Fantasy Geography! Please share ideas

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Very cool beast. I especially like the Thundercats one, I might draw some inspirations from that one, even though some of them ARE pretty goofy(come on, a canyon that shoots laser beams?)

Exalted, a WW RPG, has some nice fantastic landscapes.

The Earth is flat and located between poles of each of the five elements. People can travel to the poles and the edge of the world, but they tend to be pretty inhospitable.

Fire Pole is a vast area of heat distortion, Air Pole is a massive winter storm, Water pole is a portion of the sea where the sea and the sky become indistinguishable, Wood Pole is a forest in which the trees have no tops and no bottoms and men and other things wander among the many branches.

The Earth Pole is an unmappable mountain in the center of creation.

They also have some interesting settings involving various strange magical effects. Places where death and life run together or where reality obeys weird whims of its own devising=the ground breathing and so forth.

I think people underestimate the weirdness of totally flat land. I live on a steppe and it's a pretty odd experience to be able to see the light of a small city reflecting off of cloud clover from 50 miles away. Or to be able to see a truck come up at you from over the lip of the horizon.

Or to stare into the distance and see nothing but the ground falling away untill you can only look into the sky and know that there is nothing but yourself and the face and breath of god that might change the vista before you.

The reall trick is always to make the familiar uncanny.

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