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(Epic Cydra) Empires of Chaos

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First Post

Dearly beloved,

We gathered here today to today to celebrate this thing we call..BUMP

Electric word BUMP, that means forever, and that's a mighty long time.

But i'm here to tell ya, there is something else, the afterBUMP.

A place of neverending hapiness, you can always see the BUMP.. day or night.

So before you go see that shrink in Davis, California, yeah you know the one.

BUMP BUMP..BUMP BUMP... let's get EPIC, let's get BUMP.

It ain't easy think up crap like this at 10 am... BUMP dam it.


First Post

B..U..M..P, that spells BUMP, did the jester forget how? or is the jester waiting, like a snail stalking a bacon bit?

the Jester

:) The Jester is merely spending his writing time on epic game prep.

For, you know, Beyond Bile Mountain.

For those of you not in my game, enjoy the player-no-lookee thread, where I'll go post something exciting now. :)

the Jester

Mabrack, Seethe (the old druid ally of our heroes), Arion the Archmage and a man calling himself “Andy”, who comes as the representative of the Delphin, trickle in over about an hour. Once he’s convinced nobody else is coming, Alcar adds a second heroes’ feast atop the first.

Then he gives them a speech.

It comes from the heart. He is bitterly disappointed that more of the folk he tried to invite did not come. But nonetheless, with those present, he knows that he must try to get his message across.

He begins, “I’ve brought you together to talk about a threat the universe, or maybe even to the multiverse... Hextor. Most of you probably already know of him...” Alcar fills in what the party knows of Hextor: an unkillable god with no weaknesses, an angel of the apocalypse serving the dark entity that destroyed the previous multiverse.

Alcar’s message is simple and grim: He must be stopped. And who else is there? We must step up. We are the powerful. We have the responsibility.

“Certainly, I will take your concerns back to the Delphin with all haste,” Andy says laconically.

“The Delphinate could be of great help to us,” Alcar replies.

“Of course, but it is not my decision to make. I will convey your message.”

“Of course,” Alcar mutters, nonplussed.

“So where is this Hextor now?” Mabrack asks.

“We don’t really know.”

The giant frowns. “I have a lot of my own concerns to take care of,” he sighs. “I don’t really have time to be adventuring with you guys right now.”

“This is very important. We’re talking about the fate of the world here.”

“Alcar, there’s always a danger to the world somewhere. You and the rest of your party like to spend all of your time seeking them out and doing something about them, and I applaud that- but I have other things to do, and I’ve already neglected them to attack the Bastion with you. Besides, you guys can handle yourselves. Frankly, you don’t need me.” He shakes his head. “Sorry, but I can’t help you every time you go on an adventure, and that is what you’re starting to ask for.”

“I’ll see what we can do to help against this ‘Hextor’,” Seethe promises. “I’ll be in touch. I’ll brief the Grand Druid for you, and believe me, we’ll take action. An entity like this is not something that we will let stand. The balance must be maintained.”

After they are gone, Alcar, Gerontius and Wankerman share a round of drinks. Wankerman grins at the enormous mug that the proprietor has had commissioned for the larger members of the party to use. It’s big enough for a fifteen-foot tall man, that’s for sure. He belches happily and lets his fingers play across the rod of the Dark Emperor at his belt. Strogass, he thinks. My lands. I’ll take them just as Thrush takes the Forinthian Empire, and together we can usher in a new age! Then again, I might get bored with ruling pretty quickly, depending on how amusing it is.


Even as Wankerman contemplates his future, not far off as the wizard teleports, in Brelana, Baron Lillamere’s capitol, there is a knock on the door to the office of Jibber Junior.

JJ, who is conferring with Baron Lillamere about where to put the temple he plans to build to Froth, glances up at the door. “Yes?”

The door opens, and a page enters. “My lord!” he gasps, and bows hastily at Lillamere.

The baron smiles kindly at the page.

“What is it?” JJ asks.

“Oh! A-a visitor, my lord. A centaur. For you,” he hastily adds, tearing his gaze for a moment from Baron Lillamere and onto JJ.

“I don’t know any centaurs. Send him in!”

The page, still staring at Lillamere, scurries out. A moment later, a figure trots in.

JJ instantly recognizes the page’s mistake. It is no centaur; instead, it is a bariaur, a planar creature of similar appearance to a centaur. However, its animal portions are ram like rather than horse like. It looks at JJ and asks, “Jibber Junior?”

“That’s me!” JJ admits. “Who are you?”

“I am Onnokolko,” the bariaur states. “I have a letter for you.” With that, he pulls out a sealed envelope and hands it to the demislaad.

