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Evestus, Demon Lord of the Skies

Magus Darkholme

First Post
Here's a homebrewed demon prince for your amusement.

All comments, suggestions, and constructive criticism is welcomed, but flames are not.

EVESTUS, Demon Lord of the Skies
Gargantuan Outsider (Chaotic, Evil)
Hit dice: 40d8+560 (740hp)
Initiative: +14 (+6 dex, +8 superior initiative)
Speed: 40ft; fly 200ft (perfect)
AC: 45 (-4 size, +6dex, +24 natural, +9 insight), 21 touch, 39 flat footed
Attacks: 2 claw+54 melee, bite+52 melee, tail slape+52 melee
Damage: Claw 2d6+14, bite 3d8+7, tail slap 2d10+7+stun
Face/reach: 20ft by 20ft/20ft
Special attacks: Swallow whole, breath weapon, spell-like abilities, improved grab
Special qualities: DR 20/+7, fast healing 15, item master, outsider traits, true seeing, SR 39, summon tanar’ri, tanar’ri traits, aura of fear, alternate form
Saves: Fort+36, ref+28, will+31
Abilities: Str 38, Dex 22, Con 38, Int 28, Wis 28, Cha 28
Skills: Spot+49, listen+49, search+44, hide+36, move silently+36, spellcraft+49, knowledge (history)+49, knowledge (the planes)+49, knowledge (arcane)+49, knowledge (religion)+49, alchemy+44, disguise+39, concentration+54, sense motive+49, bluff+49, diplomacy+49, scry+49, intimidate+49
Feats: Alertness, multi-attack, wingover, flyby attack, hover, combat reflexes, improved initiative, dark speech, superior initiative, dodge, mobility, improved flyby attack
Climate/terrain: Any land and underground (mainly found on the 999th layer of the Abyss called Dionus)
Organization: Solitary or Evestus’ Wing (Evestus + 9 balor)
Challenge rating: 28
Treasure: Quadruple standard
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Advancement: ---

Lord of the 999th layer of the Abyss, Evestus, also known as the Sky Beast, is an intellectual as well as a barbaric killer and torturer. Evestus patrols the skies of Dionus, also known as the Ash Wastes, from his floating fortress, Gal'Dumac. He mainly stays out of the affairs of the other demon lords, but sometimes comes to odds with Juiblex. He detests slimes and oozes, thinking them unfit to be even considered above tanar'ri by the Faceless Lord, and often tries to make trouble for Juiblex's oozes by the form of extermination squads that enter the Slime Pits and wipe out as many oozes as they can quickly and then retreating back to the Ash Wastes.
Evestus is a gruesome site to behold, having the upper body of a muscular humanoid with clawed four-fingered hands, and the lower body of a serpent with black scales. His head resembles a black-furred goat with blood red eyes and sharp, dagger-like teeth. He has a pair of huge ash colored bat wings, which sprout from his back that enables him to fly.
Evestus rarely leaves Dionus himself, except only on the most important of matters, preferring to let his underlings do his work for him. He has many demons under his command, including most of the demons that Juiblex ran out of the Slime Pits. Almost all types of flying fiends call him master and pay him homage. Occasionally though, with mortal help, about once every thousand years or so, Evestus will make a trip to the Prime in the form of a beautiful human, either male or female depending on his mood, to corrupt the innocent, destroy villages, and cause general anarchy. When doing so he is vulnerable to attacks from rivals, and so he never travels alone. He always has disguised nearby his Wing of Balors waiting to defend their lord or join in the fun.

Evestus usually lets his lackeys do the fighting for him, but when pushed his rage is a site terrible to behold. Space permitted, Evestus will take to the skies and attack with his spell-like abilities, breath weapon, and fly-by attacks. If unable to take to the skies, Evestus will use brute strength and attempt to swallow an opponent whole, as well as using his breath weapon and spell-like abilities as need be. Before a fight Evestus usually summons fiends to his aid.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, Evestus must hit a Large or smaller opponent with his bite attack. If he gets hold he can try to swallow the foe whole.

Swallow Whole (Ex): Evestus can try to swallow a Large or smaller opponent by making a successful grapple check. The swallowed creature takes 4d8+7 points of crushing damage plus 7 points of acid damage from Evestus' gizzard. A swallowed creature can cut its way out by using claws or a small or tiny slashing weapon to deal 25 points of damage to the gizzard (AC 20). Once the creature exists, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out.
Evestus' gizzard can hold 2 Large, 4 Medium-size, 8 Small, 16 Tiny, 32 Diminutive, or 64 Fine or smaller opponents.

