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Epic M&M: Issue 4 (IC)

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With her sudden understanding of another language, Raisa looks at the man in her grasp and shakes her head. "And I thought the Portuguese language had some colourful phrases!"

She'll toss him over her shoulder and carry him like a sack of potatoes as she walks toward the village. If she passes the goon that just crashed the bike, she'll try to pick him up and carry him likewise.


First Post
X12 and Raisa
Raisa slings the struggling thug over her shoulder and sets off down the hill with Dara in tow. Carl leaps from the roof into the air, and flies down towards town quickly, something you hadn't seen him do before. Xi runs after Raisa. The Thug that took the spill slid quite far down, and despite being in obvious pain, he's hustling fast towards town.

X12 tries to start the bike to find the electric starter isn't working. Pushing it to the top of the hill, he is considering doing a good old fashioned push start when someone leaps on behind him. He loses his foot grip and the bike starts down the hill, Dara perched on the back behind X12. Luckily, about forty feet down, it fires up, and the two blast past the others into town, but are still not fast enough to catch the fleeing Thug. The Thug appears to be heading to the center of town.

From the hill you can see the docks are ablaze, and what appears to be a fuel tank is the cause. Men are running around trying to put out the fire. You spot several groups of armed men chasing townfolks around, smashing windows and business stalls.

New York - Methesda
"Nope," Tara says to Neutron, just as Johan and Loki bring in the medical gear. "She needs to see the doctor pretty quickly."

Outside, Monica is fuming. "We should be in there, tearing that tin can apart!" she exclaims, pulling her arm out of your grasp. She stalks up to a light post in the lot, and rings a slash against it with her claws. It lets out a creak and slowly topples over onto a BMW luxury sedan. The alarm goes off loudly. She ignores it and spins around. "We didn't need Thunder sticking his nose in either! This was our mission, not his!" Her face and claws are still covered in blood, giving her a rather frightening appearance.

Straightjacket, Loki, Johan
Vince helps Rebound outside, while Johan, Loki and Tara look after the still unconscious Michelle.

"Methesda's doing business for wanted mercenaries now?" Thunder asks incredulously. You all figure he's laying it on a little thick with his tone. "I'm sure the FBI will love this information."

"Hey, don't bust my chops, kid. I just provide security. I don't know jack about the business end of things," the Chief says, pulling his Captain from the wall and shaking him until he wakes up. "And that boy's version of things is definitely a bit one sided in regards to his actions outside. He acted threateningly towards my guards, growing to what, 15 feet? Damn straight I'm going to take a shot at him to eliminate him as a threat while his crew steals private documents. Your girl's lucky I toned down that last discharge or you could be scraping her up with a shovel," he adds, sending the Captain out the back.

"Now that all the ruckus is done, is anyone even interested in taking Falcon up on his offer of information, or are you leaving?" he asks Thunder and Straightjacket. "Which is something your boy here seems to have conveniently left off," he adds as he pulls off his helmet, revealing a man of American Indian heritage who appears to be in his late 60's or early 70's. He has grey hair and an elaborate facial tatoo. "Hard of hearing, you kids these days," he says with a gravelly chuckle. "I'll make sure the man gives you the information you need if you want it, but I'm pretty sure there will be some non-disclosure crap in there, and probably some damages compensation required," he says, looking around the front office.


First Post
Calinon said:

"Hey, don't bust my chops, kid. I just provide security. I don't know jack about the business end of things," the Chief says, pulling his Captain from the wall and shaking him until he wakes up. "And that boy's version of things is definitely a bit one sided in regards to his actions outside. He acted threateningly towards my guards, growing to what, 15 feet? Damn straight I'm going to take a shot at him to eliminate him as a threat while his crew steals private documents. Your girl's lucky I toned down that last discharge or you could be scraping her up with a shovel," he adds, sending the Captain out the back.

"As I remember it, I said I'd rather just leave, and people drew guns on me. That's when I went to full size. I'd say drawn guns are a bit drastic a measure when someone just wants to leave. Anyways, that's not getting us anywhere. Arguing isn't going to accomplish anything. "turning to Thunder "What's our next move?"



Neutron eyes grow wide at Monica's behavior. "Hey, now calm down, kitten. We came here to get some info, not to tear people limb from limb. And it's a darn good thing Thunder showed up. Before that our mission was going over like a 350 pound pole vaulter. It's a good thing things didn't get out of hand more than they did. Michelle is badly hurt, and that guard and..." he sees the dog's blood staining her mouth and shudders.

He looks over at the smashed Beemer and frowns. "And let's try and not add to the clean-up bill we're going to be getting, 'kay? Michelle's gonna wish she was in a coma, 'cause I have a feeling Thunder's going to be a wee bit upset over all this."


First Post
Calinon said:
From the hill you can see the docks are ablaze, and what appears to be a fuel tank is the cause. Men are running around trying to put out the fire. You spot several groups of armed men chasing townfolks around, smashing windows and business stalls.

