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Ever see a Strengh 18/00 rolled legitimately?


More than once, and legitimately.

Starting up a new group for a long running sandbox 1st ed game, the guy making the ranger rolled an 18 for Str, then dropped the first d10 of the percintile pair and got a "0". Everyone snickered and laughed, until the second die dropped also hit "0"....

He died lots though. Brutal world. Fortunately, I was his druid buddy, and I had a bag big enough to drag his body (or what was left of it) back to his temple to get raised every time he did something bone-headed. I called it my "Bag of Ranger Holding".

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Wow. This is that rare?? I've only ever played a couple campaigns, the most recent about 15 years ago. I played a Barbarian & one of my friends played a fighter. We both legitimately rolled 18/00 when rolling characters. We made our rolls on carpet with different sets of dice, if that matters. But our DM absolutely did not allow re-rolls.

At the time it happened, our DM ranted & raved about it, saying he'd never seen anything like it in maybe a decade of playing. I just figured he was exaggerating a bit trying to get us pumped or something.

Then he told us that if we both created characters together every day for the rest of our lives, the odds of two people simultaneously rolling 18/00 in the same session was EXTREMELY unlikely. I was floored.

I've always been pretty lucky at winning things, stuff like that. I will say my charisma was like a 9, so that wasn't good. We ended up having a lot of laughs from that while playing, saying what my character lacked in looks her made up for in strength. We had some pretty amazing situations having two characters both with 18/00 who didn't understand their own abilities at first. I had no idea what it really meant in game until our DM explained the kind of strength we were both capable of. It was ridiculous but a ton of fun.

I have never posted on any D&D forum in my life, & there's a lot I don't remember. But today I just happened to be thinking about the odds pf 18/00 he explained back then, for some reason, & decided to look it up to get some other opinions & found this thread. So it turns out, according to all you guy's posts, our DM was totally right: it's incredibly rare to legitimately roll. And by some miracle, I was part of a twofer in the same session.

I realize I'm just some random dude with no reputation here, but I'm telling you this story is absolutely true. I suppose you'll have to either take my word or not. Instead of D&D, I should've played the lottery that day, sheesh!

We were so inexperienced & such casual players that I feel kind of unworthy of such a rare circumstance.

Having read this thread now, I realize how special that really was. Incredible!

Anyway, this will likely be the only post I make since I'm not in contact with anyone who plays anymore. I wouldn't be against trying again in the future, but I'd have to meet people who play & such.

I don't even know if anyone will read this, but I figured someone might want to have this story documented. Thanks for reading!

Wow. This is that rare?? I've only ever played a couple campaigns, the most recent about 15 years ago. I played a Barbarian & one of my friends played a fighter. We both legitimately rolled 18/00 when rolling characters. We made our rolls on carpet with different sets of dice, if that matters. But our DM absolutely did not allow re-rolls.

At the time it happened, our DM ranted & raved about it, saying he'd never seen anything like it in maybe a decade of playing. I just figured he was exaggerating a bit trying to get us pumped or something. Then he told us that if we played for rest of our lives, the odds of two people simultaneously rolling 18/00 in the same session was extremely unlikely. I was floored.

I've always been pretty lucky at winning things, stuff like that. I will say my charisma was like a 9, so that wasn't good. We ended up having a lot of laughs from that while playing, saying what my character lacked in looks her made up for in strength. We had some pretty amazing situations having two characters both with 18/00 who didn't understand their own abilities at first. I had no idea what it really meant in game until our DM explained the kind of strength we were both capable of. It was ridiculous but a ton of fun.

I have never posted on any D&D forum in my life, & there's a lot I don't remember. But today I just happened to be thinking about the odds pf 18/00 he explained back then, for some reason, & decided to look it up to get some other opinions & found this thread. So it turns out, according to all you guy's posts, our DM was totally right: it's incredibly rare to legitimately roll. And by some miracle, I was part of a twofer in the same session.

I realize I'm just some random dude with no reputation here, but this story is true. I suppose you'll have to either take my word or not. Instead of D&D, I should've played the lottery that day, sheesh!

We were so inexperienced & such casual players that I feel kind of unworthy of such a rare circumstance. Having read this thread now, I realize how special that really was.

Anyway, this will likely be the only post I make since I'm not in contact with anyone who plays anymore. I wouldn't be against trying again in the future, but I'd have to meet people who play & such.

