Fast food nick names.

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I'm fond of reffering to McDonalds as McDinks.

EDIT: optionally, you may replace the 'n' with a 'c' if particularily unfond of their roaster of fat food.


Not very imaginative, but I've always called Burger King: Burger Thing.
And I was calling McDonald's: McBurger before they ever did. (I think.)


Voice Over Artist & Author
Lesse, we use nicknames for more than just fast food around here...

Toxic Hell (Taco Bell)
Booger King (Burger King)
Pizza Slut (Pizza Hut...we have another chain called Pizza King, so that's not an option)
Elbon Snamor (Noble Roman's...that's mostly a nickname from my sister and me)
Wal-Fart (Wal Mart)
Meejer (Meijer)
Tar-jay (Target)
O-live (As in Live from New York...) Garden (Olive Garden)
Office Despot (Office Depot)
Orifice Max (Office Max)


We got an Kentucky Taco Hut (KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut all in One).

Uncontrollable Diarrhea Express (Po'Folks, small regional chain; Let's leave it at: There's a Car Insurance company Claim Adjuster who regrets needing further proof regarding interior damage to a car).

Long *Deleted by Eric's Grandma* Silver's. Long John Silver's


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Cold Country Buffet
Mold Country Buffet
Old ;):):D:p Buffet

Moldin' Corral



I’m Loathin’ It!
Double Sneeze-booger
Snot Sludge Scumday

Boogerfling home of the Slopper [with sneeze]
Eggnormous coronary

Toxic Hell works well for taco bell’s after effects.

Steak N’ Shakedown

Wide *** hole though nothing tops White Castles own “sliders”
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Old Country Bucket - Old Country Buffet
Dead Lobster - Red Lobster
Double Ds - Dunkin' Donuts
Taco Belch - Taco Bell
The Ground Clown - McDonald's
Pizza Slut - Pizza Hut
Pizza the Hut - Pizza Hut (Thank You Spaceballs)
The Q - Quizno's
Baja Blech (yes that's spelled correctly) - Baja Fresh
Subpar - Subway
Slime John Roger's - Long John Silver's

Of course my favorite is the actual name of the place - Cluck U chicken


First Post
Thunderfoot said:
Of course my favorite is the actual name of the place - Cluck U chicken

I can't write the name of a place I no longer live or travel near, but you can figure it out. :p

The actual name is Fu Xing Express.

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