (my most often played class), but I feel extremely limited with the wilder -- so each choice with the wilder would have to be a good one.

So, I was hoping that some of you who've actually made wilder (N)PC's might be willing to share your power lists and why you chose the powers that you did.


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First Post
You'll probably want to select Expanded Knowledge a few times. :D

Two powers I'd always want are Energy Missile and Metamorphosis. Also Astral Construct seems pretty good for a Wilder.


Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
To start with some easily scalable powers are nice. For instance Mind Thrust to damage rogues and fighter types followed by an energy damage power for hurting any old thing (or vice versa).

You can concentrate on being a blaster and do a great job of blasting. Alternatively you could concentrate on buffing yourself up (vigour, defensive precognition, other stuff... pick your order carefully) and become a high-impact fighter for the times when you have had opportunity to prepare.

Once you reach 6th level you can take expanded knowledge (create construct) and then spend your life creating and buffing monsters to do all the fighting for you.

Basically the wilder gets most benefit from scalable powers - because of low number of powers and the possibility of getting free augmentation. So look for powers which either scale easily (damage causing) or can be augmented for new effects within your surge limits


If you're in my game, SHOO! SHOO! This post contains spoilers, and I'd hate to lessen the fun. :)

-- o --

This is for a 19th lvl wilder mercenary/bountyhunter I've created for an upcoming game. She specializes in taking foes down fast and hard and in being brutal in hand-to-hand combat. At her lvl she gets the benefit of 25pp if she spends 19pp, which is a tremendous advantage. What she gains from surging the power is listed at the end of each power description.

Mind you, I designed this NPC for a particular role, so she has six expanded knowledge feats and no powers that are tricky for me to remember on the fly. I'd design her somewhat differently if she was a PC.

* Force Screen: Gain +4 shield bonus to AC from floating disk of force. Aug: 4 PP --> +1 to AC. Max is +10 shield bonus.

* Inertial Armor: Gain +4 armor bonus to AC from force armor. Aug: 2 PP --> +1 AC. Max is +16 armor bonus.

* Precognition, Defensive: Gain +1 insight bonus to AC and saves. Aug: 3 PP --> +1 bonus. 6 PP --> swift action. Max is +9 insight bonus.

* Precognition, Offensive: Gain +1 insight bonus to attack. Aug: 3 PP --> +1 bonus. 6 PP --> swift action. Max is +9 insight bonus.

* Prescience, Offensive: Gain +2 insight bonus to dmg. Aug: 3 PP --> +1 bonus. 6 PP --> swift action. Max is +10 insight bonus to dmg.

* Ego Whip: Target suffers 1d4 CHA dmg (no save); target is dazed for 1 rnd on failed save. Aug: 4 PP --> +2 DC and +1d4 CHA dmg. Max is 6d4 charisma dmg, DC 29 save for stun (ha!)

* Body Adjustment: You cure yourself of 1d12 hp dmg. Aug: 2 PP --> +1d12 hp cured. Max is 11d12 or 71 hp avg.

* Dispel Psionics: Targeted: 1d20+10 vs. 11+manifester level for each ongoing effect ends the effect (psionic items are supressed 1d4 rnds). Area: 20' radius, stops when 1 effect per target is ended. Aug: 1 PP --> +1 to check (changed from book, max +20 total). 15 pp for +20 check. No surge possible.

* Energy Retort: Ranged touch deals 4d6 selected energy dmg to the first visible creature (within range) to successfully attack you each round . Electricity: +2 to DC and to overcome PR; Aug: 1 PP --> +1d6 dmg and +1/2 to save DC. Max 24d6, DC 34.

* Time Hop: 1 target creature (Medium or smaller) or object (300 lbs) disappears; reappears at end of power's duration. Creatures get a DC 15 Wisdom check each round to reappear early. Aug: 2 PP --> next larger category of creature or double object weight; 2 PP --> one additional target w/in 15' of the other target. Max is 11 people.

* Dimensional Anchor, Psionic: Ray keeps target from teleporting.

* Dimension Door, Psionic: You and 6 medium creatures teleport. Aug: 6 PP --> cast as a move action.

* Empathic Feedback: Every melee attack on you inflicts up to 5 hp dmg to the attacker. Aug: 1 PP --> add 1 to max damage. Maxed out is 23 hp.

* Power Resistance: Touched target gains PR 31.

* Disintegrate, Psionic: Ray deals 22d6 dmg to creatures (save for 5d6), or destroys a 10' cube of nonliving matter. Aug: 1 PP --> +2d6 dmg on failed save. Max 50d6 (175 hp avg)/ 5d6.

* True Metabolism: You gain fast healing 10; or can regrow lost body parts.​

So, what we have here is a woman who does 24d6 electriity to the first person who attacks her each round, and up to 23 hp to them each time they hit her. She can heal herself and has fast healing 10. She is mobile and VERY hard to hurt if she's had time to prep: PR (SR) 31, AC 51, attacking with her scythe at +33/+28/+23 for 2d4+26 (19-20/x4). Even with the rest of the group averaging 19th lvl, she's going to be very hard for them to stop unless they can dispel her psionics. It's also worth noting that because she'll manifest many of these powers before entering combat, the stun chance for those isn't as relevant.

If I was going to make a wilder as a PC, I think I'd go the combat route with a handful of "utility" powers (as Thanee suggested above) for variety and flexibility.
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First Post
Wow, that's positively a frightening beast you've got there Piratecat; would be even more frightening with Empathic Transfer, Hostile -- get too beaten up, just give your wounds to everyone within 20'.

Anyone else have any other builds to compare?


Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
SoulStorm said:
Piratecat, am I missing something with Energy Retort? I only see an augmentation to increase duration, not damage.

You are right, PC got carried away with his augmentations :) Energy retort can indeed only be augmented for duration.


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