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Updated Hashkavak

Hashkavak Male Kalshtar Bard 4
[sblock]Age: 52 Ht: 5'11'' Wt: 156 AL: CG Spd: 30' HP: 30 AC: 16 (19 with full expertise) AP: 7
S: 10
D: 16 +2
C: 14 +2
I: 16 +3 (+1 @ 4th)
W: 13 +1
Ch: 18 +4 [/sblock]

Skills,Feats, attacks, and other mechanics:
[sblock]Skills: (6+2)x4+21= 53 pts
Bluff: 7+4+2racial= 12
Diplomacy: 7+4+2racial+2synergy= 15
Disguise: 0+4=4 (+2 to impersonate human =+5)
Gather Info: 4+4+2 synergy= 10
Intimidate: 0+4+2racial= 6
Knowledge (History): 6+2= 8
Knowledge (Local): 7+2= 9
Knowledge (The Planes): 6+2= 8
Spot/listen: 0+1=1
Perform (dance): 7+4= 11
Sense Motive: 2+1=3
Hide/Move silent: 0+2=2
Tumble: 7+2+2 feat=11

Languages: Common, Quori, Draconic, Riedran

Feats: Combat Expertise; Path of Shadows: +2 to Tumble, use Perform (dance) instead of Concentration RoE pg 110

Saves: F/R/W: +3/+5/+5 (+6 versus mind affecting spells, powers, abilities and possessions)

Base Attack: +3 Grapple:+3
Rapier +3 1d6 18-20/X2 P
Dagger +3 1d4 (1d4+0 with at least I PP in reserve) 19-20/X2 P/S
Dagger(thrown) +6 1d4 (1d4+0 with at least I PP in reserve) 19-20/X2 P/S
Lt X-Bow +6 1d8 19-20/X2 P 80'
20 Bolts

Racial Abilities: +2 Racial bonus to mind affecting spells, abilities, powers, and possesssions
+2 Racial bonus to: Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimiate rolls
+2 Bonus to disguise checks to impersonate humans
Dreamless sleep: Immunity to dream, and nightmare spells or abilities
Naturaly Psionic: 1 power point/character lv; 4pp
Psilike ability: Mindlink 1/day

Class Abilities:
Armor prof: All light armor, and shields
Bardic Music 4/day: Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Competence, Inspire Courage
Bardic Knowledge: +9 (Most DMs I've played under used this as a catch-all knowledge check w/ a +5 DC modifier)
Spells: Known: 6/3/2 Cast: 3/2+1/0+1

Spells Known: 0Lv: Daze, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation, Read Magic,
1Lv: Charm Person, Grease, Lesser Confusion
2Lv: Suggestion, Invisibility[/sblock]

Hewards Haversack: 2lbs
In Haversack: Waterskin 4lbs, Sunrod x4 4lbs, Bedroll 5lb, Rations x7 7lbs
MW Riedran Crysteel Dagger: As above 1lb, In Belt loop
Rapier: As above 2lbs, In Belt loop
MW Lt X-Bow: As above 4lbs, Slung on shoulder
20 Bolts: 2lbs, In Quiver on Belt loop
MW StuddedLeather Armor: +3; +5(max dex) -0(armor penalty) 20lbs
Pouch on belt w/23 Galifers (GP), and 15 Dragons (PP)
Total Wt: 29lbs (items in haversack are weightless)

[sblock] All kalashtar appear as slightly taller, more angular human. Hashkavak is no exception. His completely symetrical features are both oddly attractive, and strangly disconcerting. Hashkavak has pale white skin, and medium length brown hair that reaches just to the base of his neck. He has green eyes and double pierced ears. He also has several tatoos including the Quori number for 66 with the word aganash nan or "never forget", the symbol of Il-Yannah on the inside of each forearm, and a portrait of Kavak (his Quori spirit) on his back as rendered from visions he has received from Kavak. Hashkavak is always wearing brightly colored clothes often augmented by prestidigitation spells to appear as if the colors are shifting or swirling unless, of course, the situation calls for more subdued tones.

