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First Post
Spot: (1d20+26=39) +2 from my familiar (alertness) for a grand total of 41!

The old tavern owner comes back out of the store room at the sound of the crash with a very distressed look on his face, but then gets confused to see that it isn't the pirates for once. The captain is sitting calmly looking at some charts, but then stops for a moment to pick something from his teeth as the pretty gem on his eyepatch seems to shimmer for a moment. The half-ogre sits back a bit and vanishes. The table suddenly gets shoved out two feet, to the dismay of those sitting on the other end (and anyone under it). [sblock=Those that can see invisible]The captain stands and with a mercurial blur of strikes so fast that your eyes cross just looking at the gruesome scene, he reaches under the table and slashes a previously hidden halfling thief's throat and head region to ribbons with claws larger than the unsuspecting rogue's torso. The captain stuffs the body into the large compartment of his pack before standing back up and snapping his fingers. All the blood on the floor and on his person disappears with a soft utterance under his breath. Prontius sits back down in his chair and becomes visible again.[/sblock] The old man sees several of the pirates jump back from the table, as their breeches are suddenly wet with a fresh spray of blood from beneath the eerily silent and unmoving table. The massive table slides back to it's orginal position abruptly as if jerked there by an unseen force, and the capatin is sitting just where he was a few seconds before with a slightly agitated look on his face. He wipes the ale off of the thick velomn charts and waves over the serving wench, indicating his now empty flaggon. [sblock=OOC]Round 1: Use 5 rounds of true seeing from gem of seeing(immediate action), Activate ring of sequestering(free action), stand(move action), activate Haste from boots(standard action), activate Aura of Chaos stance(swift action).
Round 2: (action held until the halfling comes within reach then act) Raging Mongoose(sw), Time Stands Still(full attack X2) (which is what moves the table).
Round 3: Disappear the body into his large size HHH.
Round 4: cast lvl zero cantrip to clean the area (stnd), move table back and sit down deactivate sequestering.

If you want me to roll out all of the attacks I will, its 26 attacks (14 at full bonus) starting at +57 to hit from invisible(59), for 7d6+53 each +Rend & AoC bonus dmg. And if hes still alive I'll grab him (improved grab)

Active efftects for fight:
Aura of Chaos
Haste 20 rounds
True Seeing 5 rounds[/sblock]
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First Post
"These pirates sure were an outrageous lot. I'm not sure what happened to the table, but something wasn't right. And I'm the one who had to clean it up. The life of a serving wench is definatly taxing. But as I wiped up the spilled drink, I saw a new oddity appear before my eyes. The captain now stood with a halfing standing on his shoulders, a cruel smile on the little woman's face as she held a Kusari-Gama to his throat. I swear I saw the words "nice try" appear on her lips as they stood there for a moment, neither one moving."


Vertexx: There are a few problems with your post.

First: Initiative is required if you want to engage in combat like that. Even if you justify a surprise round, you can only take a standard action in that case.

Second: The fact that you had to make a spot check indicates that this is a statted NPC. This means you cannot determine the results of your actions against it. Just something to keep in mind.

Third: Ring of Sequestering requires a standard action to activate.

Fourth: Ring of Sequestering functions as per invisibility with exceptions. This means you reappear after the first attack (though theoretically you stay immune to divinations)

Fifth: You can't expect to buff and turn invisible without a reaction from the halfling. Especially since you delayed, meaning the halfling still gets to act before your attacks go off when it moves up next to you.

Sixth: If it is a DM NPC, you actually do need to make attack and damage rolls. If its not an NPC, you kill it. Any character I introduce with any amount of detail will probably be a DM NPC.

If not for the fact that some of the rules were a bit off, good post in terms of writing value though.

Now for the simple fix. Since anything you write technically happens here, I'm adding a little flavor to the encounter. While the halfling moved in next to the good captain, she switched herself with a lifelike duplicate, an actual living body with no soul, so not detectable by True Seeing, and yet not a living creature. This duplicate is currently in your HHH Vertexx. She then hides and reappears next to the captain and initiative will take its course with whatever you want to do. I will warn you that her current turn in initiative has passed and she hasn't taken anything other than free actions, so she probably has something up her sleeve. If you want to initiate diaglogue here it is appropriate btw, since the serving wench who is observing the encounter is so close by. These are rare exceptions to the no dialogue rule, but will help roleplay a little. I'll let you guys know when they come up.


