evilash's Shackled City journal


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We headed back towards the lava tunnels, threading lightly on the unpolished stone. As we found our way into the next room, Vlada triggered a blast glyph that made a terrible sound. Vlada quickly jumped to the side, while Erold was partly caught in the blast. Continuing even more cautiously, Vlada managed to trigger a second trap but this time we escaped completely unscathed.

We looked into the next room and there where huge husks of dead spiders pushed back against the walls. As Vlada stepped into the room, the animated corpses sprung into motion and shambled across the room towards him, one bit him hard but as he backed into the room with the rest of us Heion threw a fireball into their midst. With the spider zombies coming at us one at a time, Erold and Darius hacked them to pieces one at a time with the occasional shot finding its mark from me, Heion and Swyth.

Once in the singed room, we looked around. To our left was a room with an obsidian altar. Sensing danger we moved carefully which was fortunate as two horrible creatures appeared out of nothing and attacked us. Myself, Swyth and Vlada recognized these creatures as Spawn of Kyuss. The mere sight of them made Swyth and Darius run for their lives. As we started exchanging blows, One of them threw a worm on Erolds armor, but he immediately squished it in his hand. I invoked the power of Mystra and the two creatures headed for the back of the room. As we closed in for the kill we saw that their injuries closed by themselves. An infuriated Erold however would have none of that and charged them with full force. He pulverized them before they realized what hit them.

Vlada examined the obsidian structure carefully, it had some kind of lid but before we even got close to it he spotted that the surface had been coated in some kind of poison. He scraped the poison off the areas we needed to slide the lid off. Once the lid was gone, we found a huge treasure in the coffin, 15000 cp, 8000 sp, 4500 gp and 200 pp. If we could just recover the last two wands we would be set for a party at the Morkoth when we go back to the surface.

The other exit from the spider room brought a terrible sight. A tyrannosaurus rex skeleton had been used to create a nasty guardian, the guardian however, could not leave its room so we left it where it was and went round it into the other two lava tubes we had discovered before.

One of them led into the room with the T-Rex and the other to a small cave in. We climbed carefully across and found secure footing on the other side. With everyone in the other room, we moved on into the final chamber. Vlada was immediately assaulted by foul magic as the Gnoll Huecuva Tarkilar cast hold person on him. He shrugged this off and fired a bolt towards him which bounced harmlessly on the magically hardened skin of the monstrosity. The creature moved towards Vlada and hit him with his spiked chain before the rest of us could act. But even though the chains bit deep into Vlada's flesh, Tarkilar's doom was inevitable as we all closed in towards him. In the end Erold severed one of his legs and as it dropped to it's knees, the final blow split his skull to its neck.

After looting the room and the corpse we headed back towards the T-rex and peppered it with bolts to the spirited singing of Swyth. It took some time, but in the end the T-rex died to our fire. We returned to the surface and delivered the wands to Jenya who was very pleased .Although we had only 7 wands at this time, it was enough to turn the tide before any lives where lost. I helped with one of the wands myself. We received our reward of 5000 gp.

Year of Wild Magic, Marpenoth 21
The weave swirls around in joy as good has once again triumphed over the forces of evil.

We headed back down into the fortress to recover our treasure and conduct a thorough search of the premises. By the use of detect magic, we located another wand in the water below the illusory floor. By draining the water with a spell granted by Mystra and the aid of Heion's burning hands, we killed the ooze swarm that protected it and recovered the final wand. The vast amount of equipment was brought to the surface and stashed in the shrine and the food was distributed to the poor.

Swyth apparently stayed up all of last night creating a new poem to depict our exploits in the fortress.

It is time to have a thorough read through Skaven's notes to see what they might have been up to down here. I think me, Heion and Darius might have to take turns since we do not know if there are more snake sigils lurking on the hidden pages.

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First Post
Year of Wild Magic, Marpenoth 21 thru Year of Rogue Dragons Tarshakh 21
Your power flow through my veins Mistress and guide me through these times of joy and laughter.

I have had a lot less time to write in my diary over the past six months. A disturbance in the weave as well as developments in my life has caused me to pick up my pen and start writing again.

