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Eyes Of The Lich Queen


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Dismissing the Silence spell on Jina, as the reinforcements will likely arrive after it had worn off anyway, Khalia makes her way up to the conversation.

"I should think anything we can do get them to come to us in smaller groups would be a good thing." The Archivist said.

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Mista Collins

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"Thank you. We appreciate it." Rogan says as he takes the whistle from the captive lizardfolk and tosses it to the disguised Aern. "This might make the disguise more believable. Once the bodies are hidden, I will hide myself within a few paces so I can help you strike quickly. Too bad you don't speak Draconic Aern, we could have you go back and give a false report." Hurrying to hide a body, Rogan finds a spot to hide not too far from where Aern and Ari will be.

Drawing his shortbow and knocking an arrow, he waits until the Lizardfolk closer to Aern.

[sblock=ooc]Rogan will attempt to hide within 25' of wherever Aern and Ari are going to position themselves. He will fire an arrow right before the ambush is set (as to make sure he isn't firing into melee).

Is this the plan?[/sblock]


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Brother Donovan, human cleric

stonegod said:
Ari quickly whispers the situation. "The rest of you hide the bodies. I'll be the decoy." He looks to the disguised Aern. "Think you can fake a truss up of me once you emulate him?"

Donovan clanks his way over to the hexblade.

"I might as well glow in the dark for as well as I hide," he says. "I'll join you in the hotseat. Might make the call to alarm seem more plausible, as well, if there's more than one of us."

[sblock=OOC]Seriously, -4 Hide might as well have Donovan wearing a neon sign. ;)[/sblock]


The party grabs the dead bodies of the other five poison dusks and drags them off into the underbrush. They also tie up the remaining living one, stuff a rag in it's mouth to keep it silent, and then deposit him off the trail as well.

Aern does a fairly good job of changing his appearance to match the lizard they trussed up, (Disguise check: [9] + 15 = 24), and he slips the whistle around his neck and stands in the middle of the trail. Horatio and Ari both lie down on the edges of the trail to give the appearance of a victorious fight, while Jina, Jango, Rogan, and Khalia move off into the brush to hide, giving each of them a good view of Aern and the two "corpses".

After a few minutes, from further up the trail the group hears (but only Rogan, Khalia and Jango understand) a voice call out.

[sblock=Rogan, Khalia & Jango: ]In draconic, the two of you hear:
"Szerlich! What you got? Did those Cold Sun wimps come back and get snotty?" [/sblock]
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DEFCON 1 said:
After a few minutes, from further up the trail the group hears (but only Rogan and Jango understand) a voice call out.

OOC: If they're speaking Draconic, like most lizardfolk, Khalia understands it just fine.


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Aerndel kneels and prays and changes into a good similarity of the remaining living Poison Dusk Lizardfolk. At the approaching Lizardfolk’s query Aern shook his head and waved him over, leaning down toward the “tied up” Ari & Donovan.


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Brother Donovan, human cleric

Donovan does his best to keep his breathing shallow, knowing his breastplate should mask the fact that he's breathing if he can do so. He listens intently, trusting to his companions to signal when it's time to rise and fight.


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Jango will wait to see the coming lizardfolk. Once he is sure to have all teh lizardfolk in sight, he will cast a scorching ray, using the kybear shard to empower it and strike the toughest lizardfolk before he spots the group.


The group heard the voice just a few seconds ago drifting in through the trees... mainly a series of clicks and hisses. Being fluent in draconic, Rogan, Jango and Khalia understood what was said, but no return answer has been given. The group awaits the lizard's arrival when the voice is heard again a little bit louder and closer through the trees.

[sblock=Rogan, Khalia & Jango: ]In the draconic tongue:
"Hey!!! Szerlich!!! Hey!!! You there?!? What's going on?!?" [/sblock]


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[sblock=OOC] Jina speaks Draconic too. Misspent youth spying on Lizards. ;)[/sblock]

Jina can't help but want to attempt a reply in imitation of how she imagines the fallen Lizard must have sounded. Obviously it's a terrible idea, but it seems somehow so tempting. She bites her lip, fighting off a giggling fit at the thought of it.

Luckily she's largely successful and she stays hidden, waiting to spring into action when the time is right.

Voidrunner's Codex

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