Albedo said:
"For an exalted being, Bodin has always been quick to violence. But then again, what do I know about the selected of the gods. What I do know is that ugly oaf chucking tables around does not know who he is dealing with. I've been tracking that fiendish/exalted bastard for years now, keeping out of his sight. I must wait for an opportune moment for my revenge. But this fool, now he is probably going to look very embarrased a she bashed the table chucked at him out of the air and stormed his way overto Bodin, not even stopping for tables or patrons at the bar. "You got something to say to me you disfigured FREAK!" His words echoed thru the bar, silencing everyone else, if only for a moment."

The exalted fiend shook his head. He spoke politely, said he didn't want a fight, just wanted some peace and quiet, and to ensure that NOBODY got hurt. I wasn't sure whether the man would buy his tale or not, but I could see by his seemingly easy stance (Too easy..) that if a fight did break out he wouldn't hold back.

Attempt to calm the barbarian. If you don't allow readied actions outside of combat, then consider me 'aware' that combat will start, and thus no surprise round for him. If you DO allow them, then I have a readied action to drop-kick him if he should attempt to come at me.
Either way, if combat begins, here's my first round:

Initiative; Attack; Damage vs Barbarian (1d20+9=17, 1d20+40=53, 1d6+221=223)
*NOTE: Accidentally calculated damage as though for a 2-handed weapon. Damage should actually be 102 less.
Initiative: 17. Hit AC 53 (Hopefully flat footed), Damage: 121(Nonlethal)
Bodins Stats: AC 79 (77 if I win init and manage to charge).
Fort: 42 Ref: 26 Will: 46

BTW, "Drop Kick" Will be a common attack used when I have the ability to charge, and wish to incapacitate someone without killing them. The stats are a Normal unarmed strike dealing nonlethal damage. +55 atk, +2 atk charging, - 17 atk Power attack (W/Leap attack this adds +102 damage to my normal 1d6+17 unarmed strike, for total 1d6+119).[/sblock]
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Torgard's perspective

With an "umph," the pirate was slammed down into his chair. With supernatural quickness, his captain placed a tankard in front of him.

He had apparently forgotten how quick the master was, but was obviously glad that the way he had been reminded meant no permanent damage to his person, excepting the bit to his pride and the soreness to his rump.

Taking a pull off his mead, he tried to pay attention to the captain's discussion of repairs needed for the Mayhem and the route tomorrow and the prize they sought. But there was clearly something nagging his subconscious awareness, some detail out of place in the room. He kept scanning the room with his peripheral vision, hoping not to be noticed.

Looking around, it was plain when he spotted the reason. Reading his features, the shipmate next to him asked under his breath, "What is it Torgard? you should pay more attention, Gorlan and Fahlen will be back at any minute. When they do, the cap'n will get out the map and want us to listen up."

Tor quietly responded under his breath, "Aye, see there, that man at the bar. Tis' the famous pirate Yens Hafulfen, former boatswain of the Sea Wyvern. 'Ee could 'ave been one o' the great sea lords, but 'ee chose to remain a sailor instead. I been a sailor a'fore a sky pirate, and I 'ave ken o' the legendary Sea Lords of the eastern coa'rst." As if searching his memory, he continued, "Ee, wot boatswain fer 'is mates even when 'is skills bettered 'em all. Turned down a captainship and 'ee claimed it was fer the love o' the ropes and the sail. Men before the mast saw 'im as a hero. Captains saw 'im as a nuisance. A reckless and dangerous legend to have circa'latin' amongst a crew."

Gorian and Fahlen approached the table from outside and Tor turned his face to listen to the captain but shifted his eye toward Yens from time to time. Suddenly, when the thrown table sailed past them he reached for his dagger and snapped his head around to search for Yens. His dagger was gone. More importantly Yens, who he was looking right at, disappeared as well! The girl he was speaking with had a stunned look as if she has just been kissed!

[sblock=OOC, Init 35, AC 79 or 83, invisible, elevated ]
Init = 35
Yens gives the pickpocket he was chatting up a quick peck on the cheek (move action?), shifts-out (free), activates his ring (standard; lasts for 3 minutes or until he attacks), activates balance on the sky stance (swift), steps away on an ascending diagonal to give him elevation and to give him room to swing a cat (5ft move), quickdraws his chain (free), shifts all of its enhancement to AC (free), and uses combat expertise full (free). 79 = 64 + 10 + 5. All done during the first round of actions. Additionally, if he notices the samurai as a threat, he will assign her his melee dodge bonus. Otherwise he will choose the barbarian, I guess. (+4 melee dodge to AC vs one opponent).[/sblock]

OOC are we supposed to take it one round at a time or post several rounds deep as Vertexx69 had done?
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First Post
"The first battle to actually kick off, given that the halfling and Prontius were currently in a standstill, was very quick to begin. The barbarian showed no sign in stopping as he charged up to the exalted one, and got dropkicked for his efforts. Unfortunatly, before Bodin connected, his opponent had transformed into a huge Dire Bear. Taking the shot with a grunt, the bear didn't seem staggered by it. The bear seemed to smile cruelly as it looked down on its opponent, slashing for Bodin's head and torso as he rolled back to his feet."

