Erekose's Savage Tide - Act 1: There is No Honour


Admiring the spirit that the late Vanderborens had, Nathan felt confident that his summons must have came due to his being a servant of the Merchant's Friend, as well as the fact that his father was the noble representative on the Dawn Council.

~It never hurts to acquire the proper backers when assuming control of your familes' interests. However she may be disappointed that I can truly only offer her the backing of the church, should she be seeking more.~

Glancing up at the afternoon sun, Nathan knew there was time to make a quick trip to the Docks before darkness firmly grasped the city. Removing his house ring, outside of the noble district it did little more than mark him as a target, Nathan wondered why Keltar Islaran would have a gripe already with the new heiress. The older man had more than enough worries with the fact none of his children seemed willing to step into their birthright, although they had no such qualms on spending his makings if the gossip was to be taken at value, and wondered if the workers there might have heard something that his brethren might have dismissed.

Nathan had learned early on that if he truly wanted to know what was happening with his family, all he had to do was listen to those who worked for the Lidus. While his family had omitted an attack on his sister that had transpired while he was away, the majordomo of House Lidu had informed him of the event over a game of sava, as well as helping him secure lodging at the Burning Dragon.

~Yes..if there is information to be found, the workers will know...~

[sblock=ooc]Dock GI check. Just trying to wrap up any strings he might be able to gather before speaking with her tomorrow night. Also don't want to bog things down if you are ready to move on, so if none applicable, I will move on from there and make one for the day of the meeting.[/sblock]

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First Post
Jerrell stops a moment and stare at teh kids with a warm smiles. As the worm finally stop to move, Jerrell start to walk again. "Now it's your turn to be the worm!" he hears behind him. After a moment, he walks toward the docks and climb on a boat. He see the Crow getting out of the captain cabin. "I can't beleive it. I don't know how he learnt it, but the captain gave me that purse for my wedding gift. It's damed heavy. Even if it is only silvers, it will worth a lot." The Crow opens the purse and take a look at it. Mixed gold and silver pieces glitter under the sun. He then leave teh boat, singing a merry song.

Jerrell enter the captain cabin. He enters and await a moment that the captain look at him. He is writing some notes in a book. "Sorry captain. Can I disturb you? I would like to have my pay. You still owe me over 200 gold pieces that I never claim, but I might need it. I've been invited by the noble house Vanderboren for a dinner, and I might need to buy a few things before going there."

After a moment of silence, he adds. "You might be familiar with such dinner. If you have an advice, it would be appreciated."

[SBLOCK=OOC]I've assumed that Jerrell doesn't walk around with his 238gp. I assume he had only 8 on him and the captain have been keeping for him his wage in safety.[/SBLOCK]


Rystil Arden said:
"Daria, darling, how have you been? I haven't seen you since Geoffrey's gala two weeks ago, but as then, you're looking absolutely divine,"he produces a pink lily dextrously and inserts it flirtingly into her hair--pink was Daria's favourite colour, perhaps a bit cliche, but still, showing that he remembered by way of the flower would make her feel special, at least in Alix's experience, "Look at that--the lily truly accentuates your beauty the way it plays off the hue of your hair."

*Alix smiles winningly.*

"Do you have time to talk a bit, or is the old man keeping you busy with all those figures and accounting?"

(OOC: Feel free to gloss over Daria or not--I certainly don't want to hold anyone else up. If he searches contacts again, Gather Info +3 each time).

ooc: I had only rolled one Gather Info as I wasn't sure if you had any other agenda items before the meeting. Like gathering flowers... In any case I'll make another roll or two.

Puzzled by a general lack of good information, Alix is only able to dig up a couple more tidbits about Lavinia. Apparently she was out of town during her parent's death, having arrived only a couple of days later. She quickly had quickly arranged a quiet funeral, though no remains had been found. Her older brother Vanthus had not been in attendance at the funeral.