Bringing the bike to a halt, X12 focuses on the armed men, and relays whatever tactical information comes to mind about them through the mental link.

After that, X12 hops off the bike and looks for something he can use as a weapon -- preferably something with a good haft of wood, like a pitchfork or a staff. "I'm going in -- wounded will come first, but if I make it to the armed men, I'll confront them," he says to Dara. "Find Raisa, Carl, or find some cover -- just keep safe, Dara; we need you to keep this link active to keep us ahead of our opponents."


First Post
"Sorry, but I promise some friend of mine that I would take the tea with them."

On that, Kevin try to find a breach in the circle of guys and pass throught it and start to run away, passing between the houses and turning frequently so they will have difficulty to follow.


First Post
New York - Methesda
Monica's eyes narrow at Sanjay's shudder and as if to illustrate her anger, she walks over to the crushed car and rips the side mirror off it, looking at her reflection in it. "Tastes worse than it looks," she says, rubbing her teeth with her fingers to get the blood off. "Luckily, I can clean up pretty good," she says, taking her gloves off and preening the blood from her face.

"And I don't give a crap if Thunder is pissed off," she says, sauntering along to the front of the car, dragging her claws along the side. "He put us here, told us to throw our weight around, and we did." Once in front, she grabs a name plate and rips it from the rail it is on and tosses it to Neutron. She pulls open the hood, looks under and moments later she rips something from the engine and the alarm shuts off.

The name plate reads "Mr. Falcon."

"Oops," she says, tail twitching.

Straightjacket, Loki, Johan
"I think we'll have a chat with Mr. Falcon before we go," Thunder says to Straightjacket. "Get all the information they have on Split, and confirm what Johan and Loki found out in Arizona."

"No more trouble, right?" Whitefeather asks.

"No," Thunder says.

"Alright. Miss Methesda, take them to Falcon's office. I'll go find the weasel myself. Make sure he sticks to his word," Whitefeather adds.

Stephanie is still standing, pretty much with a stunned expression on her face. Whitefeather repeates himself before she snaps out of it. "Oh... oh! Sure, Chief," she says, trying to get her happy demeanor back. "Um... just follow me," she says, leading you into the offices.

"Johan, Loki, fill SJ in on what you found out in Arizona," Thunder says, falling in behind you all. It seems to you that while he's here, he's still deferring the mission to those assigned it. "Miss Methesda is it?" Thunder asks. "So you'd be Mr. Methesda's daughter?"

"Um, no. Neice actually," she says. Stephanie keeps looking back at Straightjacket. At first she seems a bit ill at ease, but soon enough she's back to smiling at him.

"Damn, boy," SJ's father says to him. "You'd think she'd be scared to death after all that."

You head for the docks. The areas you pass through have some light damage; broken windows and tables and grafitti mostly. As you enter a main street, an old man is being beaten to the ground by a pair of thugs weilding bats. Towards the docks, you see a group of four thugs with axes and crowbars, pinning a pair of young girls in an alley. One young man lays unconscious behind them. As you slide to a halt in the street, Dara runs into you.

Oops! she says mentally. Oh, me and X are by the docks! We're gonna thump some heads! she exclaims through the link.

You find a frying pan to knock them around with? Carl says a bit sarcastically.

I'll take the four on the left; you take the two over there, Dara says with a grin. The gang members haven't seen you yet.

Initiatives: X12 18, Dara 14, Gang Members 7

X12 is up

Initiative: Kevin 11 (1HP, 1S, Prone), Gang Members 7

You make a break for it, running between the two thugs. Both take a swing at you as you pass and you stumble as something very hard hits the back of your head. But you manage to break through and run down the street as they give chase. There is an explosion from the docks and a few moments after, another smaller one from the direction of Master Wen's.

Attack roll: 21 (hit), 11 (miss)
Save: 16(17) [1S, Prone]

All four gang members give chase, and two tackle you to the ground. You all go down hard.

Two thugs charge after you, performing a tackle (trip attack). The other two do a full move but don't get to you.

Attack roll (combined): 17 (hit)
Opposed roll: 15 (16) Kevin vs 18 for the thugs. You are prone (and so are they)

Kevin is up.

The goon is struggling to escape but has no chance at all to. Instead he cops a feel. Oh, and which way are you going? Docks, town or after the other goon?


First Post
"Stephanie, please lead on. I do hope you're OK. I really didn't expect all this violence. You'll have to tell what I have to do to make it up to you, personally." with that he follows her.



"We went to the site, where Loki detected an illusion. There was a land-slide, 'caused by Cosmo pulling a shard of the Mole's claw from where had stuck in the wall. Luckily it didn't cause any casualties. We found out that they have a device which is able to track the nanobots used in the stolen containers, but we need to enhance the power of said device before it is of any use to us. The containers themselves were issued by SAP." Of course, we run this by the Johan-translator, resulting in much more attention to detail and more thoroughness.

OoC: Can I get knowledge checks on Mr. Falcon and Whitefeather?

Voidrunner's Codex

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