Hathor stands by my side, vigilant, strong and silent. We are discussing marriage, since our relationship has born fruit in the most pleasant way. Our love child is due in four months.

The temple is growing nicely under my firm hand. Decorations are plentiful and followers are flocking to your altar ever so often. Magic in Cauldron is strengthening as well, with me, Darius and Heion crafting wonders in your name.

The orphanage is flourishing, there are many potential young temple guards among the children, and even a couple with potential spellcasting ability. Isaal has been instructed to keep a close watch on the orphanage in the case I would be gone for some time, but my weekly visits to their study hall is paying off, they will become good citizens of Cauldron when the time comes and our temple will be able to provide those that so desires work and a place to live until they are ready to strike out on their own. Nothing new or remarkable has surfaced surrounding the special child.

The stormblades have reduced all entrances into Jzadirune and the Malachite Fortress to rubble. That threat from the underdark is no more. Keygan the gnome has been sentenced to a one year of hard labor for his part in the abductions, a mild punishment considering his crimes against our beloved town.

The four bandits we captured are all converted to the good cause now. One of them is even working at our temple. The others are working with the city guard. I visit them all on a regular basis, and most attend service at least once per week.

Year of Rogue Dragons, Tarshakh 22
Morning dew covers the weave as spring comes to our beloved city.

It has been awhile since I found anything of note to write in my journal. Resting has done our group well, we are no longer armed to the teeth when we walk the streets of Cauldron, a fact that caught us in quite a poor position today. As we where heading from the Temple of Tyr and our regular meeting with Jenya a terrible noise could be heard from the ground. Two Umber Hulks emerged from the depths below and started tearing down a building not far from us.

We immediately engaged the beasts with the little weaponry we carried. In a hail of fire the first beast fell to our efforts but not before Vlada had succumbed to its confusing gaze. In his crazed state he stabbed at Hathor’s back wounding him wickedly. I myself patched him up a few seconds later and Swyth cleared the confusion with a calm emotions spell. The second Umber hulk disappeared down into the ground and then reemerged on a side street, tearing at a new building. A newly arrived squad of half-orcs from the city guard rushed around the corner only to be passed by Erold with his new favorite cleaver. In a mighty slash Erold cut the insectoid from head to toe in two, leaving the assembled half-orcs in awe. Meanwhile I stabilized the remaining umber hulk and we then proceeded to try and interrogate it. Swyth started out with a Tongues spell, followed by trying to charm it. While his magic charms failed, he isn’t called goldentongue for nothing.

The Umber Hulk proceeded with telling us about him and his companion being hired by a beholder in the underdark to destroy this particular section of Cauldron. After leaving the Umber Hulk with our friend sergeant Skylar Krevis of the city guard, we went back to the Morkoth to discuss this strange happening. Most of the buildings where owned by one of the city’s most esteemed merchants, Maavu who was seen leaving the city in haste on the back of a phantom steed. I made two attempts at scrying him in the seclusion of our temple, but failed both. Just as we where about to retire for the night, Celeste, a woman of fair appearance invited us to the Cusp of Sunrise, advising us to dress appropriately. I will have trouble sleeping tonight since I have nothing to wear.

Swyth, Vlada and Darius scoured the city at night, learning what they could about Maavu and his staff. Maavu was a merchant of good heart, with very few enemies in town which made the whole event even stranger.

Year of Rogue Dragons, Tarshakh 23
The weave is disturbed, are you telling me something Mistress?

We where up earlier than usual, the rude tailor was upset when we woke him but at least had the decency to not comment on my tummy as he took the measurements. I think I will be fine with jewelry for the evening, my ring and diadem goes with everything.

We where all a bit taken back by the prospect of meeting with the city’s celebrities, Erold in particular had dressed up like a peacock and had bought flowers for Celeste. At the entrance, Vlada, Hathor and Heion where stopped by Renjiin at the door and advised to a tailor who held open into the evening. We where back in an hour and entered the Cusp of Sunrise.

We spent about an hour feeling awkward in the company of the nobles before Celeste appeared. She asked if we where well refreshed at which time I remembered that I had forgotten to purchase a drink in the first place. I hope this indiscretion was not noticed by too many.

