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Favorite Character


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half orc barbarian that was somewhat weak. He was more a finesse fighter... i know- whatever...

and we came across this evil wizard that was trying to play around with us (party: barb, clr, monk, rog, sorc- no REAL melee fighter)- here's how it went:

mage: infidels- this will teach you to challenge my power
barb: bring it on
mage: do you feel that- it is your body turning against you... you will become a fire giant.... NO- I MEAN ANT... fire ant... DAMNIT...
barb: brrRRRRAAARRGGGHHH- now I smash.... puny wizard

i raised my str by about 10 that day. and since i was a finesse barb- i had high int and wis to start with.

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the dungeons favorite character

billmus wow! that character that u wrote about was awesome, ( i like the way he died.)
i do to have a favorite character, his name was namulus. ( nam-uo-lus) he was a level 9 and was an elf paladin. his family and village was burnt down and he became an orfin, and at the age of 16 joined the knight academy, seeking to be a hero. at the age of 18 the knight academy was attacked by a huge beserk minotaur with a great axe. :lol: its funny... when the mages at the academy were trying to cast there spells but... hahaha the minotaur just kept killing them with his huge great axe, but namulus was able to stop him when he stole( or barrowed without permission and no intenshen of returning.) the shadow sword. now the shadow sword was able to summon demons be just swinging it, but he did'nt know that he could. so he killled the minotaur by his skill of the sword. after words at age of 23 he fought vizer. and the platunim dragon.:heh: ( the toughest dragon in the world.) but vizer got away and after that i desided to make this story into books and am now working on it. and i'm working on another hero story after namulus dies( in fact 500 years later.) where a teen named northiest(north-eist) gets a blade called the gem sword. and stops the platium dragon for good. but... i can't give all the story away. your just going to have to read my books, there titled dragon boarder. at the top. thanks for the great story man.


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It's gotta be Rabelais (Elf, NG, Bard 10/Duelist 9). I've been playing him off and on for about 20 years now. It's the only 3rd edition character I've played. We started our campaign at 1st level in October of 2000 when 3e released, and I've been playing him weekly since then. Our campaign finally came to a close last month, so I'm working on my next character.

But I've got a soft spot in my heart for Rabelais.

Rabelais has been classically educated in the elven fashion in philosophy, literature and the fine arts. Rabelais has also been trained in the fields of arms and magic. He is known at court for his wit and panache. His first play earned him some notoriety for its scandalous subject; a comedy set in His Majesty’s court that bordered upon bawdery. The play was well received by critics, but banned by the authorities. Kraelian’s father was furious, but decided not to publicly disown his son because of the pleadings of his mother.

Kraelian decided that it would be a good idea for him to embark upon his career as an adventurer sooner rather than later. Kraelian took the gross earnings from his work (rather than the net, as you, and his creditors will have undoubtedly noted) and purchased everything he needed to pursue his fortune abroad. As the saying goes “All roads lead to Waterdeep”. Rabelais calls upon his training in petty magic and as an accomplished musician to make himself useful on all sorts of occasions.


Feldspar Silverpick was a 2E Gnome Illusionist/Thief who had converted to the worship of Gond while working for his uncle (a clockmaker) in Tantras. Setting off on a pilgrimage to Lantan, he was taken prisoner by a group of brigands and thrown into a cell where the party first came together.

The super low hitpoints meant he was constantly in danger of getting taken down. Despite that he constantly found ways to the be difference maker. A well timed backstab, judicious casting of a spell or application of a skill saved the party's bacon over and over again, starting with picking the lock and breaking everyone out of that cell.

Early in their career, the had an encounter with a bored god of luck/gambling. If there's ever a good time to meet such a god, its definately *not* when they are bored - and packing a deck of many things.

I drew the card that gave me a Cha of 18 and a small keep. Awesome! Then we find out, some time later, that the keep is apparently in a place called "Barovia." I was the only player at the table who knew what that meant - dice were most definately thrown in the direction of a certain smugly smiling DM.

