Ever been kicked out of a gaming group? Admit it!

Ever been booted from a gaming group/not invited back?

  • Yes

    Votes: 43 18.9%
  • No

    Votes: 169 74.4%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 15 6.6%

Iron Captain

First Post
I was never booted out of a game (I haven't been in that many). But once I found out that some friends of mine (one whom I had always asked to be and included in my groups) had started a CoC game. When I asked if I could join he said something to the extent of "I don't like my players knowing anything about the details of the mythos and it's creatures." You see I had run a CoC game myself before with him as a player among others. I told him I could seperate Player and PC Knowledge but he woudn't hear anything about it. Still I think that group went belly up pretty quickly.

This really pissed me off so he won't be asked to join any of my groups again :p

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First Post
Never been kicked out. I played in a game that wasn't that fun once, and never checked back with anyone to see if there was going to be another session.

I am interested to see if the trend of "Yes, but it was because I was the BEST player/DM in the group and and nobody could stand my awesomeness," continues. Is anyone really going to vote yes and tell us they were a glory hog rules lawyer with bad hygiene and poor social skills?


First Post
No, I have never been asked to leave a game that I played in. Yes, I was booted from a PbE-Mail game... The GM wanted to play a "Strive to Become First Level!" game, where you started as kids about to go through their "emancipation", and seeking to find someone to mentor them. He had all kinds of things like teachers beating you for "impertinence" for asking if any non-humans lived in this land before man, getting into trouble for talking to a girl, etc. The game stated that he wanted you to "experience the thrill of casting your first spell!", but we never got that far...

My PC was an orphan rogue, working with the pig-tender, who wanted to be a Ranger. There were other PCs in the game, but apparently the GM was running everyone solo, at first, so I hardly had any interaction with them.

The kingdom was Chaotic Mean, IMHO, except perhaps for the one Prince that I met, one day, along the pig path (!?!). Anyway, as "emancipation" approached, my PC was trying to find a "Ranger", and the Prince told me that so-and-so could train me, but that he HATED Rangers, as that was what their enemies in the war called them, and so not to mention "Ranger" to so-and-so. He called them something else, in his game...

So, I went off to find old so-and-so, and told him that I wanted to be a woodsman, adept at survival, stealth, tracking, infiltration, and spying, better than any Ranger in the enemy forces! Then he roared at me, asking how dare I mention them to him, that he wouldn't train me, and I should get out of his sight! (I also got an E-mail from the GM, saying "I warned you not to mention them to him!")

Reacting like a 16-year-old (which my PC was), I took him literally, and ran around the corner of the building, where he couldn't see me. Then I considered my options. I could go to the guy who trained the Fighters, and at least learn that much, or... I could go off into the woods, and learn to survive on my own! I didn't expect it to be easy, I figured the GM would have it rain on me, etc., but it seemed the best way, so that's what I had my PC do...

The next time I logged in, the game menu was gone. I E-mailed the GM, asking if I had been removed, since there was no "The Game has been discontinued..." notice, and he replied: "Yes, you were! You are sh:)t!" Frankly, I didn't mourn the loss... I just wonder if the other PCs got the same sort of trearment, and how long the game lasted!
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Yes, I've been asked not to come back before. I was one of three DMs, and I was going to start a planescape campaign. All (40 something) classes were going to be allowed, and over a hundred different "races", and everybody was going to be allowed two characters. The only stipulation that I had was that noone was allowed to level in the same classes or be the same race. I made that clear a month before we even started the campaign. Seemed easy enough, right?

As it turned out, one player wanted to take a few levels of fighter, another player, who had levels in fighter, had already changed her character concept. Hissy fit commenced. It was decided by the majority of the group that I was being unfair - so I was kicked out. *shrugs*


First Post
I voted no, but then remembered otherwise. This was maybe 20 years ago. There was this group of players I met I cannot remember how. Maybe an add in a gaming shop, but I didn't know the guys at all. They let me play with my 10th level Unearthed Arcana Cavalier with a munchkin sword in an AD&D 1e game where they didn't use Unearthed Arcana. Needless to say it all went wrong, as my overpowered PC was unkillable and full of super powers. They never called me back, but likewise I didn't try to call them myself.

Many years later it was an AD&D 2e game with friends. At some point I brought another friend who didn't know the people in this group. His relatively peculiar gaming habits (always playing totally chaotic characters for one thing) irritated the GM who then told me (screamed) "I don't want to see this guy again in the group!". I had a hard time explaining my friend, who was upset, to not join the game again...



pre 2000ed release.

gaming with the playtest rules. DM said i complained too much and didn't tell me when the next session would be or invite me to the new group site to discuss the campaign.


Hussar said:
Does parachuting myself out of campaigns count?

I realized rather quickly that bailing out of games that I didn't enjoy was the best policy.

i've done this too.

life is too short to play crappy RPGs.


I got booted once long ago.

Harken to my tale of woe and tremble at the horror! ;)

The year was 1984. I was a Freshman in high school in a small town with few gamers. There was a group of enigmatic gamers that met at the local library. They were upper classmen, and their group was very selective. I didn't know what their game was like, because they did not speak to outsiders often, and never to lower classmen. Suffice to say that I felt a burning desire to become a part of this group of "elite" gamers.
So I petitioned to join the group. After passing the written test covering information from the 1st edition PHB (you read that correctly. I had to make an 85% or better on a 100 question written test administered with a time limit.) and passing an interview board with the members of the group, I was accepted.
First game session (wait for it...) I was handed a Cleric character three levels lower than the other PCs, and thrust into the action. I had no information on the game world or the other characters. I didn't even know which god my cleric followed. Then we had our first combat encounter. We faced off against several stormtroopers(yes the Star Wars kind) and one Darth Vader "clone", complete with lightsaber. That is when I found out that the rest of my party was also equipped with lightsabers, and they made relatively short work of the stormtroopers. "Darth Vader", unfortunately, was able to escape to his Star Destroyer in orbit. :confused:
After this first encounter, I began to ask some questions about the game. Something along the lines of "What the hell?!".
I was told that my membership was revoked, and I was asked to leave.

Thus is my shame. The only time I have been kicked out of any gaming group.


First Post

I left a group once, but that was it.

Then again, I am the GM about 90% of the time, so being kicked out is much less probable under most circumstances... ;)

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