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Epic M&M: Issue 4 (IC)


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OOC: I know all about PL9, and of course you don't get your points until the end of the issue. Bahaha.

You focus your energies to try to duplicate the strength of your regenerative powers. It makes you very sick to your stomach. Then, you exert yourself further to, you hope, strengthen your healing powers. Taking a steadying breath, you reach out and place your hands on Nova's head and stomach.

And everything goes black.

OOC: Extra effort to affect your extra of ressurrection in the same manner of your regeneration and a hero point to negate fatigue. Extra effort again to push your powers, and a hero point to negate fatigue. Finally, a healing power check... 13(29). Last hero point to re-roll is a 17(33). Though you don't know it, you have been struck completely powerless by the effort and are unconscious.

OOC: HP spent to make a recovery check. Result is 19(20) and you groggily wake up.

You sit up with a gasp and groggily notice a lot of things. You are naked and on fire, your flames having cracked and melted a large area of cobblestones. It appears you've set a good deal of the marketplace on fire. Raisa and Xi are trying to fight the flames but having no success as the wood buildings have ignited. Carl lays unconscious on the ground, severe burns on his face and hands. Nova and X12 lay next to each other, unmoving. While X12 appears unhurt, Nova's skin is blackened and blistered, her hair is burned away and you can't tell if she's alive.

Struggling to your feet, you stand in a puddle of molten rock and try to quell the flames by drawing them into yourself. It takes several minutes to affect all the flames in the area, but finally, you manage to stop the fires in the town square.

Dara is kneeling next to Carl, staring intently up in the direction of Master Wen's Academy.

OOC: Still going after the biker gang?

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Calinon said:
OOC: Still going after the biker gang?

Sure, he will give a try to catch them up. They said they were of the Red Rose Syndicat, too much bad memories awoke in Kevin's head without having him to at least try to give a clear message to Mia...

Kevin will try to fly and find them. He will fly high enough so thrown weapon will not reach him (something between 50-100 feet high). If he can find them, he will fire at them.


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Leaving Nova dead in the street and X12 and Carl in horrible condition, Kevin flies off after the biker gang after the fires are out. The gang has easily a five minute head start and are long gone up the road, a distant dust cloud some four or five miles ahead the only clue to where they went. Worse yet, your speed is nowhere near that of the powerful motorcycles. After about thirty minutes of chasing them, you have lost so much distance that you can only barely make out the dust cloud.

You start entering a very hilly region and come upon a stepped farming community. The town is similar to the fishing village Master Wen's academy is at. And outside a large structure in the middle of town, around which a town market sits, are parked about fifty motorcyles.


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Being about 150 feets above the market, Kevin shout:

"Get out of your hole! I have a message for your boss, Mia Toan. I need you to deliver it!"

While he speaks, the fames around him are growing and slowly, it shape itself into a dragon.

OOC: Animation, if I can use it...
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Townsfolk everywhere start screaming and running at the sight of the burning person summoning a giant dragon of flame. The dragon is about forty feet in size, wreathed in flame, and flaps its wings, hovering in place.

Nobody comes out of the structure at the center of the square, nor do they answer you.


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"I said get out of your hole, Red Rose!" Kevin shout.

Can he identify some motorcycle of the goons that was at Wen's fishing village? If he can, I will command my dragon to destroy them. If he can't, well he start to destroy any motorcycle.


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You only see running farmers and townsfolk for a few minutes, then the streets are deserted but as you make your dragon go towards the motorcycles, dozens of gang members come out of the building, each with a squirming hostage. They form protective wall around most of the bikes, keeping between you, the dragon and the motorcyles. Other gang members come out, standing close behind them, protected by the human shields. Nearly all of them pull out blasters and blaster rifles.

A larger man that you recognize the gang leader exits the building, holding a small child in his arms who is wailing. To his left and right walk a pair of bikers dressed like him. One is male, one is female, and each holding a crying child in one arm. They start lifting off the ground, flying slowly at you and your dragon. Energy circles around their free arms.

"One on fifty! I like our odds!" shouts the gang leader up at you. "Did you actually kill Nova, or just disfigure her forever?" he yells up with a laugh. "Even I wasn't going to finish her off! Oh, and just remember, every time you throw fire at us, you're throwing it at these townspeople in your way! Get him!"

You see the pulses of dozens of blasters and the two flying mutants start flying full speed towards you.

Initiatives will be, in the next issue:

Male Lieutenant 21, Female Lieutenant 21, Kevin 16, Gang leader 7, Gang Members 5


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Mia Toan sat bored in her lavishly decorated appartment. The man on the table in front of the television had stopped twitching long ago. She idly threw another dagger into his corpse as she watched a satellite news feed from the NAA. The phone rang and she picked it up.