Later having caught up with Daria, she graciously accepted the flowers blushing as he tied them into her hair. Quite taken with the gesture she pauses for a moment forgetting herself as she breathes the scent in deeply. She quickly replies, "Oh thank you! It's beautiful. Talk? Oh yes I have plenty of time, I was just going to pick something up at the market. I don't remember what it was now, but nevermind. What was it you wanted to talk about?"

ooc: I want to RP a bit for each character before the meeting just to get a sense of the city. We'll keep it to a few posts then I'll let you know when its time to move things along.

Manzanita said:
OOC: Don't know that you care to RP that. Julian has no other plans, really until the evening. He'll go back to his favorite pub and do some singing, hopefully make enough money to offset the cost of his food and drink. He'll ask more about Lavinia's brother Vanthus, though perhaps that's already been included in the gather info check he's already made.

ooc: Sure sounds good to me.

The next morning Julian heads towards the merchant district to give notice of his acceptance. The morning is still cool thankfully as it has been quite hot lately. Vanderboren Manor is located in the eastern section of the Merchant District; the seven-foot-high stone wall that surrounds the estate is impossible to miss, as is the towering, gothic, three-story house that dominates the grounds within. Leering gargoyles and capering nymphs festoon the eaves of the manor's roof, and several trees give the manor grouns a nice buffer from the bustle of the city.

The front gates are open, inviting you to come up to the front door of the manor.

Malarky said:
"Zan ,Liamae." He nods, briefly joining them. "On the house, just don't tell m'aunt or she'll have my hide. Guess they're still keeping you busy eh?"

"Oh hey Tereg, thanks little buddy. Sure do appreciate it. So what have you been up to?" asks Zan. For the most part Liamae just sits and listens, her long gown drawn around her feet. Zan is dressed in his typical dark brown jerkin and his longish hair covers the slight accent of his elvish heritage, his ears. "Pull up a chair if you have a second to chat. Got a few things you might find interesting."

Verbatim said:
Dock GI check. Just trying to wrap up any strings he might be able to gather before speaking with her tomorrow night.

Nathan spends a bit of time down on the docks. Without his ring or his presence for the last number of years no one recognizes him as a noble. He is able to sift through the gathered throng for the information he seeks with ease. It appears that the late Vanderborens had established a colony. No wonder their ventures were seen as high risk. Apparently the colony was called Farshore and it was located on the tip of an archipelago stretching off the southern side of the legendary Isle of Dread. The Scarlet Brotherhood had long claimed the waters between Sassarine and the Isle of Dread and now with all the pirate ships out and about, like the Crimson Fleet, communication with the far colony has been very scant.

Velmont said:
Jerrell enter the captain cabin. He enters and await a moment that the captain look at him. He is writing some notes in a book. "Sorry captain. Can I disturb you? I would like to have my pay. You still owe me over 200 gold pieces that I never claim, but I might need it. I've been invited by the noble house Vanderboren for a dinner, and I might need to buy a few things before going there."

After a moment of silence, he adds. "You might be familiar with such dinner. If you have an advice, it would be appreciated."

The Crow nods to Jerrell as he enters the captains cabin. Inside the captain is sitting at his desk. The usual charts and maps have been stored elsewhere and have been replaced with ledgers and small sacks of coin. "Thought ye' mightn be needing some coin for your furlough there son. Here ye go. I've got a whole 230 gold crowns waiting for you apparently. Been a good haul and of course I added a bit in onta your usual take what fer saving my life and all." he hands Jerrell a sack of coin that feels quite heavy to the sailor. Peering inside he sees a variety of gold coins, in different sizes and weights with symbols from half a dozen different countries printed on them.

"Nobles? nah not me. I've only had uh, what , one chance ta dine with tha nobles. That was some dinner mind. It was at a festival. We'd had a good year then too and made quite a bit of coin for our backers. Since things were gonna be more open with the fest anyways, Me'n Crow there were invited to dine. Didn't get to see much o' our benefactr that night though, too many people 'round. Fancy place though, gotta watch your tongue and yer manners up there I tell you." he finishes.