JJ examines the envelope. There are no obvious danger signs; the seal is intact. He tears it open, pulls out the paper within and reads it.

“What is it?” Lillamere inquires, after a moment.

“It’s from a law office on Acheron,” JJ chortles. “I’m in someone’s will!”

“Whose will?”

“I don’t know, I’ve never heard of them!” He looks at the letter again. “It says that their name was ‘Nazar-Nagulin’... hey, wait, I’ve heard of him! He was a bladeling warrior of Chaos! So you mean he’s dead?”

The bariaur shrugs. “I’m just the messenger. Will you be sending a reply? I’ll carry it back to the senders for only 1000 gold.”

“Yes,” Lillamere says, drawing out his purse and pulling out coins.

“Yeah, I’ll come,” JJ tells the bariaur. He grins. “It sounds like fun.”


The city of Var is vibrant where there is new growth, but there are still many old, abandoned, unrepaired sections. Areas like this have never been reclaimed since the coming of the first Angel of the Apocalypse to visit Cydra, Fuligin. Areas such as this are ripe for adventure for brave young souls just beginning a career in the adventuring paths. Dire rats abound.

Not much of a challenge for Bahgerah.

But then, the tabaxi isn’t there for a challenge. He’s there on a mission- on his perpetual mission, looking for radiomantic relics of the ancient Miloxi Empire. He knows that Var has seen a great deal of attention over the years from both Master Control and the clockwork horrors. He knows that God-King Malford and his adventuring companions have stormed many ancient Miloxi ruins. He knows that the tabaxi Hobbes, who is famed for having actually recovered a Mary unit, has spent years of time in the city.

It seems as likely a place as any to look.

Or rather, to smell.

Bahgerah’s nostrils flare as he walks through the burned-out, abandoned area. If he is near it, he can smell radiation. He will find it, if it is here to be found. So far, though, there is nothing.

Then his keen ears pick up something. Something big and loud, crashing around inside one of the empty buildings that still stands. Bahgerah, curious as a cat, pads over to investigate.

The front door of the building seems to explode off the hinges, and a very distinct aroma hits the tabaxi’s nose with sudden intensity. Radiation, thinks Bahgerah, as two large golems smash their way out of the building. Radiocrystal golems! he recognizes. Then he shakes his head. They look like bearded elves! He is shocked: they should look more like tabaxi. After all, when had anyone other than the Miloxi Empire mastered the secrets of radiocrystal and radiomancy? He pulls his flaming rapier free of its scabbard, but immediately missteps badly and stabs himself in the leg.

Then they pummel at him, and when the first blow lands, he realizes that these golems are more different from what he had expected than- well, than he had expected. A nauseous sensation ripples through him when the great crystalline fist connects.*

This is not good news, Bahgerah realizes.

He turns on his heel and runs.

Next Time: Gerontius gets a letter, Lillamere gets an architectural proposal and Blaze gets a family!

*These things came with vile damage.

the Jester

“My lord?”

Baron Lillamere looks up from the sheaf of papers spread out across his desk. “Yes?” he asks the page. He stretches, realizing that he’s been sitting in practically the same position all morning. Paperwork, he thinks ruefully.

The page says, “There is a dwarf here to see you, my lord. He says that he’s here with a proposal for you. Something about a monument?”

Intrigued, Baron Lillamere replies, “Send him in.” Sure, I have plenty to keep me busy... but this will break the monotony.

A few moments later, the page returns, ushering the dwarf in. Immediately Lillamere’s visitor sketches an awkward bow. “Uh, hello, Baron, I’m Nadler Stonecutter. I asked to see you because I have a proposal for you.”

Lillamere cocks an eyebrow.

Tucked under his arm, the dwarf carries a roll of vellum and parchment sheets. He pulls them out, unties the string holding them closed and begins to spread the drawings out in front of the baron. “I am a very skillful builder and architect,” he begins, “and I have conceived of a... a monument of such scale that it- well, it can only be described as audacious.” He continues, describing the epic project that he has in mind: carving an entire mountain to form a massive head of Lillamere, looking out over his domain. It would measure over 1000’ high, take 20 years to complete and require about 100,000 gold pieces per year in funding.

“Why me?” Baron Lillamere asks. “Wouldn’t you rather build something like this for another dwarf?”

“Of course,” Nadler shrugs. “But it’s an issue of funding, as much as anything.”

Lillamere nods. “It’s an interesting idea, and one I’m half-inclined to accept,” he admits. “I’ll have to look at it, and of course, I’ll need to see an example of your work. There is much that needs doing around Brelana.”