Jemal: This is the point where you write your defense against the attack. This will give you modifiers in game, so be creative.

Arabesu: You should go 1 round at a time to avoid confusion.


"So gentle, for such a terribly scarred man. He saved my life, quickly removing me from the battle. I thought he'd exposed himself to the bear-man to save me, but his speed was greater than I'd imagined possible! A flexing of his shoulders and his wings spread wide from where they'd been held, as he used the extra push to get back in line to block. Aye, you heard me, BLOCK the bears attacks. Arrogance or surety, maybe a bit of both, gripped him, but he didn't dodge. Perhaps he feared the damage the bear would do to anyone else it encountered? But I digress. He threw one arm up to catch the paw flying to his head, kicking out at its other with his opposite leg, and using the momentum from that and his wings to take flight! Heh, Not sure where he thought he was going in a bar that size."

Normal AC is 77 after the charge and before any 'modifiers'. ALso, should we include our next rounds worth of offensive actions in these 'defense' posts or will we just have to post twice per round to account for defense?


First Post
"It was a valient and well thought out effort, trying to knock the bears paws away and escape through flight. Unfortunatly, the bear caught Bodin by surprise, leaning forward with lightning speed and biting his leg as he flew away."

Bodin takes 29 points of damage minus any damage reduction he has past /magic.

Don't post your offensive actions with your defensive in case something were to come up that would prevent your actions.


First Post
The old man sees the halfling's smile being slowly matched by the captain's own. The massive pirate vanishes in a puff of smoke appearing in the same instant behind the rogue, who is suddenly standing on nothing. Prontius' claw darts out like a bolt of lightning, trying to grabb the little assassin before he can drop to the ground Improved grab - touch: (1d20+49=53). "Apparently you have something to say little man. You should probably say it before these crazy types rend you to bits. We really don't like it when folk steal from us."[sblock=OOC]Using Shadowblink to move behind him[/sblock]


A gleam entered the Fiends eyes as the bears teeth clamped upon his leg. He let out a low growl of his own, deep and powerful enough to match that of the bear as he wrenched his leg free and finished flapping into the air. A massive roar filled the tavern and the fiendish wings sent him speeding at the Bear, Quarterstaff now in line with the bears face as he drove it forward with all his force, more like a spear than a staff, then using his momentum to flip beside the massive beast, Driving it backwards, away from the rest of the patrons.

[sblock=ooc] Immediate action - Move 1/round (That's what I meant in my defense by the flying away, sry shoulda said that, but I don't expect it to change the damage Bodin took)is the remainder of my first round. It'll get me in line so he's between me and the nearest wall. Frenzy in response to taking damage.
Round 2: Charge Bear, drawing Quarterstaff as he moves, and using the 'attack multiple times while charging if you hit' rule you stated.
Tumble Check to avoid AoO's (1d20+34=41) Moving through his threatened area, my first attack is the posted strike from above, after which I continue driving him towards the wall, attempting to take the fight outside.
Attack bonus: +60(frenzy) - 2 flurry + 2 charge - 10 Leap Attack = +50. (Extra attacks at highest BAB for Flurry and Frenzy = 3 @ +50, then iteratives at 45, 40, and 35).
Damage: 1d6+30(frenzy) + 120 Leap Attack.
Attack Rolls for Frenzying, Flurrying Leap Attack(10) (1d20+50=69, 1d20+50=55, 1d20+50=58, 1d20+45=63, 1d20+40=53, 1d20+35=53) Damage Rolls for Frenzying, Flurrying Leap Attack(10) (1d6+150=152, 1d6+150=153, 1d6+150=154, 1d6+150=155, 1d6+150=156, 1d6+150=156)
Opposed Str Checks to push him back(into/through the wall): Str Checks (1d20+40=53, 1d20+40=51, 1d20+40=53, 1d20+41=46, 1d20+41=46, 1d20+41=60)
SO, Attacks: AC 69/152 dmg(Str53), AC 55/153 dmg(Str51), AC 58/154 dmg(Str53), ac 63/155 dmg(Str46), AC 53/156 dmg(Str46), AC 53/156 dmg(Str60)
My weapon overcomes the following DR: Good, Evil, Magic, Epic, and I have DR 15/Evil, so I take 14 damage.

Current AC: 73(-2 charge, -4 Frenzy)
HP: 2966 [2977- 14 dmg + 3 fast heal]
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