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Ever Dream Deity Roleplay(Always Open)


A suffusion of yellow
Traume looked out and followed the Nightwings path across the Worlds and wondered when the other gods would respond to his warning - for the Radiant One had already began to touch creation...

1 I agree maybe this ought to be in Playing the Game (but its so much fun)
2 I can get the timeline to display!!
3 Anyone seen Armin?
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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Shara, The Light Bringer (Light, Wisdom and Life)

Traume[sblock]"My Phaenix have encountered him and do not approve. I worry about his careless attitude - it will take a lot of attention to keep him in check - like a mischevious child. He will need to be watched as chaos follows in his wake.

The New Borne U-DO was quick to respond. It seems that the newly born godlings are following a pattern of destruction and negative energy - undeath - disasters. I hope that his trend does not keep perpetuating as we might have a rough time keeping the balance. U-DO will only be able to do so much.

Armin[sblock][OOC: It might be a little be premature yet, but closing the openings at some point will be a good idea. We have an interesting bunch of godlings - a few more will liven it up quite a bit. There are some that are openly contentuous which is cool! Having to work between 20 of 30 gods, or several hundred will be near impossible. If we can get 3 of 4 more Godlings to join that would be cool and then close openings. This will also make the politics a little more manageable. :confused:

It has been mentioned a little bit that we could move this thread to the 'Playing the Game' and create a OOC Thread in 'Talking the Talk'. That might be good as people are not intereacting as much OOC as they might do otherwise. ;)

This is defintely an interesting exercise in world building. We could extend this at some point by trying to define the godlings a little bit more and then create characters (fighters, clerics, wizards, etc) on one of the planets in this world/cosmology. We could also have a hand at defining the worlds, countries, cities, and so on - the list goes on... :heh: T'would be very interesting!! :cool:

It would also be very good to see a little more of you in the thread for guidance and flavor. You have mentioned divine ranks and we have yet to see this in effect or quantified. Seeing your implementation or selected rules set and how we stand within it would help to give us some direction and momentum and provide impetus for more politics. :] If you are waiting to assign ranks and so on based on our actions - I do understand!!! There is still much to work to do - there are now really sentient races (Humans, Goblins, and so on). A Godlings work is never done! :( :D

Well, I think I have rambled enough! Thanks for the Thread! :D


First Post
Endovior is vaguely irritated at the rejection, and more irritated by the rebuke. He speaks to all the god-beings at once.

"Know this. I am magic. I am change. As I focus my will, void becomes substance and light. Behold."

Endovior concentrates, and around him, where a eighth planet would be, if one was present, appears a huge structure... a castle of light made form, resonating with magical energy. It's towers stretch out in all directions, giving the impression of a spiked ball.

"Through this, I disseminate the knowledge of Magic. There will be no interference. There will be no restriction. All who would learn will know of this place as they dream, and when they come, they will not be turned away."
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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Endovior[sblock]OOC : Hey.. this is going to be interesting... ;)

In your last post you mention a sixth planet. There are already 7 planets. Do you want to change that to 8th planet or do you want to destroy the 6th planet??

There are 2 "Solar Systems" one with 2 suns and one with one sun (the one that you originated from). There has been no mention of planets created in the second system. Is that where you intended to create you Spiked Magic School Planet of Light. I am thinking that is not what you were intending? If I am correct you have in effect created the third sun for the Primary Universe.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock]ooc: oops! Sorry, thought there was 5 for some reason... anyhow, this thing is big, but not that big. Think Death Star. Also, note that it's not ultra-bright... it'll show up like a nearby planet, visible to the naked eye... but it's not a third sun or something.[/sblock]
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First Post

The arrival of Nightwing stirred the slumbering Algennis from the hibernation it had entered following the lighting of the stars. Something akin to irritation visibly washed over the form of the ever-shifting diety, annoyance at the presumption of the foreign entity that dared to say, "I am change." For there were some things all the godlings had in common, despite their various shapes and ends, and among these was their possesiveness towards those eternal concepts which they claimed as their respective portfolios.

In thanks to Traume for his warning, Algennis tore a portion of its own essence away and gave to it the form of a gem, shining and without fault. This was the raw stuff of change collapsed into material form, given as a tribute to the Entropy that was Traume's power and curse. For often decay simply cleared away the old to allow for the new to blossom and grow, and in this Algennis felt kinship with the Watcher of Worlds. This gem it gave to the messenger of the Master of Shadows with the blessing of the Twister of Forms.

And so Algennis contemplated Endovior's works. This fugitive from another reality was clearly quite powerful, and possesed of great magical might. It would be long before the relatively young Lord of Change could challenge this ancient being. Withdrawing deep into the cold void of space, Algennis twisted the geometry of a place at a suitable distance, causing it to turn in upon itself and become a maze of nearly endless corridors comprised of the void itself. So was born the Labyrinth of Algennis, at the center of which the Lord of Change waited and plotted.


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Shara, The Light Bringer (Light Wisdom, and Life)

Algennis[sblock][OOC: I like Endovior's 'Alien Nature' and aloofness. It is a nice spin. I had forgotten about your portfolio of Change. This godling is directly or indirectly claiming light, change, fire, antural disasters, and magic . He is stepping on a lot of toes.][/sblock] The Seven Phaenix of Shara arrive to the seven planets of the primary system and they tear across the sky like giant flaming meteors. They move with a purpose as if they are looking for something specific. Their wings burn white hot in the atmosphere as they fly impossibly fast leaving a hazy, vaporous trail. Bits of feather and sparks from their being ocasionally fall haphazardly to the newly formed ground sparking growth... new life forms start to grow and emerge.

With the magic of Moss' seeding still fresh in the air new life begins. Each one potentially different. The forms begin to change, evolve and take shape, sentience begins to take hold. Now is the time for Mortals as they start to take hold in Ever Dream, the Worlds of Life.

Once the Children of Shara have fully traversed their planet they then find an appropriate place to slumber until their guidance or intervention is needed.

The First Planet, Prime, seeds 3 new life forms
The Second Planet, Failure, seeds 4 new life forms
The Third Planet seeds 6 new life forms
The Fourth Planet, Vitae, seeds 7 new life forms
The Fifth Planet seeds 2 new life forms
The Sixth Planet seeds 3 new life forms
The Seventh Planet seeds 3 new life forms


First Post
Endovior is busy at work. He is swiftly recreating members of the races that served him before in the last universe. Magic glows bright within his construct, as innumerable Fire Elementals (mostly small ones) are formed to work the core. Without, Mephits of Fire, Magma, and Steam begin preparing the towers for use, under the watchful eye of Efreeti taskmasters.

But all of this is a mere testing of Endovior's capacity to create underlings. He could have done everything they do now himself, but for the fact that he finds it convenient to have armies of subservient beings to work for him... that way, he can focus on what really matters. For within Endovior's construct are now hundreds of beings made in the image of the rest of the universe's inhabitants. These are Endovior's Prophets. And with these, Endovior's Words will be spread.


Jemal arrived at the castle of Endovior as the Phaenix begin their flights, and lets his voice be heard by the master of Magic. "I seek an audience with you. I wish to know what you know, I wish to hear of where you came. Come forth, old one, and speak with me!"

Voidrunner's Codex

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