Nathan spends a bit of time down on the docks. Without his ring or his presence for the last number of years no one recognizes him as a noble. He is able to sift through the gathered throng for the information he seeks with ease. It appears that the late Vanderborens had established a colony. No wonder their ventures were seen as high risk. Apparently the colony was called Farshore and it was located on the tip of an archipelago stretching off the southern side of the legendary Isle of Dread. The Scarlet Brotherhood had long claimed the waters between Sassarine and the Isle of Dread and now with all the pirate ships out and about, like the Crimson Fleet, communication with the far colony has been very scant.

~It would seem that such a grand undertaking would explain their lack of power here if they had been the founder of a colony there. Investing their money solely in either would have granted them more strength, but to divide it between both could have ruined them if both went sour at the same time. However that is just the type of challenge Mouqol admires...~

Again his respect for the Vanderborens rose and Nathan regretted that he would not have a chance to speak with them more on what drove them to risk their fortunes on an unpromised reward.

According to the tenets of his faith, he would one day also have to place his trust, as well as his coin, in a venture of some kind and when the time came Mouqol would deny all divinations on its success or failure. Those who ventures blossomed could be purchased by the church, if the priest wished to return to his roaming ways, but many saw this as a sign that Mouqol wished them to settle in an area and bring the blessings of the Merchant's Friend to it.

~But for those that fail...Mouqol never grants them access to his greater blessings. Nothing risked..nothing gained.~

Although he had not learned what was causing the friction between the elder Islaran and the Vanderboren heiress, he knew that with the setting of the sun his time at the Docks was at its end.

Returning to the Burning Dragon, Nathan's spirits were high and the evening passed smoothly and quickly. Rising at dawn for his prayers, Nathan made a simple circle of coins on the floor and knelt in the center as he called upon Mouqol for assistance and guidance with the upcoming meeting. When his prayers were over, he placed the coins back in his pouch and passed the day with growing anxiety.

When he felt it was an appropriate time to call upon his hostess, Nathan put his house ring on once more and made his way to the Vanderboren estate.

Rystil Arden

First Post
Later having caught up with Daria, she graciously accepted the flowers blushing as he tied them into her hair. Quite taken with the gesture she pauses for a moment forgetting herself as she breathes the scent in deeply. She quickly replies, "Oh thank you! It's beautiful. Talk? Oh yes I have plenty of time, I was just going to pick something up at the market. I don't remember what it was now, but nevermind. What was it you wanted to talk about?"

ooc: I want to RP a bit for each character before the meeting just to get a sense of the city. We'll keep it to a few posts then I'll let you know when its time to move things along.

(OOC: Sounds good--the only other major thing Alix really needs to do (assuming he gets adequate information from Daria) is send an RSVP letter to Lavinia by courier--after all, it is only polite)

"Oh, I was just passing by and I was thinking of you and old times back at the Academy. How have you been doing lately? You look great! Is it just the way the light plays off of you and makes you seem to shine, or have you been growing more beautiful in such a short time? I think you might need to watch yourself on the streets, darling--you may have heard of my misadventures with a band of ruffians, but it seems like they are targeting women of noble blood and great beauty, so you could be next!"

"How is everyone in the family doing? Dantro, Ferrick, Pyter, your parents?"

"Actually, one thing that made me think of you was a letter I just got from Lavinia this afternoon. It's weird that she would send something like that to me, especially since she and I haven't really talked since she graduated, and so soon after her parents met their tragic fates, too. But you were perhaps her best friend back at the Academy, and I know you and she are still close, or at least she always invites you to her parties--quite nice ones or so I've heard. Heck, haven't your father's interests done accounting for the Vanderborens? I figured if anyone in Sasserine knows what makes her tick, it would be you."

"I figure Lavinia is playing the game, so she may be trying to pull strings here with this invitation, so I needed to confide in someone who was smart enough to help me with my analysis--that's what I like about you, Daria dear: you're not just a pretty face. What do you know about Lavinia, her motives and interests, and that mystery prodigal younger brother of hers, Vanthus? If I can manage not to be driven to distraction by your beauty, then with your permission, I would love to work out that mystery with you as we reminisce on old times."