Campaign ended when we migrated to 3.0, but someday Feldspar will return ...


I'd have to say that my two favorites are probably Professor Mannington, an antiquarian college professor in a CoC-esque Justice, Inc. campaign, and Alexandré de la Rose, a masked swashbuckler in a Musketeer-era France game.

Professor Mannington was based loosely on one of my philosophy professors at VCU and was something like a dotty don -- extremely intelligent, more than a little eccentric, but a bit shabby around the edges and not that good at subtle social interaction. Not quite Asperger's-level, but along those lines. He also had a dog named Nyarlathotep.

Alexandré was an expatriate English actor who left for France during the reign of Cromwell; he wore a mask because he was a wanted man back home, but in the decadence of Paris, it just made him seem exotic and romantic. He was an excellent fencer and quite the ladies' man -- except while he wooed them all, he never actually slept with any of them. He was all about the flirting game.

-The Gneech :cool:


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My favorite character was a Kender by the name of Rasharaf Kindlepotkinhoff. He was a 2E CG little #$%$%# in a FR setting (long story). Needless to say, as it usually is with Kender, it was the only time that a DM banned a race/class shortly after I finished.
He lived a long life (for a kender), having a great deal of fun.
He saved the life of the wizard in the party, for unbeknowst to the wizard, his ring of invisibility was actually a ring of Kender Dissappearing. The wizard had already used the ring 7 times, but as everyone knows, if a non-kender wears a ring of Kender Dissappearing 8 times, you die. He was not very grateful. :confused:
There was also a time he single handedly blinded a dragon. The DM told me to hit the dragon's eye, I'd have to roll a 20, followed by another 20, on my attack. I did it one round and hit it's right eye, and later it's left. I called him 'Dragon Blinder', but everyone else called him "Stupid Lucky". The Nerve!
Rasharaf also managed to find talking sword! How wonderous! However, the sword was lawful, and would not let me take ANY un-lawful act. It made my character miserable and even worse, it made him BORED. I could not leave the sword, I could only GIVE it to someone, but no one would touch it. It became so funny to the other players, that they made me a little sword prop to hold (foam covered in duct tape). Finally, one session, I managed to convice some cheiftan or prince to take it. I was free! I was so giddy. Then, the chieftan (played by the DM, standing less than a foot away from me holding the sword 'prop') realized what a curse the thing was and said 'here catch'. My first reaction to something be thrown at me was, or course, to catch it. The session ground to a halt as no one could stop laughing. :mad:
Other notables include when the party found a luck sword with one wish, and while they were all debating what to do with it, I managed to get a hold of it and wish for a giant vat of spiced mashed potatoes (with a hint of paprika). If it wasn't for a paladin, it would have been a case of party-kendercide.
An antique magical Plate (dish) of Death Knight turning. Never got to use it, but Death Knights beware!
I freed a captive orc (whom the party wanted to kill), who immediately renounced his alignment, proclaimed me his deity, and returned about a year (RL) with a giant legion of orcs to serve me, which proved useful in the last battle of the campaign. Well, useful to a kender, woefully mismanaged in the eyes of the rest of the party ;)
Too much to relate, but these are some of the Highlights of Rasharaf Kindlepotkinhoff, Dragon Blinder, Harper Helper, and Puzzle Solver of the Gods.

