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Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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Torqua gives a polite wave back to the large goblinoid and smiles.

Rumbum smiles a toothy grin in return and prepares himself to stand to move towards her but then stops as the the woman turns to talk to someone else. Anger fueled by the woman's rejection builds quickly with adrenaline quickly flowing through his limbs. He reaches for his weapon only to find that they are still imbedded into the floor next to where he ordered his meal. He grunts then gets up to retrieve them. As he grabs the first of his two weapons the voice of his gladiator comrade echoes throughout his head. To survive, use your rage defeat your opponent in battle, but learn to control it! Some things are not worth fighting for...don't let your temper get you in trouble. Rumbum takes a deep breath and slowly exhales as he retrieves his second weapon. He stares at the long broad sword, noticing all of the knicks and blood stains all over the blade, then smiles. I use you to kill soon. He then harnesses his weapons and moves back to his seat to finish the rest of his meal, belching loudly before sinking his teeth into the remaining piece of meat on his plate.

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"It is the custom for warriors where I come from," Neginea shrugs. "North and south, Surtyr and Letheon, Valhyroni and human... freedom and servitude... Long way from home now."

The bartender puts up an ale on the counter: thick, foamy, and so far as anyone can tell, bug-free. Neginea sips, smiles broadly, then quaffs a sizeable portion of the ale in one gulp. "Thank you kindly, stranger, for the best ale I've had in months. I'm afraid I can't repay you in kind now, but hope to stand you a round once I can find some work."

Neginea glances around, then leans in a bit closer. "This is the place to come for... work, right? Of the exploring and troubleshooting kind?"

"Oh please, it was no trouble. It would be ill-befitting of me to eat while you go without nothing." Torqua says as a large collection plates overflowing with food are placed before her, almost covering the whole bar. "Well if it's adventure you seek, then this inn is the perfect hotspot for those brave and strong, along with those in need of such heroes. Why, I was sitting in this very seat only a few years ago, when the servant of the ruler of Asamadar asked me to save his kingdom." She says, pointing to one of the three seats currently holding her up. "I'm sure a thin thing such as yourself will have no trouble finding work. Just sort of have to wait until it comes in the door."

"By the way, if anyone asks you to go down a sewer for them, DON'T DO IT. Only led to heartbreak and disappointment, mark my words."


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The door to the tavern opens and a familiar face, brother Navio, the head archivist of the Temple of Lauto enters. He seems distracted as he peers at something in his left hand as he makes his way to bar. He sits down at an empty seat and looks up at the barkeep, who already has his drink in hand, unsweetened tea with a slice of lemon. Thank you. He then places the object in his hand on the table. Patrons and adventures seated near the cleric see that it is a jade ring. The cleric studies the ring for a moment more, then looks back to the barkeep, who then moves over to talk to him. After a brief conversation the barkeep nods his head then moves to a location in the center of the room. If you're looking for some work Brother Navio has someth'n for ya.

OOC: Adventure: The Jade Ring Low or high level: four for low level or (lvl 6 or less) for high level (greater than lvl 6)

Son of Meepo

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A deva walks over to where Navio is seated.

"The Wisdom of Mireva be upon you Brother Navio. That is quite the interesting ring you have there. I am Dina, a scholar and a warrior."

OOC: I currently have 1 PC in an adventure, but a level 6 sentinel druid or a level 9 artificer|warlord not in an adventure.


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Hmmm...oh! Hello Dina. Yes... <he clears his throat> Recently a group of adventures returned from slaying the dreaded black dragon Bosch. After the return of the mighty adventurers I decided to go to the scene of the battle to have a look. After observing the corpse of the dragon I notice a cave entrance not far away. There were more corpses there as well, all of which were dragonborn. After searching the bodies I discovered the ring which I now hold in my hand from one of the bodies. He places the ring on the table in front of Dina. Perhaps you can take a look at it and tell me what it might be?

OOC: @Son of Meepo if Dina wishes to answer this question please do so in this thread

Anyone else?


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Leather, who had been peering rather bored into the bottom of his tankard for some time now, looks up at the mention of dragons. He drops from the stool and in two long strides reaches Navio. He kicks back one of the chairs at the table and sit down. "Work with dragons you say? That sounds like handy work for my blades". Looking at the dark skinned warrior, he truly is a walking arsenal, with every manner of weapon including swords, axes, knifes, maces, spears and polearms.

OOC: Leather would love to go along! Lvl 5 fighter; can bump his level if needed.


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If you're looking for some work Brother Navio has someth'n for ya.

Neginea follows the barkeep to where brother Navio is speaking with Dina. She eyes the ring with obvious interest. "Would a hunter and sharp pair of eyes be of use to you?"

OOC: Neginea's fresh out of the gate, so won't be suitable for a lvl 6+ adventure. However, if you do a low-level one in tandem, please let her know. :)

The door opens again and terrible dragon head peeks inside. After the initial shock, everyone notices that the eyes of the head are glassy, it wobbles and there is green glow coming from somewhere behind it.

Finally, it squeezes through and it becomes obvious that it's only a head. But of the enormous black dragon. And it is carried by a giant bat? and...a dwarf tree? WTF?!
The green glow comes from a branch seemingly growing from wildens shoulder.

With a thump, the head rests in the middle of the tavern.
"I hope you have a space in trophy room tavern-master. We brought the head of great Bosch who was praying on citizens of Daunton.
In keeping with the tavern tradition, I am Nementah, shamaness of Kythira, Inheritor and Lady of Inifinite Branches. The rest of the group needs to clean up a bit and they'll be back in a moment.

Good hunting to you, brother Navio. The threat has passed. Daunton is safe.

OOC: Protector shaman/scarred healer wilden 13 at your service


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Torqua nearly shallows her fork whole when she sees the terrifying sight of a dragon sticking it's head through the bar door. She's more annoyed than relieved to discover it's well and truly dead. "Well I guess that's somewhat impressive." She mutters, sounding almost envious. She then overhears a familiar voice.

"Leather? Leather is that you?" She asks the dark skinned warrior with one too many weapons. "It's me, Torqua Debu, the Wide Witch, the Massive Mage! We did that task for the city guard together down in the...er...uh..tunnels."

"Don't tell me you're taking on a heroic dragon slaying quest without me."

OOC: Torqua is a lvl 5 Sorceress who's more than happy to show off her skills to these Dragonslayers.
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OOC: Nicely done MetaVoid :)

Brother Navio turns his head and reals back in shock. So this was the dragon who marked Lerrick for sacrifice two years ago. Nementah, the city is indebted to you and your fellow adventurers in multiple levels, not only saving Lerrick, but saving the city from ruin. Words cannot express the gratitude I as well as all the those who call Daunton their home feel for you. We are forever in your debt. The cleric pauses for a moment deep in thought Where is Lerrick at anyway. I'm sure that she'll be relieved that Bosch is dead. Navio turns back to the ring and notices two other now crowded around himself and Dina. Yes, hello all. Please come and have a seat. I believe Dina is on to something here. Maybe you can shed some light to its origin and its purpose.

Welcome Leather and Torqua. Please report to the adventure thread The Jade Ring

Dina: Level 5 Druid
Leather: Level 5 Fighter
Torqua: Level 5 Sorceress
NPC: Brother Navio: Temple of Lauto Archivist:

Lets go with this. Let the adventure begin :)
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