First Post
Julian pauses to admire the architechture of the mansion, then resumes his walk towards the door. He is dressed in plain, but clean clothes. He's not rich and makes no effort to appear otherwise. He wears his sword, but no armor or bow.

He knocks at the door.


First Post
"Oh hey Tereg, thanks little buddy. Sure do appreciate it. So what have you been up to?" asks Zan. For the most part Liamae just sits and listens, her long gown drawn around her feet. Zan is dressed in his typical dark brown jerkin and his longish hair covers the slight accent of his elvish heritage, his ears. "Pull up a chair if you have a second to chat. Got a few things you might find interesting.".

"You know me Zan, always time for a chat." he winked, glancing briefly at Liamae before his attention returned to the other. "As for the little, you know the old adage. Its not all about the size." he grinned, leaning a little closer.

"Things have been of late. Past few weeks jobs have slowed a little, but I'm still getting steady referrals." he smiled. "Good word of mouth and all. Smaller hands do get into more places, I suppose." distractedly he ran his hands lightly over the worn grain of the table.


First Post
Jerrell takes the purse. "Thanks Captain." He leaves teh cabin and walk down to the quarter deck. He go to his bed and look at his clothes. The one he has on his back is too short. His old clothing have been thorn apart by teh sharks and he didn't had teh time to buy new. Nice time to do so.

He leave teh boat and head out to teh market. He make his way throught teh heavy crowd who are making the last expense in preparation for the festival. He finally find a tailor, the same one he goes every time he come back from a trip. It seems his clothing can't survive a whole hunt.

"Hi, Marco. I would need a new set of clothing... and if you could make it just a bit cleaner than usual." Marco who was working on a cloak raise his eye on teh large men and smiles. "A women?" Jerrell smiles to him and gently shook to him. "A lady." "Oh! You aim high." "Before you make yourslef an idea, I've been invited to a party... she wrote me she would have an opportunity for me."

Marco wait a moment in hope to have more deatil. "What do you think of that?" asks Marco, who show up a courtier outfit. "You would need a few rings and the decorated collar with silver and gold thread. You can find that in the High market."

Jerrell looks at the outfit and after an hesitation. "No... just a sailor's outfit, but I'll take more colorfull than usual." "More colorfull? You just mean what every sailor have. Color never have been among your style. There, this blue vest, with those pant and a red sach. The color are matching perfectly. And the quality of the fabric is better. Maybe it will even survive an hunt with that quality, but you,ll need to stay away from sharks."

"Thanks" Jerrell take his new clothing, but will wait for tomorrow to wear it, to make sure it doesn'T already take the salty smell he have... he will need to take a real bath too to get rid of all the salt.

[SBLOCk=OOC]Jerrell will show up in hsi normal outfit, that include the dagger at his belt. He will take a bath before going there. Not sure how much money I must spend for now.

I'm off for teh week-end. I'll be back Monday.[/SBLOCK]


Verbatim said:
When he felt it was an appropriate time to call upon his hostess, Nathan put his house ring on once more and made his way to the Vanderboren estate.

It was in the early evening that Nathan found a ferry across from the Nobles district to the island Merchant's district. It would've been a long walk had he wandered all the way south and across the bridges. It was a nice cool evening as his ferry crossed the small bay between the two districts. He took note of the location of the Blue Nixie that his contacts had described to him. It stood at anchor attached to one of the docks.

Rystil Arden said:
(OOC: Sounds good--the only other major thing Alix really needs to do (assuming he gets adequate information from Daria) is send an RSVP letter to Lavinia by courier--after all, it is only polite)

Daria answers politely enjoying the flirtacious dialogue, "Oh you go too far." she says playfully. "Things have been well for me and my family. Without the opression of the Scarlet Brotherhood business has been booming as it has for everyone. Lavinia? Oh I haven't spoken much with her since school really. I wonder how she is doing? She was away on some voyage for quite some time wasn't she? It's such a tragedy, what with her parents and all. Having just returned and with her estate in disarray, I'd imagine she is trying to pull things together. Though I don't know what she wants with you?" she adds with a hint of sarcasm.