Celeste brought us to an ancient dwarf named Davked Splintershield who told us a most gruesome story. He had not been a good father, rather too harsh on his sons. When his wife Marta had died a couple of years ago, she had cursed him to wither and die unless he managed to reconcile with his sons. He had managed to reconcile with two of his sons but a third remained, the former lord of the Malachite fortress, Zenith Splintershield.

Zenith Splintershield had abandoned the Malachite Fortress about a decade ago to his father’s dismay to take an army of dwarves on a crusade through the underdark. Zenith hadn’t been heard from since, but in his recent predicament Davked had paid for priests and wizards to scry for his lost son and had found out that he was held captive by a tribe of Kua-toa around the shrine of Bhal-Hamatugn.

Davked offered us a king’s ransom in gold (4000 gp) or weaponry (6000 gp) of our choice for the return of his son so he may die in peace. Celeste offered to sponsor our admittance to the Clusp of Sunrise and pay the fare for us (1000 gp) in addition to this most generous reward. While Davked’s own motives might have been selfish indeed, the rescue of a captured crusader in the underdark was not. We agreed and set about planning the rescue.

With the Malachite Fortress so timely destroyed by the Stormblades, we had no ready entrance to the underdark. Celeste told us that there was a second entrance somewhere to the north of Cauldron but that its location had been lost. The hermit crazy Jared who also lived to the north of Cauldron was expected to know its location however. Though his epitaph of crazy did not bode well for our chances of extracting information from him he was our only lead since Swyth could come up with little else. Hopefully the area wouldn’t be full of Baneite patrols and we could slip unnoticed into the underdark.

Year of Rogue Dragons, Tarshakh 24
You are ever present in our actions Mistress. In your name we fight evil.

We prepared for the trip the next morning, knowing that we might have to go on a trek through the underdark we stacked out bags with food. As we exited the city an unpleasant surprise hit us. Apparently the city by the edicts of our mayor was now extracting taxes on adventurers, taking 2 out of every 100 gp worth of treasure we recovered.

The weather was pleasant and we traveled north, seeing no Baneite patrols and enjoying the ride.

Year of Rogue Dragons, Tarshakh 25
The weave strengthen our resolve in the face of adversity.

An uneventful day at the back of a horse made unpleasant by my growing tummy. Hathor is annoyingly seeing to my every need.

Year of Rogue Dragons, Tarshakh 26
The weave is strong, even in the mentally weak.

We arrived in the area where Jared’s home where supposed to be but like all hermits, he had taken great pains to hide its location. It took us almost 2 hours to locate it and when we did we found him under attack from the red dragon Gotrod son of Hookface! Both me and Heion turned a bit pale as we realized our spell selection was not exactly what it should have been to combat a beast such as this.

Jared proved to be just as crazy as his name would suggest and used magic to create fine clothes for himself as the dragon torched his ramshackle hut. With a dragon in full flight, Heion cast haste on us as we engaged the beast with missile weapons. After our initial volley, Gotrod soard to the sky casting mage armor on himself. With the added height and armor, our arrows proved ineffective. Soon enough Gotrod came down in revenge, blasting us with fire. Swyth who was weakened already by his holy words ended up on the edge of consciousness from the blast, Darius was also severely seared by the flames while Hathor, myself and Heion managed to cover our bodies from the brunt of the flames.

Heion then launched a bolt of negative energy at the beast who in turn cried out in rage. Two more volleys of arrows and Gotrod plunged to his death, Erold’s final two arrows protruding from each eye. With the red menace gone, we turned towards the crazed hermit, hopefully he would realize we had just saved his life.


First Post
A quick update on the party:

  • Misha Thundergrove, Cleric 7/Hathran 1
  • Hathor Greypeak, Barbarian 1/Fighter 5 (Misha's cohort)
  • Swyth Deribor, Bard 7
  • Heion Lia, Wizard 5/Incantatar 2
  • Erold Lynn, Barbarian 4/Fighter 2/Champion of Gwynharwyf 1
  • Vlada Nightrunner, Rogue 4/Ranger 2/Cavelord 1
  • Darius Lionheart, Barbarian 1/Fighter 2/Wizard 2/Green Star Adept 1

The next update will probably be during next week, when they will discover what information Crazy Jared has to offer.

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