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TSR Example from the worst TSR adventure module(s) ever published

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no no no!!!! I thought the succubus was reserved for every bar maid, serving girl, or lady of the night in an adventure...

... especially when certain PC's insist on turning the afternoon bar scene that is just supposed to get them started on the adventure into a multi-night stay in a whorehouse.
Ah, threadnomancy - I used to have a vampiric whorehouse for just such an emergency. Kind of like the roach motel, roaches check in... Other monster for the local strumpets that I used to off characters who lost sight of the adventure:

Ghosts, vampires, succubi, erynies, evil cultists, vargouille, were-creatures, doppelgangers, drow under illusory magic, aliens and the occasional psychopath.


<Insert a witty remark about Bolo Softsole, the proprieter of the Wildwood Inn, not realizing that his barmaids are vampires/succubi/evil culists here> :)

So, I presume the name of the inn relates to its location, rather than, say, what one might find at said inn?


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I wanna know what happens when you don't step on the squeaky board? And why does the squeaky board alert no-one? Is Chloe too busy watching to see what the party does to not be alerted to what they're doing by the squeaky board?

And why does a pavilion have a fireplace?

And why does a pavilion have an unlocked door. For that matter why does a pavilion have a door? And why do you have to swim to the back door of a tent? Couldn't you just enter through the chimney?

The deer bothers me too. If you're gonna check it's pulse then why not the breathing? And if ya carry away the deer from the shore then how come it will work and the water won't? Perhaps you should move the water away from the deer. Then maybe neither will work. But I don't like the odds of that. They're at least 70-70 on a 1-12 on a 4 sided die.

And why not encourage the party to test the water? Is Chloe afraid it could be used to extinguish the empty fireplace near the back door of the pavilion (the one you gotta swim through)?

And why do you need an antidote to bird song? Ain't woods wild enough already without that kinda thing? There are cobwebs after all. That can't be a coincidence.

This whole scenario looks fishy to me. By the way do sleeping potion fish sink or do they float if you put em in the pavilion sink? One of those fish is bound to know when it wakes up, but will it know enough to not to? That's the real question. then again I'm not sure I wanna know. If any of the answers make sense then this whole thing could unravel.

On the other hand you do see a lot of drumming traveling brigands. They're mostly freelancers from hair bands. I also like that the party surprises. A good surprise party needs a traveling drummer, and if he's a brigand hair bander so much the better.

I think to be really surprising though the traveling drummer brigand should team up with the clever wererats with the rat tracks. Those guys are really, really good at disguise. Being wererats and all.


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If I'm ever in a group where the DM is running the Forest Oracle, I won't say a darn thing about the module. Because that would be metagaming. Instead, however, I'll encourage the party to go off the road and wander around in the Great Olde Wood (Let's explore!) I mean, if you just go across country you'll avoid most of the non-sensical encounters. The only problem would be getting around the mountains (go north?).

Oh wait, that would be metagaming too.

Hmm... I wonder if the Downs and the map would be a good basis for a Sandbox campaign?

Voidrunner's Codex

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