"Vanthus? oh dear I haven't heard about him in a while, I don't know what he has been doing. He was a strange boy, I never talked to him during Lavinia's parties and certainly not at school. I don't even think he attended the academy." she finished.

Manzanita said:
He knocks at the door.

The same short wizened gnome woman appears at the door after a few heavy knocks (and a bit of waiting). "Oh good morning, Mr. Rivers right? I'm afraid the meeting is not until this evening. The Lady is a, out at the moment." she says straightening her apron. She does not look like she was expecting company this early in the day, but while surprised she is quite pleasant to speak to.

A ringing sound of steel striking steel rings out across the courtyard of the manor, echoing from some place in behind.

Malarky said:
"You know me Zan, always time for a chat." he winked, glancing briefly at Liamae before his attention returned to the other. "As for the little, you know the old adage. Its not all about the size." he grinned, leaning a little closer.

"Things have been of late. Past few weeks jobs have slowed a little, but I'm still getting steady referrals." he smiled. "Good word of mouth and all. Smaller hands do get into more places, I suppose." distractedly he ran his hands lightly over the worn grain of the table.

"Busy is good." replies Zan, "Wish we were more busy, though with Lavinia back things are picking up quickly. Thought you might want to know that she's getting together another group of 'adventurers'. Guess she's got other plans for us Ravens. She put out a call to a few local heroes hoping for some problem solvers. Told her to look you up, hopin she did eh" Liamae is currently looking about to make sure that no ears have wandered into their conversation. Its pretty early in the evening and the dinner crowd has yet to form. She looks at Zan momentarily as he mentions his recommendation. "Okay so it was Liamae who recommended you. I seconded it though." he adds returning the look.

Velmont said:
"Thanks" Jerrell take his new clothing, but will wait for tomorrow to wear it, to make sure it doesn'T already take the salty smell he have... he will need to take a real bath too to get rid of all the salt.

Dressed in new duds and having had a nice bath, Jerrell feels much more at ease with the meeting ahead of him. He heads out early to make sure that he can make it through the late afternoon shoppers as he walks the long way around. As he heads out of the docks he finds things quite quiet down in amongst the houses of Sunrise. Heading past the Shrine of Mayaheine (goddess of protection and valour) he spies a couple of watchmen weilding crossbows stop and offer a short prayer to the goddess.

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Oh you go too far." she says playfully. "Things have been well for me and my family. Without the opression of the Scarlet Brotherhood business has been booming as it has for everyone.

"Oh, that's great to hear, my dear! Although I have to admit I'm suspicious of the whole Scarlet Brotherhood emissary business. You just know there has to be some hidden nefarious agenda buried underneath the facade."

"Lavinia? Oh I haven't spoken much with her since school really. I wonder how she is doing? She was away on some voyage for quite some time wasn't she? It's such a tragedy, what with her parents and all. Having just returned and with her estate in disarray, I'd imagine she is trying to pull things together. Though I don't know what she wants with you?" she adds with a hint of sarcasm.

"A voyage? Odd. She never seemed the one to enjoy a pleasure cruise. I can only imagine she went off to meet secret business associates to brook clandestine bargains, or perhaps to check personally on an investment."

"Vanthus? oh dear I haven't heard about him in a while, I don't know what he has been doing. He was a strange boy, I never talked to him during Lavinia's parties and certainly not at school. I don't even think he attended the academy." she finished.

" seems he kept to himself as far as I have heard--a true black sheep. I can't help but think that such a concentrated effort to stay out of the spotlight intimates at a darker secret that needs to stay in the shadows."

'Dammit, that was more-or-less useless. Who else can I ask, though? Most of my friends are my age or younger...I should still check up on Trisha to see if she's better now--she always seems to have her finger on the pulse of the goings-on of the city--I guess she has to as a Lidu.'

*Alix will engage in small-talk for a while, until he has buried the inquiry about Lavinia between pleasantries, flattery, and a bit of good-natured fun, and then he will take his leave--before he gets a courier to send his RSVP to Lavinia, he decides to pay a visit to Trisha and see if she is feeling better, and perhaps if she knows anything more.*

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