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Ever Dream Deity Roleplay(Always Open)


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U-DO slips into Endovior's lair using the forces of the universe to mask his presence from Endovior or any of his minions. He then ventures to find the perfect messenger, and leaves as quietly as he came.

Then one of Endovior's Efreeti taskmasters enters into the room where he is "entertaining" Jemal. Its eyes shine unusaually brightly as he watches both Endovior and Jemal carefully for a moment, and then speaks. "I see you have found yourself a nice home. A place to focus your powers. Something special to you. I have come to deliver the Karma ultimatum. Should your actions result in the attempted destruction of any parts of this universe due to your careless use of magic, then your home shall too be in danger. In fact, it shall be beseiged by powers three times stronger than that you have unleashed. And do not try to deflect your guilt by claiming that you yourself do not actually use the magic, for you know what the consequences of your actions will bring. Karma is not influenced by anything but reality, and so there shall be no escaping it dangerous one." The Efreeti turned for a second to Jemal, "And don't think that your unnatural existence will be overlooked by Karma either undead. And so you both are forewarned. Beware." And then the Efreeti disapeared in a flash of fire to the unknown.

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"Would that I could, but that power is beyond my ability to teach. Having carefully considered the experience for millenia after the fact, I have determined that the process is one quarter preparation, one quarter willpower, and one half circumstance. Although you say you were once mortal, as well? I'd be interested in comparing notes..."

At that point, he is interrupted by the entrance of U-DO, and the ensuing speech. As he speaks, Endovior perceives U-DO's essence. Even as U-DO vanishes, Endovior immediately sends a reply (magically sent throughout the universe, but accessible only by a being with a divine essence matching U-DO's, which virtually means only U-DO), including the text of an incredibly ancient contract written in a language from a different universe entirely (not that such is a problem for a God to decipher).

"I do not need to 'try' to protect myself by making such a claim, it is already guaranteed by a force far older and more powerful then this universe. Know that the document I have sent you is a copy of the original manuscript of the Words of Power, from which Magic was formed. It permeates all universes that were, are, and ever shall be. Though I have a general dislike of resorting to such measures, I must inform you that the contract includes a clause stating that, in accepting the Magic within, the student agrees to accept all responsibility for anything he/she does with the Magic. It was drafted before the beginning of the first universe, and is a part of the universal laws, which define reality. You're a God, look it up yourself if you feel the need to; I can direct you to the appropriate archives in non-dimensional space if you lack expertise at such things.

"As for your claims, I'd like to think that those I personally teach will not abuse their power, but I may, on occaision, be wrong. I am not, after all, Omniscient. Furthermore, my students may teach their knowledge to others, who may themselves abuse it. If such a thing was to occur, and you were act against me in response... your action would not qualify as 'retribution' under the Archmagical law, and thus, you would be acting on only your own strength, and not the force of the universe. The correct target for your retribution would be the user, or users of said magic, and none other. If you do act against me in this manner, it is I who have the upper hand, as that makes YOU the aggressor. Also, note that your persecution of those of those of alternate states of existence, such as Jemal, is by all definitions far beyond your mandate as an agent of retribution. Unless you are breaking your own laws, you may not act against us unless either of us, or a creation directly controlled by one of us, acts against the universe. And if you are breaking your own laws, then not only will you be unable to act with full strength, but you also weaken your nature as a being of law. If you wish to do so anyways... you will have to accept the consequences."


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Step one, I will only act against you if you act against the universe first. I have chosen to disregard your reckless entry into our space, but I do not have the patience the universe that spwaned me does. Step II, your contracts and law jargon mean nothing to me. It is this Godly blatent disregard for the universe which spawned my creation in the first place. Karma will find its way back to you. Not even the Gods are above this. You have been warned.


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"Do as you will. I have informed you of my intentions. Know that you cannot prevail if you choose to act against us."

To Jemal
"That one bears watching... there are cosmic principles that a being of that sort should be compelled to follow, even at that level... but he seems to blatantly disregard the terms of his mandate. An agent of 'justice' that follows no law but his own can be the most unpredictable of foes... it would be prudent for us to make plans against his strike."


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[sblock]Note that I haven't actually started yet. I'm getting ready to start, but I haven't actually started the spread of magic yet. Hold off on the Inquisition for a few more days, eh?[/sblock]


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Endovior said:
[sblock]Note that I haven't actually started yet. I'm getting ready to start, but I haven't actually started the spread of magic yet. Hold off on the Inquisition for a few more days, eh?[/sblock]

[sblock] My apologies. Let me remove the above until later. I must've misread. [/sblock]


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Tocho, The Hunter, Beast Lord

Awakened by the pulse of Shara, Tocho began to roam the cosmos. Finding it so empty saddened him, but the life created by his fellow deities gave him inspiration. He began to fill the seven worlds with a myriad of animal life forms (none sentient), some of which preyed upon the creations of moss, and some preyed upon each other. His creations live by the code of survival of the fittest, in which competition is paramount. These creations made him happy, but he still derives the most pleasure from tracking that most elusive and confounding of prey, the god Algennis, out of good sport, since he's the only being ever to elude him.
The arrival of Endovior disturbed Tocho. He doesn't know what to make of this magic brought into the universe, it seems strange and unnatural, almost like cheating. For the time being he waits and watches.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Animals, Hunting, Competition

OOC: hello. saw the topic and love the idea. had to sign up to the forum and join in.
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A suffusion of yellow
A stirring in the leaves marked Tocho's passing causing the patterns of green light to dance across the ground. She was curious about the nature of this new god, about his creatures and most of all about the hunt.

She followed silently behind him, hidden in the leaves, stalking the hunter and learning that sometimes it is not enough to be a Watcher, sometimes it is better to embrace the joy of the hunt.

From his place Traume looked and saw his Watcher "hmm perhaps she is correct - let her follow and discover what she can of The Hunter"..


First Post
Tocho is quick to realize his pursuit, but allows it to continue. He finds the rare experience of being the hunted to be quite interesting, letting the watcher pick up the trail again whenever she becomes lost. Finally he reveals himself to her.

"You enjoy the hunt, child of Traume. You have come to know and embrace it. Let me show you it's pleasures."
With that, Tocho took the watcher, taught her the secrets and joys of hunting, and transformed her shape. Thus the first human was born, and he named her Avial.

Voidrunner's Codex

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