"Ten? Who gave you permission to call me here," she said angrily, already considering ways to kill the annoying gang leader. But as he spoke, she found herself intrigued. "You are certain?" she asked. "Introduced himself?" she laughed. "Killed Nova? Splendid!" She paused. "Describe them," she said, then smiled as she listened. "Oh yes, alive most certainly. You've done well, Ten. I will be at your hideout soon," she said, hanging up the phone.

"Kevin York. You're alive and have come to me. And you brought me so many of your troublesome friends. I will thank you," she said, stabbing another dagger viciously into the corpse on her table before her. "Before I finish what I started in New York."

Somewhere in South America…
“Are you sure this is something we should have our hands in, Mole?”

“We are mercenaries, Anithos, and we are getting paid. What part of that didn’t you understand when you signed on,” comes the rumbling reply. The Mole poked his head out from the back of one of the three huge armored vehicles and fixed Anithos with a squinty stare. “Aren’t you enjoying foiling some of the finest security systems in the world?” he asked with a twitch of his nose.

“That was before the whole plan started unfolding. I could appreciate the theft of the vehicles.”

“And meeting those young women, I’m sure,” laughs Flick as she sits atop the truck the Mole was in.

“Yes, well,” Anithos responds with a cough. “I could even appreciate stealing something from a secure location like Lockheed.”

“Stellar use of illusions there,” Aerin says, sitting on a bench nearby.

“Why thank you,” Anithos says flatly. “But it doesn’t take a genius to add cryogenic containers, highly defensible transportation and the fact we are breaking in to a chemical and biological research lab together and come up with a bad scenario.”

“Not bad for us,” the Mole grumbles. “Profitable for us.”

“At what cost? Do you even know what it is we’re stealing? Do you have any idea what it could be used for?”

“No. And I don’t really care,” the Mole says, stepping out of the back of the vehicle. “But if you don’t want play a role in this, you’re free to go. I’ll deposit your pay in your account.”

“What!?” Aerin and Flick say in unison, with confusion.

“And if I talk to someone about this?”

“You won’t,” the Mole chuckles.

“So I can just go,” Anithos says suspiciously.

The Mole lets out a great sigh. “Yes.” As Anithos turns and he adds, “I can completely understand. You likely couldn’t pull off a robbery of this magnitude.” Anithos stops. “I mean the security is second to none in SAP’s facilities. Nobody likes to take on a system they know they can’t beat.” Anithos clutched his hands into fists. “I suppose,” the Mole says calmly, “your reputation is a bit overblown.”

Anithos spins around, “Now just wait a damn minute! I can beat any security system in the world, defeat any camera, and break into any vault…”

“Prove it,” the Mole interrupts.

Anithos’ face twitches as the Mole’s play on his ego works like a charm. Angered, he stalks across the room and into the adjoining sleeping quarters, slamming the door behind him.

Somewhere in New York…
“Is it completed, doctor?” the shadowed man asks a middle-aged woman in a lab coat.

“Based on the data Ghost provided from Afifi’s lab, this agent should pass all examinations. It will, for all appearances, be the Anaconda virus, though it is actually harmless,” she replies.

“Until he adds his mutagentic agent to the mix,” the man in shadows says with a grin.

“When that happens,” the woman says with an equally cold smile, “the virus will become deadly to humans without the mutant gene. All you need to do is swap the canisters.”

“Excellent work, doctor.”

“I have some bad news, however,” she adds. “I tested the samples that mercenary recovered for us. None of them have the Omega gene.”

“Unfortunate and unexpected,” the man calmly pondered. “Perhaps I misread the flames,” he says with a pause. “It is of no matter,” he says finally. “Mason,” he called to nobody. From a nearby wall, a man of stone disengaged himself from the stonework of the wall. “You and Ghost, take the doctor’s canisters. Make sure they are swapped with the real virus before it reaches Afifi.”

“And if those EPIC brats interfere?” the stone man asks.

“Since they are of no further use to us, eliminate them.”

The stone man lets out a grating chuckle, rubbing his hands together in anticipation.

End of Issue 4
Link to Issue 5
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"What? You kill her!" The image of Nova burning come back. "You kill her..." that time there was no conviction in his voice. Seeing the two lieutenant, Kevin sees he have no chance. "Tell Mia the next time she is in my path, I'll take care of her, for good." shouts Kevin, try to get an intimidating voice, which obviously doesn't come out well. At that, he fly away (Extra Effort: Gain Super-Flight, spend HP to not become fatigued, if didn't spend a HP on some save.) to Wen's Academy.

OOC: Raise all roll against resist power at 15 for the use of HP, 10 for damage roll (I have protection at 8, right?).

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