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Epic FR plot needed...HELP!?!?!


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I always shudder when I hear that someone has been playing D&D longer than I have been alive... and you're still not an archmage? You need to work on that.

You did an excellent job meshing published material together. I like it alot. The Harrowing was a great Dungeon adventure, very well written.

Anyway, just wanted to put in my 2 cents. Impressive.

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Magic Rubs Wizards Consortium

If you're interested and want to know more let me know.

Yes indeed!
I would love to know more about this idea of yours, Magic Rub.
I must say that i'm quite amazed over the plot. Please fill me in!:D


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Epic? OK...
That floating Netheese city is not the last of its kind. they have been busy breeding. There are HUNDREDS of cities in the Demiplane of Shadow, and hundreds more floating fortresses. It takes a lot of magic to bring floating mountains across, but the Nethereese are intent on invasion.
The shades are organizing another orc horde in the extreem north, as the Silver Marches and Waterdeep form the only real people able to resist them. A flight of dragons would be a great way to open the campaign. All the low level PC's could do is flee in terror, as dragons swarm over the town they are staying in. (the shades are of course behind it all).

Let the City of Shade overfly a PC city. drop a little fear early into the campaign. but let plenty of mystery enter as well.

A dragon ring worth maybe, 20 gold, is taken by PC's from a bandit. It sells to a nervous shopkeeper for 200 gold-he really wants it! Hurriedly he closes up shop. But is murdered later that night. Thugs come later to kill the PCs (they no nothing, they were hired by intermediaries). the ring is a symbol of agents of the shades.
Later, when the PCs are aware of shade involvement, let them have something like a few Ioun stones. Suddenly the shades are after all ioun stones. other adventurers are murdered for their stones!
this leads to the Shades sacrificing stones to bring several flying mountain fortresses into faerun! (witnessed by the PVs-let them deny the shades some measure of victory here-like another city comming thru. But the floating fortresses are a good indication that the shades are A) not alone, and B) looking for invasion.

Arthur Tealeaf

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Here is a plot that I have been developing:

Jonas, Herman, LOOK AWAY!

Around the time of troubles, the goddess mystra created a dark copy--a grim shadow--of Faerûn as it known today. Every person in the real world has a direct counterpart in this world, known as the shadow realms. These counterparts consist purely of the evil sides of every person, and this fact has made the shadow Realms a place of Havoc, Destruction and Slavery. There is only one catch: The shadow realms are somehow connected to the real realms, so that the only way to give birth to new life is if your counterpart in the real world does the same, creating a counterpart for the new creature in the real world. Because of the heavy lethality rate resulting from violence and havoc, Shar's realms are depopulating quicker and quicker.

Now, Shar has decided to try and merge the realms, transforming Faerûn into the dark world that is the Shadow Realms. The merging has already begun, and now the Shadow realms are partly occupying the plane of Shadow, the plane through any and all interplanar travel is performed. This means interplanar travel and teleportation (which also works through the shadow plane in my campaign) is blocked. This merging, sadly, needs a fantastic amount of magical energy. Shar has found a way to channel her own energy, but it requires a very strong magical device, for example a mythallar, the ancient devices of the netherils. Because of this, Shar has recruited the Shades from the City of Shade, who are her prime worshippers, to recover and reassemble the mythallars she needs. One is already located in the city of shade, but that is not enough. Information that the shades have been gathering these pieces, which are spread around Faerûn, have spread, and several kingdoms (Cormyr, Aglarond etc..) have recovered their own pieces and are guarding them with their life.

The lich Larloch, who was once a Netherese arcanist ruling his own flying city, as well as the Lord of the City of Shade, has been chosen to be the leaders of this grand operation. Also, to complete the trio, is the Death Knight Kargoth, from the Shadow Realms. The first step in the plan is to transport Kargoth to the real Realms. But because everyone has their counterparts in the real Realms, that counterpart must be destroyed before any transportation between the realms are possible.

Now, I have lot's more stuff about this plot in my head, but I'm too tired to write it all down right now. This is only the general outline of the campaign, and it's probably got ALOT of flaws. The players will be starting out in Trail's End in Damara, because that is close to Vaasa, the future base of operations of Larloch and his minions. Yes, he will reoccupy Castle Perilous.

Now I'm sick of writing. More later.


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I don't know, but has it ever been said where Tharizdun was inprisoned?

Kind of an off center idea, and probably not popular in the slightest bit. But it has potential in my opinion.

Also, just imagine how the baddies would run when confronted by the Circle from Greyhawk and all the Chosen of Mystra along with the other uber good-guy's from the FR's.

Just one idea.

- Justin Sluder


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I'm currently running a FRCS epic campaign based in the Dalelands. This campaign in not epic because the villains are much more powerful/evil than usual, but rather because the PC will influence world heavily.

