FASERIP à la sauce BASEs

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
with a enhancement for beyond Beyond Range : the Saints Levels

BASEs scores are done by multiplying two stats among say six stats, with at least one stat reaching a given BASE

FASERIP Level ---------- BASEs -------
---------------- 3 -- 4 -- 5 -- 6 -- 7
Shift-0 -------- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1
Feeble --------- 2 -- 2 -- 2 -- 2 -- 2
Poor ----------- 3 -- 3 -- 3 -- 3 -- 3
Typical -------- 4 -- 4 -- 4 -- 4 -- 4
Good ----------- 6 -- 6 -- 5 -- 5 -- 5
Excellent ------ 9 -- 8 -- 6 -- 6 -- 6
Remarkable ---------- 9 -- 8 -- 8 -- 7
Incredible --------- 12 -- 9 -- 9 -- 8
Amazing ------------ 16 - 10 - 10 -- 9
Monstrous --------------- 12 - 12 - 10
Unearthly --------------- 15 - 15 - 12
Shift_X ----------------- 16 - 16 - 14
Shift_Y ----------------- 20 - 18 - 15
Shift_Z ----------------- 25 - 20 - 16
Class_1000 ------------------- 24 - 18
Class_3000 ------------------- 25 - 20
Class_5000 ------------------- 30 - 21
Beyond Range ----------------- 36 - 24
Saint Level 1 --------------------- 25
Saint Level 2 --------------------- 28
Saint Level 3 --------------------- 30
Saint Level 4 --------------------- 35
Saint Level 5 --------------------- 36
Saint Level 6 --------------------- 42
Saint Level 7 --------------------- 49

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le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
... or, if you prefer the Edge/Hand Size from MSH Adventure Game ( Str/Agi/Int/Wil )
BASE - Hand Size
2 ---- 2 Normal Human
3 ---- 3 Inexperienced
4 ---- 4 Experienced
5 ---- 5 Authority Figure
6 ---- 6 The Best Anywhere
7 ---- 7 Cosmic Force


I personally would prefer

2 Weakling
3 Normal Human
4 Enhanced Human
5 Super Hero
6 God
7 Saint


le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
I don't speak of a Unique God, but rather like in Thor, Odin, Hercules ( as a Demi-God ) etc
and I could speak of the Vision as a Saint ( because he can wield Thor's Hammer ?? )



Mod Squad
Staff member
I don't speak of a Unique God, but rather like in Thor, Odin, Hercules ( as a Demi-God ) etc

I understand that. I still think it will confuse. You are either mixing up Christian and superhero stories, or you are inverting power rankings.

and I could speak of the Vision as a Saint ( because he can wield Thor's Hammer ?? )

So can Steve Rogers/Captain America. So can Beta Ray Bill. So can Eric Masterson. So can Jane Foster.

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
then perhaps those persons are of Saint Level ( I mean " use BASE 7 " ) ?

the idea behind the " Saint " status should mean Saints are inoffensive, while Gods are always under conflict

also, using BASE 7 doesn't indue a FASERIP " Saint Level ( from 1 to 7 ) "

that's my bottom on the subject :)


Mod Squad
Staff member
you seem to argue that there's nothing above violence, which is a bad ( or sad ) behavior :(

What? I said no such thing.

You were using Thor's hammer (the primary use of which is hitting people) and the Vision, who takes active part in violence. So, there's not a lot there to indicate you thought "saint" meant "non-violent"

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