• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Fantastic cover art by Claudio Pozas

Hot off the presses, get your digital copy today of the cover illustration for E.N. Publishing's upcoming grandiose adventure extravaganza. Each copy of this cover for ZEITGEIST: The Gears of Revolution's Act One adventure compilation comes individually signed by the artist, none other than the inestimable and handsome thrilla' from Brazilla', Claudio Pozas!

Z compilation cover.png

And remember, you still have three days to pledge and get your very own glorious full-color hardcover of Act One of the single greatest invention ever to grace the gaming tables of mankind. ZEITGEIST: Act One will surely go down in history as the quintessential Kickstarter project. One day your children will ask you, "Did you pledge to ZEITGEIST's Kickstarter? Can I see the book they sent you for your pledge? The maps and cards you got as props?"

And will you be the cad who disappoints his or her children by saying, "I didn't pledge. I was too busy reading Yahoo! news"? I say thee, NO! I can tell a person of fine taste, and you sirs and madams certainly fit the bill. You're some of the most stylish gamers on the internet, I tell you with my hand across my heart, and as a favor to you I suggest, nay I insist that you not let this greatest of opportunities pass you by.

Why did you know that right now, for a humble pledge of sixty dollars, you can get a hardcover copy that includes five great adventures, a player's guide, a campaign guide, and a bonus dungeon-crawl through the most vile and accursed vault ever glimpsed in the annals of fantasy role-playing?

Were you aware, good sir and madam, that for that very same pledge you also will get, at no additional charge, PDF copies of the second act of ZEITGEIST? That's four more adventures, ladies and gentlemen.

And indeed, at the rate this Kickstarter's going it might not be all. Because do you realize that, should this line below reach seventeen thousand dollars, the very same pledge of a mere sixty bucks will also get you the third act PDF of the most stupendously action-packed, most splendidly heroic, most challengingly intelligent adventure path this world has ever seen? That is, I tell you, One Entire Campaign, thirteen adventures, and your chance - you dear and stylish audience you - to not just play the most memorable game of your lives, but to be part of the spirit of the age, the gaming ZEITGEIST, as it were.

That Line.png

So go now, ladies and gentlemen. Get thee to Kickstarter and you will be the object of your friends' envy. You will wake up tomorrow and the whole world will do as you say. More importantly you will be getting one of the most well-reviewed adventure paths out there at the greatest price it will ever be, and that adventure path is:

ZEITGEIST logo.png

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Looks to me like they're PCs -- RHC constables. That's a balcony, and the railing has blood on it, so I bet it's the Danoran embassy. IIRC, RangerWickett ran the first few adventures, and his party has a pixie in it, so maybe it's PCs from his game.

Technically they're just stand-in characters, meant to represent the "guns and magic, with investigation" elements of the setting. I alas did not have Dirty Harry as one of the PCs in my campaign. And our pixie was a creepy cockroach-eating mother****er.


First Post
Oh ok. Thanks for letting me know. I think I'm going to write them into my Zeitgeist campaign. There is a lack of Dirty Harry and pixies at the moment.

Since I figure it never hurts to ask, if you're fans of ZEITGEIST and you happen to have a web presence anywhere outside of EN World -- other forums, Google+, Facebook, Twitter, etc. -- it would help us greatly if you could give us a nod and point people to our Kickstarter. We've just got 2 days left to go.

Thanks folks. I really want to reach Act Three so I can commission the other two covers at the same time.

Voidrunner's Codex

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