Gold Roger

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All of my gaming life I've been a DM, so I didn't play more than 4 PC's in my life and none of these for very long, except for one:
Ragar, a shifter inspired by the Half-Dogdemon Inuyasha from the anime/manga of the same name.
He was small, with long black hair, with orange streaks in it. Wearing a black or dark green jacked above his magical mithral shirt, as well as a throusers of the same colour. Boots of striding and springing and an amulet of mighty fists where his only other meaningfull possessions.
Now as a side-note, I can be quite a powergamer, and I created Ragar at the peek of my Powergamerness.
He was raw, well-planned clawed power with four classes (Fighter/Ranger/Barbarian/Weretouched Master), up to level 9, after which his power curve topped out and he would have become quite weak. It never came to this point though.
Ragar was simple to roleplay as well as to play in combats. But even though his streightforwardness frustrated me again and again I couldn't retire this sucker. I played him from level 1 to 8 and he survived all the three other charakters he started with at first level.
His only goal in life was to take revenge on those human mercenarys that slaughtered his tribe when he was still a small child and didn't really like other humans as well (my justification for favored enemy: Human). When he wasn' ripping people or monsters appart, he was a lazy bum, that didn't know the meaning of being nice to other people or watching others feeling. But despite his many failings he was a good guy at core (CG), that would pull his companions out of problems and help people in danger, after cursing at them of course.
I had a great time playing this charakter, in combats killing stuff far about our level or NPCs that where suposed to get away and in dialogues being insulting and no help at all. He died however in an TPK because of a drowned (MM3 monster with a to low CR), that was thought as a casual encounter by our DM :(.

1E monk named Bannor "Face Dancer" Addidas. He just wasn't that good. Never had great attacks compared to all the girdle/gauntlet/dwarven thrower fighters (at one time there were four such!) and Holy Avenger wielding Paladins (virtually always two, sometimes three). He died a lot. He died until he couldn't die anymore (even with an amulet of Life Protection) but I always had fun. I just wish I'd have been able to get him to 17th level to use that 'ol Quivering Palm. One of his most enjoyable moments was having earned the ire of one of the aforementioned dwarves. Bannor scrambled up a cliff to a ledge out of range of the dwarven thrower and started shooting with a rather fun item called a Scarlet Angel Express - a 10-shot crossbow that fires all its bolts in a single round. What with magical bolts and the .5pt/level damage bonus for monks he nearly killed the dwarf who had to flee the field.

A close second would be a 2E fighter with the swashbuckler kit named Dycron. Dycron didn't die, but he certainly did wind up unconcious a LOT. And he wasn't exactly a walking wall of damage, but he had STYLE! He would use his boots of Striding/Springing to leap behind the front ranks of the enemy and then repeatedly have to be rescued. Had hand-shaped scars on his neck where Bane had choked him, but also had a rapier named Banes Bane that had actually done damage to him. Had a deep-seated and justified paranoia of statuary and whose greatest desire was to become fabulously wealthy (and largely succeeded).


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Every character ive ever played was a cleric named kanithar, always. 1e, 3e and 3.5. He tended to get killed a lot though. And I never got him past 2nd level, but he was my favorite character, sigh....


Inventor of Super-Toast
My favorite character? Mok the Magnificent. Mok was an utter bastard, a gruuwar exiled from the Unseelie Court because of his antics (gruuwar were a Dragon Magazine race; basically, fey monkey goblins). He didn't ask to join the party so much as demand to. He had decided that his exile was in fact a "vacation" which would give him time to write the greatest novel that ever was. Of course, the party members were to be the main characters.

He was a rogue/sorcerer, who specialized in ray of enfeeblement spells and getting out of the way of everyone during a fight. Since a blue monkey goblin thing wouldn't be very welcome most places, he had a hat of disguise he used to appear as a halfling. His only friend in the party was a dumb-but-innocent troll, for whom Mok served as an auxillary brain (of course, Mok was probably a bad influence on him). My favorite Mok moment was when, after a corrupt city guardsman had tried to kill him, he used the hat of disguise to become the guard and report "his" failure to his superiors. He very narrowly managed to not only get himself fired (not that it mattered, since the real guard was dead), but he bought the party enough time to skip town.

I only played Mok maybe three or four sessions, but "that blue thing", as the DM called him, is still my favorite.

Demiurge out.

Voidrunner's Codex

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