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Failures of a new DM, and how to correct it?

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I'm not giving them free levels, I'm sticking all the level 10's in a level 15 campaign and giving minimal reward.

A level 15 campaign balanced for the standard 5 players? That should work ok, 10 PCs is at least +4 levels over 5 PCs, plus the extra wealth & stats.

It may run a bit slow, but PCs should still be hitting on a 13 or so, instead of an 8.

You should probably increase monster numbers rather than raise levels too far - but if they're taking down a frost titan at 10th level their bonuses must be well above normal.


Another option for some variety is to split the party for some fights/setups. Put in traps that mix the party up and make them face two different encounters (or for evil, the same encounter, with half the party against an illlusion-modified other half of the party -- but that's a trick to play -once- -maybe-). Or put two separate goals on the table that have to be handled simultaneously on a night the whole group shows up -- to succeed, they have to split the party into two separate groups and coordinate their actions only through trust (and ritual magic).


First Post
You've failed your way up to 10 players that are gung-ho to play and keep inviting their friends? That's some tragic failing right there. . .


Ha. Gonna get all girly here for a minute. I never thought of it that way. It actually made me smile. :p

I more worry that I'm robbing them of the best gaming experience. I honestly don't mind the number of players, I just want to ensure that its enjoyable and engaging for everyone involved.


For me 9-10 players would be too many. Makes the job as a DM more stressfull and less focused.

I would consider splitting the players into 2 groups and play with each group biweekly.

That could also give you the option af a fresh start. New campaign and new characters for all. This time staying closer to the expected guidelines for ability scores and treasure.

That said I agree with the former posters. If the players keep coming and all are having fun. Well you can't be doing to bad a job. But remember it needs to be fun and relaxed for you too. Otherwise you will likely experience the dreaded DM burnout soon.

Good luck and good gaming.


I agree with the others: Don't change anything!

- The number of players will go down eventually. No worries. Just make clear that you absolutely do not accept new players now. Period.

- The wealth level will buff itself out. Just don't hand out any treasure for 2-3 levels, and it should be fine. Don't even announce it! It's just that the PCs happen to join this big war against the ultimate evil, out of sheer selflessness.

- Stats too high: Ah well, it happens. Just enforce point buy next time. Rolling for stats shouldn't have been in the game all the way back to the 70ies, but that's too late to change now. If it's 4E you're playing, you should be fine anyway as long as all PCs have their main attack stat in the same range.

In general, don't worry about running the game "by the book". Before you implement any changes on your side, just ask your players: Are you guys having fun? Don't change the game if the players are happy the way it is.

Oh, and don't bump the PCs five levels, have them earn each XP they get. If the game is too "easy" (no wonder, with 10 PCs your party is twice as strong as expected) throw harder monsters at them (not sure about just using more monsters, combats could take forever)


First Post
Oh don't worry. I'm not giving them anything for free. I'm actually going to be rebooting them this week.

They are all going to be waking up outside of town this week. No clue how they got there or why. I'm going to make them tell me why they are all grouping together and what their driving force is.

Then after they have come up with a uniting front, they are all getting arrested and then going to be given an opportunity to clear their names by completing the new adventure. Not going to be handing out any gear, except maybe utility items, until the end of the campaign.

As far as harder monsters, I've been effectively setting up raid boss fights the last couple weeks. They've killed a beholder and a 23 treant. But I'm hoping the encounter groups in the new campaign offer them a challenge because it will be more than one enemy.

I would have had then with the beholder, but they managed to drop a damn giant marble elephant on it's face!

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