I don't even know if anyone will read this since the most recent prior comment is 11 years old, but I figured someone might want to know this happened at least once. Thanks for reading!

Wow. This is that rare?? I've only ever played a couple campaigns, the most recent about 15 years ago. I played a Barbarian & one of my friends played a fighter. We both legitimately rolled 18/00 when rolling characters. We made our rolls on carpet with different sets of dice, if that matters. But our DM absolutely did not allow re-rolls.

At the time it happened, our DM ranted & raved about it, saying he'd never seen anything like it in maybe a decade of playing. I just figured he was exaggerating a bit trying to get us pumped or something. Then he told us that if we played for rest of our lives, the odds of two people simultaneously rolling 18/00 in the same session was extremely unlikely. I was floored.

I've always been pretty lucky at winning things, stuff like that. I will say my charisma was like a 9, so that wasn't good. We ended up having a lot of laughs from that while playing, saying what my character lacked in looks her made up for in strength. We had some pretty amazing situations having two characters both with 18/00 who didn't understand their own abilities at first. I had no idea what it really meant in game until our DM explained the kind of strength we were both capable of. It was ridiculous but a ton of fun.

I have never posted on any D&D forum in my life, & there's a lot I don't remember. But today I just happened to be thinking about the odds pf 18/00 he explained back then, for some reason, & decided to look it up to get some other opinions & found this thread. So it turns out, according to all you guy's posts, our DM was totally right: it's incredibly rare to legitimately roll. And by some miracle, I was part of a twofer in the same session.
I realize I'm just some random dude with no reputation here, but this story is true. I suppose you'll have to either take my word or not. Instead of D&D, I should've played the lottery that day, sheesh!

We were so inexperienced & such casual players that I feel kind of unworthy of such a rare circumstance. Having read this thread now, I realize how special that really was.

Anyway, this will likely be the only post I make since I'm not in contact with anyone who plays anymore. I wouldn't be against trying again in the future, but I'd have to meet people who play & such.

I don't even know if anyone will read this since the most recent prior comment is 11 years old, but I figured someone might want to know this happened at least once. Thanks for reading!


I want to say "sure have!" ... but the more I think about it, the more likely I didn't.

I do remember someone getting a 90+ ...

AND my first character in Pool of Radiance was a Fighter, with a natural 18/00 ... no modifying! ... my second character was an Elf Fighter/Mage that had some sort of glitch when I was using Hillsafar (Hillsfar?) where you could get some extra xp and whatnot. That glitch gave him an 18/00 up from his 18/75. Kept that when I went thru Streams of Silver (was that the 3rd game?)


Morkus from Orkus
I mean, classic D&Ders will know many characters with 18/00... but how often has it been seen legitimately rolled? On the first try (no "that was a practice roll" or "that was an 18/10, roll ,and kind of lame, lemme retry").

I only saw it once. In an unusual twist, I was a player and not the GM... it was the GM's first time running a game, but he was a pretty dedicated player. We had a few other players, including this guy Ian, who had never played any RPG before.

He decided he wanted to be an elven fighter. And he started rolling stats. After allocating them, it was something like Str 18, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13 Cha 13 or something ridiculous like that.

Then we explained the percentage strength thing, and he rolled his strength - 00. I remember he was really upset, and begged for a re-roll, because he thought his character was gonna be super weak. When we explained "00" meant "100", he got pretty excited. None of us had ever seen a legit 18/00, and we were all pretty dumbfounded.

This was in 98 or so, and I still remember that character - his name was Drake, and he was nigh unstoppable. My half-elven druid/enchanter was quite the badass, too, but nothing next to Drake.

Never seen it since.
I've seen it 3 or 4 times.


I personally did it once in 2E about 1996-1997 while rolling up a fighter, but it didn't matter at all though. That one stat didn't make the character memorable because I can't remember anything else about that PC, their name, race, any adventures I played them in (if I even ever played them at all) what level I reached or how they died. I'm guessing this one falls under the rolled and never played column or rolled, really excited to play, and was dead in 15 minutes column. Either way what a drag it is getting old.


Victoria Rules
This is an old thread but has since had a happy ending: at my table, about 2 years after this thread was started, @Wik got to see another player knock off a legit 18.00.

The character in question, though, turned out to be a real glass cannon and didn't last very long. Ah, Khawy, we hardly knew ye... :)

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