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Falling from Great Heights



Even with your rules I still don't see how a level 15 fighter losses to a dozen 1st level archers. He'll kill them all way before he take 125+ damage.
Depends on a few things:

Does being surprised mean that you lose THP? If so, he has level 1 Fighter HP, and is probably going to get messed up.

Are the archers sufficiently spread out or protected (via cover or walls)? If so, he might only take 1-2 down per turn, while the others can whittle down his HP since he AC lowers with every shot.

Does he not have 125 HP because the system is more scaled in? If so, he's a lot more likely to go down to them.

On the other hand, maybe he does mop up. They're confident in a group, and not spread out. I mean, they've mowed down more than one wannabe "hero" before. Maybe he does rush in, and start cleaving his way through them, killing them before he gets "hit" (he only takes THP damage). I'm not opposed to that outcome, either. He's level 15, after all.

But, some hesitation never hurt anything (if that's your goal). If HP is a problem, tone it down. That's Hussar's suggestion for healing surge renewal. Personally, I think a level 15 Fighter probably should win a straight fight with 12 level 1 archers unless he's very, very focused on offense (to the detriment of his defense), and even then he should have a good shot (from his high offense). Smart tactics, however, should be able to beat him (surprise, cover, men with tower shields in the way while they shoot from small light stools they can carry around, etc.).

I'm admittedly basing a lot of this on "the math will be toned down" and I have assumed that it's included HP (a level 15 warrior in my game might have around 74 HP total, with a greater amount depending on how focused he is on it). If HP is the issue, though, just throw three lines in saying how HP scales slower (as in, the actual numbers). Problem solved. I just really reject the notion that the changes will take up 20 pages. Small-lined changes can go a long way. As always, play what you like :)

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JC said:
Frequency. The dragon is depicted as dangerous, but not "death" in most scenarios. When the hero is pushed towards the ledge by the villain, it's a tense moment because the fall will kill him (just like it kills the villain when the hero flips him over it). As always, play what you like

But, if the hero gets pushed over that ledge (or probably more frequently jumps), he survives. Unless it happens to be the end of the movie, he survives every single time. Butch and Sundance jump into the water, despite the fact that "the fall will kill you", yet, they don't die.

If Frodo had actually landed in lava, sure, he would die. But, if he fell, conveniently, narrativium would place an outcropping there so that he doesn't actually hit the lava.

In exactly the same way that the dragon conveniently will not chomp the hero in half, despite that being the most probable result of being bitten by a fifty foot crocodile with halitosis.

Like I said, it's not a problem. Believe whatever you like. That's fine. But, you're presenting this as more than just a personal preference. People "expect" certain things from the genre, according to you. Yet, for some reason, that expectation only gets applied sometimes.

The reason the PC doesn't die from the fall is because he has too many HP. Well, that's the game reason. The in game reason is because there is always something soft and springy to land on at the bottom of a cliff that you have enough HP to jump from and survive. Again, in exactly the same way that the dragon will just never, ever be able to get a good chomp on you, until such time as his damage exceeds your HP.


But, if the hero gets pushed over that ledge (or probably more frequently jumps), he survives. Unless it happens to be the end of the movie, he survives every single time. Butch and Sundance jump into the water, despite the fact that "the fall will kill you", yet, they don't die.
Right, but every single time the hero doesn't fall (which is more often than when the hero does fall), the fall is depicted as "it will kill you if you fall" (just as it does to the villain when he does fall). Heights are very often portrayed as "death if it happens" in fantasy, just like a dragon's bite is. If the hero is actually bitten, people expect him to be very injured or dead. If you actually fall, people expect the same thing.

Yes, things often intervene in falls. But, I'd say that since falls are depicted as dangerous more often than not (in my opinion), it's not hard to conceive why people make this connection when gaming.

If Frodo had actually landed in lava, sure, he would die. But, if he fell, conveniently, narrativium would place an outcropping there so that he doesn't actually hit the lava.
See above, and my comments on the role that people expect HP to fulfill (as it differs from group to group).

In exactly the same way that the dragon conveniently will not chomp the hero in half, despite that being the most probable result of being bitten by a fifty foot crocodile with halitosis.
Again, combat abstraction vs. narrative device, HP niche, different expectations by group, etc.

Like I said, it's not a problem. Believe whatever you like. That's fine. But, you're presenting this as more than just a personal preference. People "expect" certain things from the genre, according to you. Yet, for some reason, that expectation only gets applied sometimes.
Yeah. Which is why I've said things like "yes, it's subjective" while we've been having this talk. That's how suspension of disbelief works. I've been trying to explain to you why a certain set of people think the way they do, when "it doesn't make sense" to you. It's not any more illogical than anyone else's level of suspension of disbelief, and I think that it's fairly understandable considering the depictions of fantasy genre that many people have been exposed to.

The reason the PC doesn't die from the fall is because he has too many HP. Well, that's the game reason. The in game reason is because there is always something soft and springy to land on at the bottom of a cliff that you have enough HP to jump from and survive. Again, in exactly the same way that the dragon will just never, ever be able to get a good chomp on you, until such time as his damage exceeds your HP.
Again, combat abstraction vs. narrative device, HP niche, different expectations by group, etc. Addressed it in other posts. As always, play what you like :)

El Mahdi

Muad'Dib of the Anauroch
Okay. I've spent a couple of days getting my thoughts together and deciding how I wanted to respond (and I've been a little busy...I've only had time for quick reads and simple posts:)).