“Of course.” Nadler hesitates for a moment, then asks, “You understand that I will need to be boarded and maintained while I perform any initial tasks.”

The baron nods. He draws forth a fat purse and hands it to the dwarf. “This should take care of any immediate needs.”

Nadler nods, impressed.

Lillamere summons another page and orders her to show the dwarf around the town. “I’ll check in with you in the next week sometime,” he tells him. “Until then, just make yourself at home.”

“Thank you.”

Hey Lillamere, Gerontius’ voice comes over the telepathic link the party shares, just as the dwarf leaves the office.


How do you scry? I just bought a scroll of sending because I need to check up on something, but I’ve never really done it before.

Oh, no problem. First, grab a beer.


Backtrack a few hours.

After lunch, Gerontius buys a house in Var. Then he takes a quick trip down to the office of the post, where he registers for mail- only to find that there is a letter there for him already.

“Interesting,” he remarks wryly.

The envelope smells pleasant; it carries a faint aroma of vanilla and almonds. Intrigued, the halfling adventurer opens it up and reads:

Dearest Gerontius,

Hello! You do not know me yet, so first let me introduce myself to you. I am called Thyleera Bakeswell. I am one of the halflings of Valonia that you have been so kind as to help out of late.

Oh Gerontius, I have seen you in our town, rallying our people, trying to convince them to flee the orcs, yet I know that you don’t really want that. Zenvo Dalais, the halfling leader who you have spoken to amongst us, is reluctant to say anything, but I know the truth. You worry about us; you care about us. You are so mighty, so powerful, and you have so many concerns in the world, you fear that you might not be able to help us in time. I understand, but many of my people do not. They refuse to leave.

Dearest Gerontius, I hope that they have not angered you. If they have, I hope that you can see beyond your anger and let your strong mind and will guide you. There are those of us that do wish to leave. My parents and my young niece would like to go wherever you offer them sanctuary. As for myself, I would rather go wherever you are. I want to be with you. I will cook each meal for you, ensuring that you eat properly. I will clean for you, and make sure that you are not bothered by the unworthy. Oh Gerontius, I long to feel you in my arms! You are the savior of our people, and I know that you will conquer the orcs for us. Let me help you. Every strong man needs a wife to sooth his cares at the end of a long, hard day. I will be that wife. I will never hold you back, or make demands. Simply let me bask in the glory that is Gerontius!

I love you with all my heart.

I await you in Shire Mere, on the east coast of Valonia.

“Very interesting indeed,” he murmurs.

It could be a trap of some kind, of course; but Gerontius doesn’t think so. He hasn’t got many (living) enemies, unless you count that corrupt barrister from his very early days, or that rich silk merchant on Pesh that Gerontius once humiliated and stole over 25,000 gp from, or anything that’s alive that he’s killed that he doesn’t know about. Or that fellow whose daughter he helped run away years ago. But none of them would be anywhere near his power now.

Well, better safe than sorry, he thinks.

He purchases a scroll of scrying and then gets some quick coaching from Lillamere on how to do it. Then he buys some beer and takes it home, where he uses it as a surface to do a seat-of-his-pants scrying.

Gerontius isn’t a spellcaster, but over the course of his many adventures, he has used many magical devices and has become quite skilled at triggering even those that he shouldn’t have the knowledge to use. Thus, he soon discerns a happy-looking, beautiful young halfling maiden, clapping and cheering at some sort of halfling event. He watches her for a few minutes, but all she is doing is watching- something.

Maybe I should go visit her, he thinks. I wonder how long it would take me to get there.


Blazier, meanwhile, has no qualms about using his powers to live the easy life. He has found a well-off, happy family with a big house, charmed them all, and moved himself in. Between his spells, his natural ability to smooth talk, and his reputation, he easily convinces them to keep his presence a secret, and that he is being hunted by an enemy. In return for his efforts, Blaze gets good, home-cooked food; a nice, thick feather bed; someone to mend the tears in his clothing and gear; and a place to be where nobody knows to find him. It’s an ideal situation.

Once he’s well-established in his chosen household, he turns invisible and dimension doors out into the city, where he flies around and looks things over. He spends some time chatting with JJ over the link- the two of them, along with Wankerman, share the distinction of being Xaositechts- mostly about Froth, and the temple to him that JJ is going to build. JJ also mentions that he’s going to Acheron, because he was named in a will.

Oh yeah? One of your friends die? asks Blazier.

No, I didn’t know the guy. That’s really why I’m going.

