• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Fall of the Broken - OOC


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Hello everyone!

I am looking for ~5 players for a lil' Eberron. It will (as Eberron usually is) be low-powered, though in no shortage of magic or unlikely events. I intend to have the game be primarily social interaction rather than hack'n'slash, though this does not necessarily mean a group of half-elven bards; a warforged barbarian is still a perfectly viable concept.
Ideally, everyone will be interested in Eberron and care enough to read up on their racial culture and chosen religion, as well as the area you're supposedly from.

Expected Behaviour:
- Attempt to be active enough as not to slow down play, preferrably posting ~1/day. If it becomes impossible to keep up with this (due to school, work or other activities) please inform me (via PM or this thread) and I'll make a note of it. Likewise, I will attempt to do the same, if at all possible (I, however, have had a magical gift of attracting obstacles that prevent me from such things; hopefully the curse is broken by now).
- Clear meta-game behaviour is heavily frowned upon. This includes reading a module as I'm running it (though I'll make enough changes that it shouldn't matter much) as well as mentioning names like Erandis d'Vol or the true nature of King Kaius I(II) unless such has been disclosed in-game.
- Optimisation follows the basic rules of decent behaviour; if it's fun for everyone else then alright, otherwise I'd prefer to keep it at a managable level. This means that "The Boogeyman" is allowed; "Pun-Pun" is not.

- All alignments allowed, as long as it is played suitably for group interaction :) no homocidal maniacs á la Belkar Bitterleaf)
- Paladins are not bound by alignment and do not lose class abilities from breaking their code of conduct. The Blackguard class, however only gains bonus abilities from Paladin levels should you forsake paladin abilities.
Code of Conducts are different from church to church (see Faiths of Eberron for inspiration) and unacceptable behaviour might cause censure from the Church.

- Level 3.
- Ability Score Array: 18, 16, 15, 14, 13, 10.
- Almost all materials allowed (ask; if I have it, then we'll use it and I have a lot)
- v3.5edition, though v3.0 is still viable on a case-to-case basis as are 3rd-party material (including homebrew classes).
- Rolls will be done by me, as I don't want to bother using InvisibleCastle. Don't worry, I will not cheat ya :p
- Please submit your concept below; I will pick the final group the 21st of October.

---The Story thus Far---

However you did it, you have made a small reputation for yourself as someone who does what has to be done. Whether you are a Lhazaarian Paladin, who battles demons or a Droaamish artificer who specializes in high-class customers you are known locally and quite recently came to Sharn. A Sivis messenger handed you a letter:

Dear friend,
Though you and I have never before met, I beseech you to help me. Whether you trust me or not I hope you will give me the chance to talk to you about this matter; this matter I assure you, is not a trivial one.
Hopefully, my letter has convinced you. Meet me in the Gilded Cup; I will know you when you arrive.
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Voda Vosa

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This seems like an interesting game, heres my very short concept that will be updated sometime today.

A warlock (if you allow complete arcana) with some temper, though not evil, his behavior has lead him to a lone path. Hunting opportunities to make a living, (insert not yet elaborated name) received a strange letter. He always have been curious, though this sound like trap... Well... he have nothing better to do.


First Post
I'm interested.

I think I'll stick with a fighter type this time, like a human fighter/rogue. Specialized in twin short-swords, he is more of a finesse fighter (I don't have Complete Warrior, so I'm OK with core classes!)

He's a bit down on his luck, and has recently taken to thievery to make ends meet, if he isn't working as a bodyguard for someone.


First Post
Heh, certainly a good start.

Yes, the Complete Series is allowed. Assume that I allow all books (though certain obviously broken parts of books will be banned; such as the Imp from Savage Species).

A warlock (if you allow complete arcana) with some temper, though not evil, his behavior has lead him to a lone path. Hunting opportunities to make a living, (insert not yet elaborated name) received a strange letter. He always have been curious, though this sound like trap... Well... he have nothing better to do.
Heh, if someone bothers to contact you with a trap you're not escaping easily whether you go or not. If you go, at least you know to keep your eyes open. Sounds good (hey, I love warlocks) and one thing: Ignore the alignment requirements (don't make sense anyway).

Also, remember that your Eldritch Blast may look any way you choose, but once chosen you cannot simply change its appearance (choose "green fire" for example, and it'll stay green fire. pick "razorsharp knives" and it'll stay looking like that as well).

I think I'll stick with a fighter type this time, like a human fighter/rogue. Specialized in twin short-swords, he is more of a finesse fighter (I don't have Complete Warrior, so I'm OK with core classes!)
Heh, sounds cool. If you want, send me an e-mail (pchlster@gmail.com) and I'll look through CompWarrior to see if anything might seem interesting for such a type.

I'll toss my hat in as a Changeling Rogue, a master of knowledge and lies. A social maven.
Seems fine as well.

Looking forward to many more submissions before the 21st (will pick the finalists in the evening, due to having a sci-fi session IRL that day.