If you are a player in my campaign don't look here.
Seriously. That means you too Håkon :)

I'm running a variant of the Drow/CoD/Red Wizards/Zhentarim/Iron Throne plot, a few excerpts from it follows:

  • There are lots of different evil organizations, with conflicting goals. Some work together, others don't. Alliances can and will change over time.
  • Everybody wants a piece (or preferably the entire) Dalelands. Some work together for it, other will fight the others for it. The only way to survive is to pit the different groups against each other
  • There are two different (three if you count the faction in the underdark) drow factors in Cormanthor. They two surface factions are currently allied with different factions (the CoD and the Red Wizards respectively).
  • The CoD are breeding a new race of humans, with dragonblood (and partly the powers) which looks human. They can breed with ordinary humans, making a new demi-human race. They need dragon eggs to create the initial specimens. One of the PC is a specimen stolen by the Harpers when he was little, and a wish used to stop him manifesting his powers. The wish has now been broken.
  • The leader of the Iron Throne (Sembia) is a half-fiend. He is allied with the CoD, and has fathered a son with one of the new dragonbloods. This fiendish, dragonblood child will haunt the PCs later.
  • The CoD are using powers from the Mulhorandi pantheon to create dracoliches, and are led by necromancers that are descendants from the Mulhorandi-godkings that ruled Mulhorandi. One of the PCs is the daughter of one of these necromancers, but were kept outside the Cult because of his extreme male prejudices (only sons count). There was arranged a marriage between her and the leader of the Iron Thorn (see above), but she escaped before the marriage. She is starting to manifest strange, necromantic powers, and has been visited by Anubis.
  • The Red Wizards are making items with unknown properties, and selling them at a discount.
  • The Zhentarim have regrouped, they are currently planning how to occupy the Dalelands. They are seeking an alliance with the drow and/or the Red Wizards.
  • Elminster has been in Hell, and what happened there will eventually impact all the chosen of Mystra, and the Harpers. It will be the hardest blow to the good forces in Faerun in a long while.
  • There are some dragons in there as well, but that is too long to go into details about.
  • And there is a sword that can be used to slay Gods (only), but that is another story. BTW the trick is to know which Gods you should kill.

If you find anything interesting here, feel free to steal it. Parts of it can probably be combined with several of the other plots outlined about to create total mayhem.



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I think perhaps the best way to start is pikcing an evil organization and going from there. The Zhent's have well established motives and goals, the Red Wizards seem to be trying to buy the realms. I think for something truly epic you pick something out of the past that everyone knows is true...Netheril fell and is gone forever (whoever posted that thought about Netheril it was a good one) and then change it to create a situation where characters start to guess at what else the KNOW is also not true. My personal preference is having the characters do something unwhittingly, whether they are duped or it happens on accident, to bring about the possible cataclysmic event, that way they have a built in motivation to stop it, sort a "oh :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: , what have we done" kind of approach.


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I think the fact that the Shades are so rediculously powered magically might make for a good epic plot. I'm headed towards the Night Masks with my campaign (with a little Fire Knives tossed in) but this won't be "world saving" for the party. Through a round-a-bout way, the Shades could be tied in as the head of the Night Masks is a clone of Manshoon (a former? or current? Zhent) and the Shades look towards many organizations in the Realms, including the Zhents, for knowledge of a world long matured after their departure earlier in Nether history.
More or less, the FRCS and supplements offer TOO MANY epic possibilities, and it's a wonder to me the the world doesn't implode on itself.


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Players in my game, don't touch this with a ten foot pole.

Okay. My main plotline is this:

The characters have discovered that an "evil" wizard (Darius) plans to travel back through time to Netheril with the aid of one of the Nether Scrolls, which he found after murdering one of the party's old wizardly friends who vanished some years ago. There, he plans to somehow steal the plans for Karsus' Uber-spell (the characters don't know the full extent of the plans yet), and achieve godhood.

The players assume that this is for dastardly ends, but in truth, Darius is somewhat of a freedom fighter for the "rights" of spellcasters. His objective is to disable Mystra's ability to "censor" the Weave, thus opening up the possibility of trans-9th level magic and greater possibilities in the realms of mystic technology, much like what Netheril accomplished thousands of years ago. He wants a return to the neutral Mystra, who merely watched over the Weave, and didn't arbitrate it in the name of some greater morality. He believes that men should have the ability to use the tools that they have labored so hard to learn, rather than be stifled by some power who desires stagnance.

This presents the characters with a moral quandary. Do they want to continue the oft-oppressive "censorship" of the Weave, or will they join Darius's cause, the very man they have fought for over five years to defeat?

Eventually, it's going to develop into a faith war between the Church of Mystra and the Church of Azuth, who support the individual rights of spellcasters.

Voidrunner's Codex

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