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Eye of Profane Truth - rebooted!


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Your conversation is interrupted by a clear, ringing sound. It isn't loud, but strangely it completely drowns out all the voices and ambient noise in the room. Looking at the source of the sound, you see the bartender, holding a silver gong.

He strikes it two more times, making sure he has everyone's attention. Then he speaks.

"Auction night tonight, folks. Come back tomorrow unless you've got five hundred gilders w'nowhere ta go."

At this, most of the assembled patrons stand up and shuffle to the door. There are a few grumbles, but clearly they are used to this.

"You're mercenaries, aye?" Says the man you were talking to. "You'll want to see this at least once. Five hundred golds should be nothin' to you adventuring sorts... course, you'll wanna pay for poor ol' me, too. 'S important to have someone show you the ropes when you're new in town."
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Shard stands up in her seat, wings vibrating in a frenzy of excitement.

"I'll pay for poor old you!" she exclaims. "And me too! Show me the rope!"


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Lessa shakes her head in dissappointment, "What is with this obsession with gold? Are there perhaps... other... ways this entry fee of yours could be satisfied?"


First Post
Lessa shakes her head in dissappointment, "What is with this obsession with gold? Are there perhaps... other... ways this entry fee of yours could be satisfied?"

The musician shrugs. "Sure. Platinum, gems, jewelry, magical trinckets, things of that sort. Or you could have our lively weefolk lass here spot you some. You do have to pay, though."

As you speek, more people are come in. Adventurers, judging by their armor and the weapons they brandish. The vast majority are human, but you do spot some half-orcs and even a few dwarves. They carry on loudly, and soon you can barely hear youself above the ding.

Rhollic the bartender reaches under his counter. You hear a loud click, then the sound of grinding gears, and the walls of the tiny tavern flickers and fades away to reveal a lavishly furnished space at least twenty times larger. It even includes a stage and a small gladiatorial pit.

As you watch, the empty glasses on your table are removed and replaced with full ones. Invisible Servants, most likely.

The guardsman you saw earlier is going around the now much larger tavern with a sack, collecting gold. Pointing to him, the musician speaks:

"See him? That's Ghuland. He's the king's eyes and ears in this place. This is all illegal, you know. In theory. But the king's willing to turn a blind eye so long as we keep it discreet an' the Church doesn't get wind of it."

"And, o'course, nothing's free. The gold you pay, it all goes straight to His Royal Pockets."


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"Do the people that gather here, presumably fight here, represent the best and most powerful of the people that live in the city? If so, I have interest in seeing it. If it is just a blood spectacle it holds little interest to me."


Have we entered a pocket dimension? Does it look like a lot other bars share this pocket dimension or this one is just much bigger? The regulars seem to be moving out?


First Post
"Do the people that gather here, presumably fight here, represent the best and most powerful of the people that live in the city? If so, I have interest in seeing it. If it is just a blood spectacle it holds little interest to me."
"No, no, they don't fight. Well, they do, sometimes, but they're mainly here for trade. You did hear Rhollic say it's auction night, right? You come here often enough and you will see anything - anything up for sale."

"If you are looking for the truly powerful, though, you're in for some disappointment. Such people tend to avoid the company of each other. If they want something bought, they would do it through their underlings. Though," he pauses to take a swig, "any mage worth his salt knows his divinations, so I wouldn't be surprised if there are several of them peeking in at us right now."

As you speak, Ghuland the guardsman is coming to your table. He frowns at the musician.

"Sponging off outlanders again, Rudgal?"

"Aha, everyone, allow me to introduce you to my best friend..." Rudgal raises his glass, grinning amicably.

"I am not your friend."

This is met with an exaggerated expression of hurt and outrage.

Ignoring him, Ghuland turns to you.

"You're new here, right? Don't believe everything this man tells you, and watch your pockets around him. He's a liar and a cheat."


Have we entered a pocket dimension? Does it look like a lot other bars share this pocket dimension or this one is just much bigger? The regulars seem to be moving out?

[sblock]The inside space is now much larger than it should be considering the size of the building outside, so you are probably inside a pocket dimension. It is walled off, with no windows. The regulars have moved out and those coming in look like adventurers.[/sblock]
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First Post
Orgesht leans back in his char with a casual air, "I don't suppose they'll be auctioning off any saucy young slave girls? I could use a good bedwarmer when I retire for the evening. Now who's dreary idea was it to have unseen servants. They're slow as snails and lietrally nothing to look at. I'm so parched you'd think that I hadn't had a drop since the day I was born."

OOC - despite O's apparent nonchalance, he will observe Rudgal and Ghuland's body language carefully, and keep an eye out for anyone else that may be paying the party inordinate
attention. Sense Motive +53
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Voidrunner's Codex

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