Wow, El Mahdi, you really, really don't want to let that go do you?

Thank you for the compliment. I value tenacity, consistency, and preseverence in others, and try to cultivate it in myself. I'm glad I've achieved some success at that, and that it's noticeable to those that discourse with me. (That's a joke.)

Have I posted using lots of exclamation points? Have I been using multicolored scary text to make my point more dramatic? Have I, in any way, used language like "stupid" or "idiotic"?

Lot's of exclamation points? No, (some occasional one's for emphasis, but no strings of them, which is what I think your point was...)

Multicolored scary text? No

Language like "stupid" or "idiotic"? Yes

One doesn't have to actually use such words as "stupid" or "idiotic", to disparage someone or their ideas in that manner. So yes, you have used language that says those things. You've also used links that has someone else using those words and language for you (the Flying Snowmen). Whether veiled, by proxy, or explicitly stated, the intention and effect is the same.

I originally went back through the posts on this thread and copied quotes of where this was done by you, and was going to include them in this post. But, during the process of doing this, I noticed that I had been doing the exact same thing...to both you and others in this thread. For that I apologize.

If you would like the quotes I'm talking about, pm me and I'll pm them to you. But I've realized that it wouldn't be appropriate to post them here in this thread, and in this manner.

However, there are more ways to "flip out" than using strings of exclamation points, multicolored and scary text, bolding text, emoticons, and language consistent with flipping out. One can also consistently take issue with the same thing, over and over again, and simply not let it go. I have been doing that in this thread, and it is a form of flipping out. One I am acknowledging and taking personal responsibility for.

But, I haven't been the only in this thread that won't let things go. I think taking a stance to challenge any idea from anyone that might affect "your" game, is a fair example of this (among others). Especially as it is not "your" game. Talking with WotC on their forums (or here in the hopes they see it) about what you want in the game and directions you don't want to see it go in, seems a perfectly reasonable thing to do. However I feel that telling other posters that their ideas are unreasonable/faulty-perception, or you hope that they won't be included because it will mess up "your" game, doesn't seem so reasonable or appropriate to me. And doing it in as many posts as you have in this thread, speaks to a certain level of flipping out...at least in my opinion.

...my basic point has always been the same.

Yes, your basic point has been consistent and stated many times, in response to many enquiries by me and others. But there has been a misunderstanding. The question you keep answering for me, isn't the question I'm asking. I'm not entirely sure how I continue to not state my question clearly, but somehow that keeps happening. So rather than bother you with this again, I'll just cut to the chase.

I think it's wrong to question someone elses perceptions, and to do so in a manner which seems to be saying those perceptions are wrong, ridiculous, or selectively silly...especially when having inconsistent and selective perceptions is something that we are all guilty of. It's just a universal trait and foible of all of us. I don't know if your intention was to come across in such a manner, but that's the way it did. Perhaps it was a subconcious, knee-jerk response to the way you felt JC was posting, or if you felt he was coming across like his perceptions should be the norm (whether he meant that or not)...I don't know either way. But I do feel that it's wrong to do this.

Your doing this rubbed me the wrong way, and I responded the way I did because of that. But that was a knee-jerk reaction also, and also wasn't right. I should not have been pursuing this line of question, and especially should not have been doing it in the manner I was doing it in. Consider this line of questions dead. I will not be bothering you on this subject again.

As to this:

But, it's getting rather tiresome El Mahdi, when you continue to drag in other conversations into this one, simply to try to prove something that isn't even being discussed.

Whether you liked it or not, the quote I brought in was related and applicable to the conversation I was having with you. The fact that it was your quote made it even more applicable. You made the argument that if someone on ENWorld was flipping out, the community had the right to hammer and ridicule that member, and advocated that the community should do so. If that's true for flipping out (which I feel you were), then it's also true for other behaviors which are unacceptable to the ENWorld community. I'm sorry my bringing in that quote upset you, but you don't get to advocate for what you did in that post, and then call foul when someone uses it as justification for the same thing concerning you.

As I said earlier though, I believe that no poster here has the right to hammer or ridicule any other poster for any reason. Though it seems that my take on this may not be officially supported. But whether it's tacitly approved or not, I shouldn't have indulged in it anyways, especially in contradiction to my own beliefs. And that is what I was attempting to do with my line of question. I apologize for breaking my own rule.

El Mahdi

Muad'Dib of the Anauroch
I'll give you an example that is not at all hypothetical, though I'm paraphrasing from a composite of all the times I've seen it. The "argument" goes something like this:...

Ahh, I understand. I've seen that too. I thought you were saying something else in your post though (the one I asked my question about), but that was completely my misunderstanding.

I also want to thank you for the pm. And I want to apologize if I've come across in the manner you were talking about in your above post and your pm.

Crazy Jerome

First Post
Ahh, I understand. I've seen that too. I thought you were saying something else in your post though (the one I asked my question about), but that was completely my misunderstanding.

I also want to thank you for the pm. And I want to apologize if I've come across in the manner you were talking about in your above post and your pm.

You haven't, and absolutely no apologies necessary. If anything, I should be apologizing for writing something rather vague and indirect on such a contentious subject. I'm just glad pemerton came in an cleaned up behind me.

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