[sblock] Hashkavak was born in Sharn, all he knew was life in the close knit kalashtar community he grew up in. He had always heard about the war being waged against his people in Adar, and Kavak his Quori sprit would often show images of the conflicts he faced in Dal Quor. Hashkavak always knew his place in the community would be to grow up and ply a trade to support the lightbringers and the rest of the community until the present Age of Darkness was overthrown by the lightbringers meditations. This all changed when hashkavak was 26 years, when he met his first shadow watcher. Talharath was a soulknife dedicated to eradicating the physical forces of darkness while the lightbringer work to combat the spiritual forces of darkness. Talharath explained the real war, told him stories of death, corruption, and despair. He showed Hashkavak his scars, physical scars of bloody battles against the inspired, emotional scars of watching fellow kalashtar dying in open battle in the streets, or to poisoned food at an inn. he taught Hashkavak that the agents of the dreaming dark are always on the look out for kalashtar to harrass, and even kill. Hashkavak learned to keep his guard up, and always be on the look out for treachery. But the story that struck the hardest blow to his psyche, and ultimately led him to the "path of shadows" was the tale of Taratai the quori spirit that led the quori to Eberron and ultimatly birthed the kalshtar race. Talharath told the tale of a fellow soulknife named Linatai who accompanied him on many travels, and battles against the Dreaming Dark. He and Linatai were in love and eventually Linatai conceived a child. This was a momentous day, for Linatai was the last of the Taratai line and this birth would ensure that her line would carry on. On the day Linatai went into labor Talharath ran to fetch the midwife, when he returned he found Linatai slaughtered in her birthing bed, her womb torn open, and the young kalashtar within decapitated. Taratai's line was ended, and the kalashtar were one step closer to extinction. Hashkavak knew that if the lightbringers were to have a chance to end the present Quor Tarai or "age of dreams" and usher in a new era of hope and peace, the agents of darkness would need to be held at bay. From that point Hashkavak vowed he to would become a shadow watcher and protect his people, and the people of Eberron from physical harm. He has also vowed that no Kalashtar will ever forget his/her heritage and devoted himself to traveling between kalashter communites in Sharn teaching the children of the war against the Dreaming Dark, the death of taratai, and the history of the kalashtar people. He longs to journey to other kalashtar communities in Khorvaire, and eventually make a pilgramage to the Shalquar monastary in Adar

[sblock] Hashkavak's personality stems mainly from his relationship with his quori spirit Kavak. While some spirits like Harath, Soreth possess a militaristic bent, and others like Vakri are more contemplative; Kavak was always boisterous, the most talktative of the Quori spirits -often to the annoyance of the other spirits. When the kalashtar race was first born and the bond was at its strongest, the spirits could communicate directly to their hosts and Kavak would constantly regale his host with stories of Dal Quor, and the battles waged between planes while the displaced spirits sought a home. As the years have gone by, and the bond has weakened, Kavak can no longer communicate directly to his hosts, but he bombards them with images of his past, and Hashkavak can spend hours staring into space captivated by visions of Dal Quor. Hashkavak has certainly inherited Kavak's penchant for loquaciousness and takes every opportunity to make a new acquaintance. Both because he's naturally a people person, but also because he's always on the look out for agents of the Dreaming Dark. Hashkavak uses a meditative technique known as sheshan talarash dasyannah roughly translated as "dance of the path of shadows" to both attune himself to his quori spirit, but also as a communicative tool for other kalashtar as all kalashtar understand the interperative qualities of the dance. Because Hashkavak has chosen to embrace the visions offered by his spirit, rather than suppress them out like most kalashtar he appears to some as quite insane; constantly muttering to his spirit (to others it looks like he's talking to himself), staring into space in rapt fascination to Kavak's visions, and suggesting fantastic physicaly impossible solutions to problems (Let's bombard them with the sound of orange, that drives people crazy...) are all manifestations of his relationship to his spirit. Finally, since hearing the story of Taratai he realizes how fragile the kalashtar race is to extermination, and that every successful birth is a victory in the war against the dreamimg dark, he is constantly seeking to mate with female kalashtar and with his high charisma, diplomacy and bluff skills he's often successful. He's not a "player" seeking to "score", he's a loyal soldier "recruiting" for the war.


First Post
Hmmm... since "Meredith" is apparently MIA, and X-mas is coming up, I'd like to hear what people would say to waiting until after the 25th december to resume play...

Also, does ANYONE know how I can actually move the thread? Or who I have to ask? And how (I don't see a PM system here)?


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There's a PM system but you have to be a Community Supporter to use it.

You can ask in the Meta forum (very very bottom of the forum list) posting a link to this thread and asking it to get moved to Plots, Places, and Rogues.

Voidrunner's Codex

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