WotBS Fantasy Grounds 2 Version of WotBS


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I *completely* convert all the PDF content that's convertable into usable FG2 stat blocks and data blocks and such. Most maps are normalized to 50px in order to be "friendly" with FG2's grid. All NPCs have their own stat blacks with rollable attacks, effects, defenses, and everything else you need to fully run combat within FG2. All items have stat blocks that you can drag n drop into character inventories. All of the story content is neatly laid out with adventure indexes, links to encounters (that can automatically be prefilled into the combat tracker), links to maps, chapter navigation, etc.

You literally can't get much better than this, in my biased opinion. That said, the modules get better in quality as they go along, since I learned a lot about doing things the right way as I went. The biggest flaw is in the first module: the maps are their original size from the PDF and sometimes it's a problem to fit a grid on them. But as of #2, that's all fixed.

Is there any particular functionality you want to be sure to have? If there's something lacking it's more likely to be something lacking from FG2 than from my modules -- I've made use of as much of the functionality FG2's 4e ruleset provides as possible.

The biggest difference you'll notice when moving away from MapTools is that you lose a lot of the map-oriented functionality. Maps are pretty "dumb" in FG2, by design. Their original purpose was to simply reflect real tabletop RPGing, with a map being a simple image. Since then, the 4e ruleset was customized to add things like targetting to the maps, but you'll still likely find MapTools superior in this department. That said, there's a lot to love about FG2 and these WotBS modules that you won't find in MapTools, but going into more detail is tough without knowing how your group plays.

Good luck!

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Nice, ok that helps a lot. From my side of the table I'm obviously interested in all of the features FG2 offers to make DMing easier (ESPECIALLY prebuilt NPC powers, and having clean maps that don't have starting positions on them), but my players have the final say. I do have to say we've really customized MapTools for 4E (with all the possible states in neat icons, macro'ed out character tolkens, etc) so it'll be a hard sell, but based on your work I almost might get a copy of FG2 just to have a neat reference, lol.

Thanks again



Thank you so very much for doing this. I subscribed to ENWorld and bought Fantasy Grounds 2 because of your work. I can't wait to run this with my old gaming buddies! If you ever find yourself in the San Francisco Bay Area, I owe you dinner and a beer, at the very least.



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Hello there, Just curious to know if this modules are still available? I am looking to DM a game (first time in a very long time) and was hoping to use these. Please let me know. Thanks in advance.


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War of the Burning Sky #7 & #8 for Fantasy Grounds

Sorry about the ridiculous wait, FG2 gamers! Double update today.

War of the Burning Sky #7: "Trial of Echoed Souls" is now available.

The seventh module, "Trial of Echoed Souls" has been completed and can be downloaded from the following location:


Note: This module has not yet been added to the War of the Burning Sky homepage. [MENTION=1]Morrus[/MENTION] tells me he'll have it up at some point.

The password to the zip is the answer to this question: "What is the name of the character introduced on page 25, in lowercase?" You can find the answer to this in the PDF.

War of the Burning Sky #8: "O, Wintry Song of Agony" is now available.

The eighth module, "O, Wintry Song of Agony" has been completed and can be downloaded from the following location:


Note: This module has not yet been added to the War of the Burning Sky homepage. [MENTION=1]Morrus[/MENTION] tells me he'll have it up at some point.

The password to the zip is the answer to this question: "What is the name of the encounter on page 41, in lowercase?" You can find the answer to this in the PDF.

All maps have grids of 50px.

I'm still working on those Player's Guide and DM's Guide modules I promised, sorry about that.
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Hi! I just wanted to thank you for doing this! I recently got the opportunity to become the DM for War of the Burning Sky for my Dark Heresy group; and since we're an online group, we've been considering how to do it. Since these modules are available, I'm planning on using Fantasy Grounds. So thank you again!


Ahh, no, heheh. It's my group that together to play a Dark Heresy campaign, and now we're going to play Fourth Edition. As entertaining as it would no doubt be, we're not going to try to set War of the Burning Sky in 40K.

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