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Essentials Bard Speculation


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So as of today, having seen the Slayer Fighter build, it's become apparent that one of the things that is now possible with the new policy towards class design is having different subclasses take different roles within the same class, the example so far being Fighters either taking Defender or Striker (Knight or Slayer).

I personally think this is a cool idea (although there could obviously be drawbacks), and it makes me feel better about something that has been bothering me about Essentials, that being the absence of a couple of iconic classes from the Essentials line - namely Bards and Barbarians; two classes that have been around for a long time (since 1E) and cover two pretty popular fantasy archetypes from movies and literature.

With the Slayer, it seems like we've now got a "Martial Barbarian" - a big guy who does lots of damage with big weapons. Obviously it doesn't make the Barbarian we have now obsolete, but that archetype is now present in the Essentials products, so new players coming in through this line will be able to play a Barbarian-type character without tracking down a PHB2.

People in other threads have already begun speculating that the Druid might be getting a Leader build (perhaps stealing the Shaman's schtick). Allow me to make a prediction:

So far we've seen the Thief (Striker) as one subclass of Rogue. I think we're going to get a "Martial Bard" as the other Rogue build (perhaps called a Minstrel/Jester/Trickster/Scoundrel/Entertainer...who knows?). Not only does this make it possible for players coming into the game through Essentials to play this pretty popular archetype that they would otherwise have to buy the PHB2 to gain access to, but it also hearkens back to the old 2E days when Thieves and Bards were both classes within the "Rogue" category. Something that I've seen repeatedly in the Essentials previews is a move towards making things "feel more like older editions" in order to win back players who never made the switch to 4E (or even 3E).

I think there's plenty of design space in the game for a Martial Leader who leads through tricks and manipulation rather than inspiration and tactical know-how (the Warlord). We've already seen monsters that have this schtick (Human Noble and Half-Elf Con Artist from MM2), so I don't think it's too much of a stretch.

Anyone else have any predictions on what unexpected Class/Role combinations we might be getting in the Essentials line? Are there any other fantasy archetypes that might be getting ignored by the 8 Classes being covered in the "Heroes of...." books?

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just being silly ...

In light of efforts to bring nongamers into the fold, I suspect* the essentials product line will have a bard that uses powers named after popular (or one time popular yet still well known) dance moves...

Electric Slide Bard Attack 1
Through force of will, your movements cause others to move in step with you
At-Will * Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Close burst 1
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: You shift 1 and your target shifts 1 in the same direction

Macarena Bard Attack Power 1
you recite mumbled lyrics that might be confused for a spell as your body flails in a confusing manner
Encounter * Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Close burst 1
Target: One creature in range
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: Target is dazed until the end of its next turn

YMCA Bard Attack Power 1
Through fast body movements, your body turns into a weapon, injuring all who are near you
Daily * Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Close burst 1
Target: Each creature in range
Attack: Dex vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8+Dex damage
Miss: Target grants combat advantage until the start of your next turn

Other common powers include the chicken dance, and the conga. Utility powers will include the Bunny Hop. A paragon Path is the Dance Dance Revolution-ary. And an Epic Destiny will be Thriller: Zombie

(*No, these are not actually balanced in any way, I am just procrastinating and being silly :) )
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I actually wonder if there actually will *be* a second rogue subclass. Only reason I mention it is because it seems like they potentially mentioned every class permutation in the previews. There's a single wizard subclass, the mage, but it has three schools connected through it (thus negating the need for a second subclass). There's a single cleric subclass, the warpriest, but it has potentially eleven different forms of that based upon god/domain. And we were shown both subclasses of the fighter. The fact that we were only shown the thief makes me think that that might be the lone subclass for the rogue they have made.

Now that being said... *if* they were to make a second rogue subclass, I certainly could see a charisma focused rogue to be a nice counterpoint to the thief. However, I wouldn't think they'd go with the name 'bard' because they already have a bard class, and that would just cause *way* too much confusion to have both a martial class and an arcane class both with the same name. I would perhaps go with 'scoundrel' or perhaps 'rake'... someone who might lose acrobatics and stealth but gain diplomacy and a few of the knowledge skills instead. I suppose you could even stick with the swashbuckler/duelist theme for the artful dodger type of rogue if you wanted to keep his martial use to the forefront.


Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
I will see your gnome with a flute and raise you a vuvuzela. :p
A vuvuzela?!? Are you trying to make the Essentials Bard universally hated and despised?


My prediction: All Essentials Bards will be gnome floutists.
All Essentials Bards will be gnome Entians.

And when they pass on, they will all go to another dime Entian -- if they have dimes placed upon their eyes.
(Otherwise, they will remain gnome Entians until somebody mentions them.)

(What were they going to flout?)

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