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[Falmouth, MA - Cape Cod] Looking for players for a new 13th Age campaign



Title says it all.

I'm looking for players for a new weekly or bi-weekly 13th Age campaign in Falmouth, MA. (Check out an excellent review of 13th Age here -- it's D&D in the same way Pathfinder is D&D.)

The goal is to put together a great group of players that want to have fun, can joke around a bit, but want to actually play rather than sit around and discuss the latest episode of [insert show here]. If you're a player who likes to get engaged with the story and is proactive about stuff, that's awesome and I'd love to have you.

If you're looking for a hardcore number-crunching grognard session, this likely isn't for you, especially since 13th Age is light on the rolling and heavy on the role-ing (is that even a word?). I guess what I'm saying is that I'm shooting for a nice, casual balance of play and banter.

So, what kind of folks am I looking for? That's tough. Everything past this point might make me sound like a self-important jerk. I've been playing RPGs for about 25 years and finding compatible gamers via the Internet is one of the toughest things to do with the hobby. This means I have some criteria which saves everybody unnecessary anguish. Each one of these has a story I'd like not to go through again.

Here's who I'm not looking for...

  • Please no Creepy Gamer of the Year candidates. If you are clean, sober, have a good grasp of hygiene and can carry on normal social interactions without coming off as sketchy or skeevy, then I'd love to have you at the table.
  • Please no 4chan refugees if at all possible, but we could probably make an exception if you're nice enough. SA goons and Redditors are fine.
  • No smokers, sorry. I know you could just smoke outside, but that stuff carries inside and I have an infant son to think of.
  • No politics. I'm personally very political, but I respect others enough that I don't bring it up unless I know I'm in like company. I don't want tension at my table over real-world politics.
  • No spotlight hogs or drama llamas. Share the table. It's gaming, not Julliard. I expect people to roleplay, not shoot for an Oscar.
  • Please no Captain Know-It-Alls. I'm pretty good at detecting crap and waving your figurative junk around and pretending you're hot stuff will just mean you won't get invited back. There's no need to impress anyone.
  • No grognards who want to hate on [insert game here], or who think [insert game here] is the best ever and no game could possibly be better. You know who you are. I tend to like all games and there's a good chance you'd be crapping on one of the ones I enjoy. Edition warriors can die in a fire.

Still reading? Hooray! You don't think I'm an ass! (Or do and are just wondering how much more of an ass I can look like.)

Now, for the things that make me seem like a totally awesome dude and your new favorite DM:
  • I've been around the block, gaming-wise, but I still like to run games that are fun. I'm not a guy who's opinions about gaming are set in stone. I like to hear about how others like to play and enjoy games.
  • I'm social. I have stuff outside regular gaming sessions, and I'm not afraid of meeting new people. I like to game with people who I'd ideally like to hang out with outside of gaming.
  • I don't hate games. There are some games I don't like, but I don't hate them. I personally like all sorts of things, so your favorite game isn't going to be the subject of ridicule.
  • I have beer.

If this all seems cool, awesome. Any takers? Reply or shoot me a PM.

* Yes, I know Francis is a parody.
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Time to bump this sucker.

Okay, after some fits and starts, this bird is ready to fly! We have a really good core of players but we're still looking to fill some seats.

This is a weekly Thursday game, 7-10:30pm at my place in Teaticket/East Falmouth, MA.

We're already played one test session and now we're looking to get a few more players at the table to round things out and fill out the group. If you're looking to get in at the ground floor on a new, long-term, story-driven campaign, here's your chance. We're kicking things off for real this coming Thursday (6/27).

New and experienced players are welcome, and I definitely welcome people who are new to gaming in general but who haven't played a game before.

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