Breath Weapon (Sp): Once every 1d4 rounds Evestus can loose a 120ft cone of greenish fire, dealing 20d6 point of damage; reflex save (DC 39) for half.

Item Master (Ex): Although not an actual spellcaster, Evestus can use any magic item; even spell completion items such as wands and scrolls. Unlike Demogorgon, he does not create items.

True Seeing (Ex): Evestus is under the constant effects of a true seeing spell.

Aura of Fear (Su): Evestus is surrounded in a dreadful aura of fear and death. All those within 120ft of the Sky Beast with 10HD or less are automatically affected as though by the fear spell cast by a 20th level sorcerer. Those with 11HD or more must make a will save (DC 39) or become affected as well. The fear effect lasts as long as the opponent remains within the area of affect. If an opponent fails his save and leaves the area, and then reenters, he must make the save again. If the save is successful, the opponent is immune to Evestus' aura for a period of 24 hours.

Alternate Form (Su): Evestus can take the form of a humanoid at will as if affected by a polymorph any object spell cast by a 20th level sorcerer. Evestus mainly uses a human form for his visits to the Prime.

Summon Tanar'ri (Sp): Once per day, Evestus can automatically summon 1d8 vrocks, 1d6 hezrous, 1d4 glabrezu, 1d3 nalfeshnees, 1 maralith, or 1 balor.

Tanar'ri Traits: Evestus can communicate telepathically with any creature within a hundred feet that has a language. He is immune to electricity and poison, and he has an acid, cold, and fire resistance of 20.

Spell-like Abilities: At Will – bestow greater curse, blasphemy, contagion, deeper darkness, desecrate, detect good, detect law, detect thoughts, fear, fly, greater dispelling, read magic, suggestion, telekinesis, teleport without error, tongues (self only), unhallow, unholy aura, unholy blight, vile lance, chain lightning, distort summons, wall of ice, and wall of fire. 1/day – befoul, symbol (any), apocalypse from the sky, and mind rape.
Caster level 20th; save DC 19 + spell level.
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First Post
I see you got the Book of Vile Darkness.....:)
Anyway I like Evestus, he is balanced, not like the super duper powered ones made by munchkins. One tiny thing, I would put the Ash Wastes somewhere above the 666th layer, rather than the 999th.

Magus Darkholme

First Post
Yes indeed! And what an excellent book it is. I don't see what all the fuss is about; it's not nearly as bad as I thought it'd be.
Thank you KL, I'm glad you like him. I tried to make him as balanced as I could. He's powerful, but he's definitely got his weaknesses.
Some where above the 666th layer you say? I'm no to familiar with the layer of the Abyss, is there a book, PDF, or something else that goes into it with more detail than the Manual of the Planes?


First Post
Nice, I can actually see myself using this in my campaign. Although I will have to wait until I get the BoVD... But damn that creature is vile...I'm guessing that he is a tanar'ri?


First Post
Let's say even though the Abyssal layers are supposedly infinite, I think there is an unspoken fact that it contains 666 layers as in first edition. How about 555?

Oh, check out some of my homebrews at Blacksway.net under Homebrew creature sites. Most of my creations of tanar'ris and some half fiends (with ONE baatezu princess).:)

Magus Darkholme

First Post
Krishnath: Really? That's cool :) . If you ever do use him let me know how it goes. Yes, you definitely have to get the BoVD. Most of that book is good, new prestige classes, new spells, new magic items (especially the weapon abilities), new artifacts, new feats, stats for the major demon lords and the Lords of Nine, and new monsters (finally an official Eye of Fear and Flame). And yes, he is a tanar'ri.

KL: Really? Never heard that before. Anyways I was thinking about transporting the Ash Wastes somewhere close to the Slime Pits. Easier access you know ;) .

The Serge

First Post
1ed, like 2ed and 3ed, assumed that there were infinite layers in The Abyss; however, in 1ed, "legend" had it that there were 666 layers and this is what was published in most books. When 2ed rolled around, the "666" reference (in addition to words like "devil" and "demon") was completely eliminated until later books. The infinite layers became official.

Now, 3ed assumes infinite again with the idea that there are at least 666 layers.

As for your Demon Lord, I liked it (although I'd add the Snatch feat). Personally, I wasn't at all impressed with the Lords of the Nine or the Demon Princes in BoVD (I prefer my own versions and even those offered by the Creature Catalog), but some of the other "crunchy" bits are nice. Anyway, good job.

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