Interesting. Well, I’d be happy to come along with you and check it out. I don’t know, though- going to a law office? It could be a trap.

Maybe. JJ gives the mental equivalent of a shrug.

I see your point, admits Blaze.

After JJ and he finish their conversation, Blaze takes another lazy circuit over Var. This time, though, he sees something more interesting. Hey, anyone in Var, he announces telepathically over the link, something’s up. I can see a couple of weird golem looking things up ahead. Hey, they’re chasing that tabaxi that we met!

I already know, Gerontius replies. Ten Buck Tom sent me an alert. Wankerman and I are on our way.


Chakar, meanwhile, has gone to Khelm for a major wrestling tournament. Khelm is a colorful place, and the city-state of Amrosalia, where Chakar is, is known as a haven to the arts. There are statues and sculptures throughout the city, as well as murals and other public works of art. It is a remarkable place, and Chakar is glad to see it.

His first opponent is a young Peshan human named Nalshieth. He is quick and shows great natural talent, but Chakar is a master. He quickly pins Nalshieth once. When he moves in on his second attempt, however, the wily Peshan dodges over and behind Chakar, and for a moment gets a hold on him from the rear!

But Chakar’s skills are far beyond the young human’s. He hooks a foot around Nalshieth’s ankle and brings him down, twisting free of his grip as he does so. Suddenly Chakar has his second pin.

“It was an honor,” Nalshieth states as he rises, bowing.

Chakar returns his bow. “You fought well. You have much natural talent.”

“Thank you.”

Chakar’s second match is against Grugo the Legs, so called for his classical Khelmite style of leg-based wrestling. Chakar has never seen this style before; it is very interesting, but not sufficient to prevent the first pin.

“You are Chakar Clanguard,” the Legs says. “I have heard of you. I respect what I have heard, and am glad for the chance to test myself against you and learn from you by seeing your techniques.”

Grugo the Legs leaps up and forward, trying to lock his legs around Chakar. The dwarf uses his momentum against himself, and hurls him down to the side. But Grugo recovers quickly, shooting a leg out at Chakar’s knees. The dwarf leaps up and over the leg, but he is still in the air when Grugo scissors his legs together, catching Chakar in a leg lock!

Quickly, Grugo tries to slam Chakar down, going for the pin, but Chakar throws his weight to one side and pushes with a hand on the inside of one of Grugo’s knees. He tumbles free. “Now I will show you my rainbow strike!”

They continue dancing for another few moments. Chakar darts in and gets his hands around Grugo’s legs, but Grugo performs his signature leg break and gets free.

Chakar slips a leg up and around Grugo and flips him down to the ground, hard. Then, before the Legs can recover from the momentary disorientation, Chakar pinks him.

That is the final match of the day for Chakar. Glad to have succeeded, he retires to meditate.


Blaze, Wankerman, Gerontius and Bahgerah, together, make short work of the radiocrystal golems. Other members of the party are on alert, ready to teleport in if necessary- but they don’t have to. Then the four party members present debate what to do with all the radiocrystal. In the end, they forget about it in favor of going to the Halls of Healing to see Horbin about healing the vile damage that the golems dealt.

“So where did those come from?” Horbin asks. “We certainly don’t need that kind of stuff going on in Var!”

“I was just sniffing around,” Bahgerah says, “and they came out of an abandoned building!”

“Hmm.” Wankerman scratches his chin. “Well, put ‘investigate that building’ on our to-do list.”

The others nod.

Next Time: The rest of Chakar’s tournament! Blaze sneaks around! Cannibals!!

the Jester

Party Roster:

Blazier, gnome sorcerer 19, metamagician 2; CN
Chakar, dwarf monk 25/perfect master 2; LN
Bahgerah, tabaxi rogue 4/ranger 18/Miloxi restorer 6; CN
Sybele, fighter 8/warrior of Chaos 5/psion 18; CG
Jibber Junior, half-slaad wilder 12/anarchic initiate 8/warrior prince 3; CG
Baron Lillamere, sorcerer 21/argent savant 5/eldritch liege 3; CG
Alcar, half-celestial elf fighter 2/cleric 25; NG
Gerontius, halfling rogue 19/invisible blade 5/fighter 4/halfling paragon 3; CG

And, of course, the two npcs in the party:

Emperor Thrush, human fighter 30 29 (didn't have his character sheet in front of me when I initially posted, whoops!); N
Emperor Wankerman, human fighter 19/chaotician 5; CG
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First Post
I am curious about how you manage a party with such a wide variety of levels.

I know that things get very wonky when you hit epic but you have a 10 level difference there for some of the characters.

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