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Favourite Non-D&D games?

Just out of curiosity, and I do appreciate the data analysis that already goes on at ENworld regarding games most talked about charts, but what are the favourite games on this forum? Aside from D&D/Pathfinder etc, that is? Or, as a follow-on question, what games could you play in isolation without shifting to others for a significant period of time? Or (final question!) is D&D/Pathfinder the only real 'core game' you play, and others just short term interests for variety?

My favorites are RuneQuest, Traveller and Call of Cthulhu. I include a few variations for these, setting wise, but the systems are pretty much that 90% of the time.

I like lots of other games too, but don't really see myself playing them much outside of conferences, one shots or in the long term currently. Maybe a Warhammer 40K game (although I've yet to play one, aside from a few games when Dark Heresy came out) or Doctor Who (only played one-shots so far).

I could play D&D with the right group, but honestly, I haven't played it significantly for years aside from a few playtest sessions recently. It could change with the new edition, possibly - but I really like RuneQuest currently.

How about yourselves?

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My go-to games for campaign play are D&D, Star Wars Saga Edition, and (maybe) Black Crusade.

My go-to games for one-shots are SWSE, Black Crusade, Serenity, and World of Darkness (Hunter: the Vigil flavour, but using the WoD rulebook only).

I'm hoping that the new Firefly RPG (when the 'real' version is released) will replace Serenity, and also that it will be robust enough for campaign play - we really like the setting, and Serenity one-shots are popular, but that's despite some very significant weaknesses in the rules.

I'm not entirely convinced I like Black Crusade. I like the concept, but... I dunno, it just doesn't grab me somehow. So, I'm going to try another couple of one-shots, and then either try a campaign or just ditch it. Again, we like the setting, but it has its flaws.

(Those are the games I'll run. My general policy is that I'll play anything one of my friends wants to run, provided I have the time available. Well... almost anything.)


Campaigns: Rifts, Hero System, and maybe soon Fate. (and DnD)

One-shots: Fate, Cthulhu, board games. I wonder if I still have my 1st edition Traveller stuff?

Now look what you've done...the storage room that must never be opened...opening...


First Post
I can not imagine running a game that is not my homebrew system (6th Age of Doulairen) anymore.

As far as playing in a game, I am a bit more open. I might do SW Saga, maybe a Shadowrun one shot. Maybe even a 3rd Ed D&D one shot (Yes, I know OP was of other systems than D&D - but I honestly never play D&D and certainly never want to run any of it again).

I getting picky (grumpy?) in my old age. Just waiting to yell at young gamers for not playing right and to get off my lawn now. :p


Mod Squad
Staff member
Well, I've been running a classic Deadlands game twice a month for a couple years now.

I play in a Star Wars Saga Edition game that averages one and a fraction runs a month.

I play in sporadic games based on FATE (one a Dresden Files, another Spirit of the Century).

The number of games I would be willing or interested in playing or running for extended periods is large. The question is more what people I'm playing with.


First Post
My go to game is now usually some flavor of Fate, whether that be the new Fate Core, the Dresden Files RPG, Spirit of the Century, or whatever.

Fiasco is a ton of fun. For one shots, Dungeon World is amazing (could make a good campaign as well but haven't tried it), as is Night's Black Agents. Also can't forget Paranoia, possibly one of the best one shot games of all time. Finally, everybody laughs, but Dungeons the Dragoning 40k is actually a good game to play once in a while.

This Halloween I'm going to run a game of Dread.

I want to try out the new Shadowrun. I enjoyed SR 3E back in the day, but I skipped over 4E.


Primarily Savage Worlds, but I'd love to talk my group into letting me run The One Ring, Radiance RPG, Fantasy Craft, FATE, something Coretex-plus-y, or Night's Black Agents.

To be honest, 5e's gonna be fighting pretty hard to get any of my gaming money this next year. I'd love to get hardcovers for the Interface Zero campaign setting for Savage Worlds, Night's Black Agents, Radiance, and the new Firefly when it comes out; I'm anxously awaiting the Rivendell expansion for One Ring; I still haven't picked up the Fantasy Craft Adventurer's Companion . . . . the list goes on.

Argyle King

It's pretty obvious from some of my other posts, but GURPS. I can't say enough how much I like GURPS 4th Edition.

More recently, I've grown fond of Star Wars: Edge of The Empire.

I'm cautiously optimistic about the new Firefly rpg.


First Post
My favorite RPGs are not D&D. D&D is good for the right group, but when I get a chance to run what I want like at conventions and Game days I mostly stay away from D&D and like games.

My favorite RPG is Changeling the Dreaming. It has so much awesome potential and it is kind of a mess with contrary information and themes. Another favorite for similiar reasons is Paranoia. It is my favorite game to run with strangers. Other games I like are Fiasco, Dread, my newest favorite Night's Black Agents.

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