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Hmm.. room for Lady Meredith ir'Bara, a human shaper (psion) and a minor noble of Sharn?

[sblock=Background]Lady Meredith ir'Bara is a member of a minor noble house in Sharn. At a very young age she discovered the ability to bring a small amount of a shimmering substance when agitated enough. It was useless, and its existence was fleeting. The girl wasn't even sure if anyone else ever noticed it.

But she focused on it, and after months of trying she never did it by accident any more and was able to create the ectoplasm at will, although doing so mentally drained her. She focused and she practiced. She was a young noble, so she had plenty of free time and plenty of privacy. Over the years, she became much better at using her mental abilities. Eventually, she became able to create more ectoplasm, to sculpt it, to mentally control it; its time in existence became slightly less fleeting and her mental resiliance grew. She even learned to do a few other things with her mental discipline and focus.

One day as a teenager, her ability was finally revealed. She was a witness to an attempted assault and robbery. The only reason that it was only an attempt was because Meredith herself acted without thinking. A mental projection of herself appeared, ectoplasm vaguely shaped to look like herself--though clearly stronger--materialized and bashed the thug across the face before blinking out of existence.

Her parents did not immediately reject her to learn of her powers, although they were annoyed that she had practiced them in secret. But after she had done the same thing a few more times in similar situations, their annoyance grew. They said that they would not support her if she continued to act this way.
Meredith certainly loved her creature comforts, and she hated the idea of being an adventurer-type. She had vague romantic notions of being a hero, but the actual idea of doing it--trecking through who-knows-what, meeting strange horrors, making real, deadly enemies? She didn't want it anyway.

But in the end, she couldn't resist. She had abilities that few people did, that gave her the power to do it. She has a truly good heart, and cannot deny people the help that she is capable of providing. She can't just ignore strife that she can end.

Meredith technically still has her title, and she still has a home in Sharn, but her parents will not support her financially.

The kalashtar became aware of her, after hearing of her minor exploits, and introduced themselves. They did not share all of their secrets with her, and she still knows nothing of their history, but they told her about the nature of her psionic powers. They were intrigued by the discipline she displayed despite being a wild talent with no training.

They believe it is because her power was so weak when she was young; the only reason her negligible power did not fade as she aged was because she focused on strengthening it. She had learned to control it before she had anything strong enough to lose control of.

Returning home from a meeting with her Kalashtar mentor, Halharath, Meredith found a strange message waiting for her, asking for her help. The letter was vague and she didn't know who it was from, but how could she resist such a request for an audience?[/sblock]

[sblock=Description]Lady Meredith is a woman of average size with fair skin, dark hair, and bright eyes. Her upbringing is evident in the way she carries herself, but her compassionate and understanding eyes seem different.

Unless she absolutely has to fit in or wear protective clothing, Meredith is always dressed too nicely to be an adventurer. She always wears nice dresses and some jewelry.
She's willing to put up with anything, but clearly prefers luxury and nice accomodations. She'll deal with trecking through a jungle and camping in a swamp, but she'll probably complain. Once she reaches a city, she will insist on the best lodging and food, bathe, and buy new dresses if the other ones are ruined.

She'd rather not fight, but is not afraid to when it needs to be done.[/sblock]

If it's important that this is the PC's first time in Sharn, I can move her region of origin; it's not important.
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First Post
I'm definitely interested in this as well. I'll post some concept stuff later, but right now I'm thinking either close-combat specialist or physical recon type, probably a shifter. Definitely not a diplomat- once the party is chosen, it might make sense to tie into someone else's background as a "bodyguard" (if selected, obviously).
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A bodyguard sounds kinda like a fun idea to me too. Would a human fighter find a spot to fit into the game? Maybe as the noble's bodyguard.
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First Post
close-combat specialist or physical recon type, probably a shifter. Definitely not a diplomat- once the party is chosen, it might make sense to tie into someone else's background as a "bodyguard" (if selected, obviously).
Heh, might be a good idea to have a "tank," though make sure to not just be "the guy in armour, who stays quiet when people talk" because that'll be no fun for anyone.

for Lady Meredith ir'Bara, a human shaper (psion) and a minor noble of Sharn?
Uh... this one seems interesting, indeed. Being an inhabitant of Sharn won't change much, and seeing as how you've put so much thought into it already I won't ask you to change it... though I hope you're not of the mind that the adventure has to stay in Sharn... because it quite likely won't.

A bodyguard sounds kinda like a fun idea to me too. Would a human fighter find a spot to fit into the game? Maybe as the noble's bodyguard.
Well, there's always a chance (though I'd like the idea fleshed out just a bit more) :D

As I said above, a "bodyguard" or two might be a good idea, though don't expect a lot of combat (it'll be included every once in a while, though).

I'll try to keep posting every evening (shouldn't be hard, even with work and martial arts training) until the 21st, when the final group will be selected.

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