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Fall Angel


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What abiltys dose an Angel loose when they "Fall from Grace" or interfier when they have been told not to... So not dose an evil act or anything but go against their suppieriors? isten there rules for this somewhere?

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Given that celestials and fiends are literally their alignment made physically manifest, I tend to think that if in the bizarre and rare chance that they 'fall' or otherwise change alignment, their physical appearance should likewise change in reaction to this. Remove obviously celestial abilities and slowly replace them with the corresponding traits of the main exemplar race of the alignment they now have become.

I had a risen Ultroloth in my campaign who, after escaping to Elysium, had his former form effectively boiled away by the sunlight of Elysium's 1st layer and replaced with the form of a young Cervidal Guardinal (but with the glowing, multicolored eyes of an Ultroloth). I figure the degree of ability and form change should be linked to how deeply and sincerely they transition to their new alignment.


The EN World kitten
Venport said:
What abiltys dose an Angel loose when they "Fall from Grace" or interfier when they have been told not to... So not dose an evil act or anything but go against their suppieriors? isten there rules for this somewhere?

While not rules per se, an angel that is good-aligned but fell because she disobeyed her superiors has been printed before. Nidrama, the movanic deva from The Shackled City, is one such case. Judging from her (and Saureya, a fallen N astral deva in the same product), we can infer what the general penalties are.

First, all spell-like abilities with the Good descriptor are lost. This is true even if the fallen angel is still good-aligned.

If the angel has the Protective Aura supernatural ability, that is lost (neither of the two examples has lost any other supernatural abilities; DM's should adjudicate if any other particular supernatural ability should be removed in the case of other types of fallen celestials).

Signature weapons may or may not be lost. Saureya does not have his heavy mace of disruption, but Nidrama does have her +1 flaming greatsword (actually, by the time she appears as an NPC, she's upgraded it to a +1 flaming burst greatsword).

While they keep the Good subtype, their natural weapons and weapons they wield are not treated as good-aligned (this is odd, since having that subtype means their weapons should always be treated as good-aligned. However, since it appears more than once, it seems to be intentional).


Alzrius said:
While not rules per se, an angel that is good-aligned but fell because she disobeyed her superiors has been printed before. Nidrama, the movanic deva from The Shackled City, is one such case. Judging from her (and Saureya, a fallen N astral deva in the same product), we can infer what the general penalties are.

First, all spell-like abilities with the Good descriptor are lost. This is true even if the fallen angel is still good-aligned.

Keep in mind though that Angels/Aasimon are a special case. Given their role as direct servants to good aligned deities, to disobey their patron deity (with or without alignment change) could very well strip them of those (presumably) granted powers till they either redeemed themselves, asked for forgiveness, or found a new patron deity.

The same would not happen perhaps for say an Archon, Guardinal, or Eladrin unless they actually change alignment since they aren't bound to specific deities but rather to their native plane and the abstract alignment that they embody.


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Another product that deals with fallen angels would be Book of Fiends by Green Ronin. Admittedly not as "slow fall" grace as Anger is about, but if you want a straight shot from good to evil, I'd go with GR's Fallen Celestial template.


You could take a page from In Nomine and say that they become their 'opposite number', so to speak, in the demon/devil heirarchy. They change shape to reflect their corrupted inner form, gain new abilities, lose all their old ones, etc.


First Post
i am dealing with the Diva from the last issue of the shackled city campain... the porblem is that the party fighter got stuck in a magic Jar, and i gave him the option of playing this character. After i posted this i found the ToTSE and found the other fallen angel that gave me more info about a fallen angel.

New Question: Same topic ish... what is the LA for a movanic Deva? is that Character from the magazine under powered for a 19th level party? Dose she need 2-3 level more of fighter ... (she is a movanic Deva fighter 6... any ideas???


Book of fiends has a template for fallen celestials with specific quirky changes.

Complete Minions has one for those who fall but are not empowered by evil.

Lord of the Iron Fortress has quick rules for fallen celestials, basically switching every instance of good and evil in their descriptions and powers.

I know there is a fallen angel in Banewarrens but I only played it so I didn't see the writeup, just faced him.

Voidrunner's Codex

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