"Epic" progression after 6th level


DreadArchon said:
Hey, I like that.

Let's see... I didn't read the actual thread (too long), but as far as a BAB and skills, I'd probably be inclined to allow some feats to stack where they normally wouldn't. For example, a master sniper might take Weapon Focus: Longbow multiple times. He would never have an extra iterative attack from high BAB, but he'd still be able to become a better shot. At the moment I can't think of any other good examples of feats to stack (that don't already), but you get the idea.

Edit: Or multiple Dash feats to simulate Monk speed.

As an alternative, look at allowing or making a house feat book of various Dragon Magazine feats that cover the same subject. You'll be surprised (or maybe not) at how many things there are that allow greater and greater specialization without blowing the top off of modifiers.

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That's pretty interesting. I'll try and convince my players to run a campaign using these rules. But maybe allow skills to reach up to rank 10, just for ranks to vary from one to ten... Although the last level might be double cost.

One other thing I would do here is allow rings to be forged as Wondrous Items... no need to deny the players rings of Feather Falling and Protection just because Forge Ring requires 12th level.


That's quite slick - especially when you consider that Rings are the only thing on the Minor magic items list that can't be made by 6th level.


MarauderX said:
Why not just go with a point buy system from the beginning?

A point buy system would make for a totally different game - I like the way that classes encourage roles on the way up, and then versatility and specialization go up after those roles have been established.


First Post
This looks like a very cool idea. How did your campaign doing this turn out? Did the player's ever run out of options for advancement? Did you have any problems creating encounters for the party after they had been at 6th level for a while?


The campaign is sort of still ongoing - it's an off and on one, but even characters who've been sitting at 6th level for ages have stuff they still want. I let in feats from several sources. Creating encounters hasn't been a problem either - even feated out to the max the characters are still more versatile than anything else. Over time you hold back less on tactics, but the CR system is still your buddy in that range. My main advice is be hesitant to crack the top (like putting anything higher than CR 10 against a fully-healed party ).


First Post
Why didn't you allow wizards as a class? What feats do you consider overpowering that made you cap skill ranks at 9 and bab at +6? Sorry for all the questions, but this idea has really sparked my interest. :)


This sounds--in theory--like something I keep wishing for in both pen-and-paper and computer RPGs: Character progression that's more about gaining options and abilities rather than raw power. This seems like a weird kludge, but extremely interesting. I'd really love to see the whole idea developed more. It could make a great PDF product.

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