• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Eric Noah, stay out of this thread. Everybody else, hop on in.

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First Post
What ENworld means to me: For me ENworld has taught me to be a better DM, a better player. I’ve learnt the intricacies of the 3.X rules here.

ENworld is my main point of contact with the D&D community outside of my own playing group. Visiting ENworld is a part of my daily habit. Here I can read about people’s campaigns, help other with their problems.

Its sorta like my D&D home away from home.

And it kick’s WotC’s boards arse. You can tell them I said so!!

Merry Christmas Eric & thanks for creating this great resource for all of us.


Well, this seems easier than going through the back alleys, so:

What ENWorld means to me:

Kickin' it with a community of friends who love the game that brings us together as much as I do.

And giving Nightfall noogies whenever he goes overboard with Scarred Lands references. :)

Kid Socrates

First Post
EN World is far and away my favorite website. I've spent countless hours reading threads and posting occasional questions and thoughts. The quality of my gaming has risen exponentially since I began following EN World and reading off of other GMs' notes. Thanks for everything -- I'm sure there are a lot of people like me with a low postcount but with ridiculous amounts of enjoyment from the website.


Enworld is my favorite online community. It's not only the only one I have belonged to for more than a few months, it's also the one that I keep coming back to again and again. It's wonderful beyond words to be able to discuss my hobby with others who share the love for it without having to worry about constant flames & insults. Thank you for creating such a wonderful place.


First Post
ENworld is the place where we can go and find out that there are many more nerds just like us! :)

Seriously, this is a great community filled with ideas, comments, suggestions and sarcasim. Many of the poster names have become like old friends and I always look forward to their comments and stories. This is a place is inspiration and criticism, usually aimed at helping us all become better at this crazy hobby that we all love. Thanks Eric!

gaming since 1978


First Post
It is my online home away from home. I wish I had as many friends and acquaintances in my real physical life as I do virtually here.

I can say for a fact that I was done and gone from gaming when I found Eric's boards on the net. The anticipation and discussions of the upcoming edition refueled my passion for gaming and it is still going strong. This also led to about a dozen new friends in my life whom I now game with.

I got to meet and thank Eric at the first Indy Gen Con which was great. I also met others here who are wonderful that I wouldn't even know if it wasn't for this board. I am also very thankful that Eric let Morrus take over rather than let the site die.


What EN World means to me:

In my younger days, I would buy Dragon Magazine so I has something D&D related to read. I would read it cover-to-cover, ads and all, good parts and bad, and then read it again. I could talk to the same few people, my friends, about D&D, but outside that core group I rarely spoke with anyone else about my hobby.

Now, thanks to EN World, and Eric Noah, there is always something new to read. But best of all, I can talk with others about D&D any time of day, any day of the year.

If not for EN World, I would not have met and joined my current gaming group. I have friends that I see every other weekend and friends around the world with common interests, thanks to a simple website.

Thank you, Eric!


First Post
EN World is a place that I can come to discuss and even play at my most beloved hobby of roleplaying. I've learned things here, been entertained, and met some great folk. Thanks for everything, Eric!

Voidrunner's Codex

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