• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Feeling Lost?

Li Shenron

I confess this is the first time I hear about Legendary Adventures... BTW, after reading about your frustrations with 2e, 3e, C&C and in prospect with 4e I have to ask: why didn't you try OD&D? :)

Rakin said:
[*]Armor absorbs harm, instead of AC. Remember how after level 6, goblins can't touch you anymore, this aint the case with LA.

Just because I have to nitpick something... Armor as DR? Doesn't it make it so that daggers can't touch you anymore? ;) I think the most interesting way I've heard of to make Armor as DR is Iron Heroes (IIRC) where the amount of damage reduced is random, although it adds one more roll to every successful attack.

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GrumpyOldMan said:
With my lot, I'd never get past the Ilfs!

"Ilfs? ILFs - what are they extremelly camp elves?"

"Ooooh Bona, I'm an Ilf!"

Maybe I'm too much of a spelling nerd, but I find myself put off immediately by the deliberate mis-spelling of "legendary".


First Post
MarkB said:
Maybe I'm too much of a spelling nerd, but I find myself put off immediately by the deliberate mis-spelling of "legendary".

To be honest, me too! it always makes me want to refer to the author as Jary Jyjax :lol:


First Post
The adjustments to your attributes (basic wha-cha-ma-call-its) from abilities are kind of pointless. They're kind of interesting flavor, but there's very few cases in which they actually mean very much, because the bonus they give you is well within the slop of your initial choices for those scores. It's just extra complication for a small amount of flavor.
Hmm, i never found this overly complicated, and I agree it adds a flavor to the game. Not trying to argue here, but I found things like this enjoyable, and helped make making Avatars a little more fun as what you chose effected this, or that effected this in some way.

All and all I found it neat.

I don't think there's any old news to be had. I get the impression that for some people in my group, Gygax's name on something is more of a red-flag than a commendation. We all have things like that. (There are certain names that will cause me the same sort of reaction when seen on a RPG product.) Well justified or not.

In fact, I kind of felt that way about Gygax myself after my experience with Mythus. (^_^)
I think I had some of this explained to me, over at another forum. /shrug. It's not likely I'm going to let something like this turn me away from a good game. I guess it's like refusing to listening to really good music because they stand a certain way politically.

In any case, I would find LA a good system no matter who's name is written on the cover, be it Gygax, WOTC, TLG, Hasbro etc. :D

When I first got Essentials, I posted a long list of errata to a thread on the LA forums. Others joining in as well. The horrendous editing problems--no big deal. I only documented them to try to help the trolls out. The places where the rules were unclear--not much of a big deal either. It's a Gygax game; figure out what works for your group. Though it would be nice to know what the intention was.

But there were big things--like entire spell (...er...activation) descriptions missing. That's the kind of thing I really expect the publisher to address. Every time I've bothered to check the LA board or the trolls' site to see if they'd addressed them, I never found anything. I eventually gave up.

Which may very well keep me from bothering to pick up the "full" TLG version of LA whenever it appears.

I do have to admit that there are still a few errors in the book, but I don't' see anything as big as activatoins missing. :confused:

Ha, in any case, I guess they must of headed your call eventually, and chenged some of the problems with the books, and for that I'd like to say thanks for helping make the books more enjoayble for folks like myself, who got it latter on down the road. :D

No. I haven't even had a chance to run the quick start. I keep putting it out there as an option, but I've not gotten any bites yet. There's plenty of other stuff on my "to play" list, so I haven't really made an effort, though.
Eh, I'll be the first to admit that the quick start is kinda bleh. :\ and I'm emjoying things like Living the Lejend a quite bit more, and the newly acquired They Who Watch is a pristine module, I have to say. Don't get me wrong the quick start is enough to get you an idea how things work, but it just left a beh feeling with me.

found True20 worked in a similar way: to relieve some of the same feelings, to re-ignite the love of roleplaying. . . and, funnily enough, to allow me see the good points of 3e all over again.
Sweet dude, never really played True20, but have heard some things about it and nothing bad. :D

picked up Dangerous Journeys in a store when it first came out (I am old, and grumpy) flicked through the rules and got extremely confused extremely quickly. Then I figured out that HP = Heroic Persona (which = PC to me). When I found the section on Dweomercraeft Castings, (that’s spells to me) I put the thing down. Your argument is flawed, because the great EGG put a bunch of new terminology into Dangerous Journeys too. That wasn’t why he was sued.
Fair enough. Like I said I'm not well traversed in the past of all this, just what I hear from here and there. Perhaps not being there for all the "issues" of the past have really let me not judge LA all that harshly because of the creator, which I'm greatful for, because I'd hat to think I was missing out on the fun I'm having now, because of it.

Thanks for the heads up, and I'll scratch that for a reason for the new terms from now on. :)

Well, when picking up the game I’d be much more likely to discard it because I don’t understand the jargon. ABC = Activity Block Count = (as far as I can tell - combat round)
Hehe, it's kinda funny that folks are willing to learn the ins and outs of a brand new system, how everything flows, how combat works, what goes where, a brand new campaign setting, the backgrounds of all their freind's Avatars, but if you tell them "turn=ABC" they get all flustered. :p

The terms never bothered me at all, to be honest, and I think they really did what Gygax, intended in my experience and that was help me realize this is a new type of RPG. :D

Just because I have to nitpick something... Armor as DR? Doesn't it make it so that daggers can't touch you anymore?
Good question. Nope. in LA dagger have the same max harm as any other bladed weapon, as explained above bladed weapons especially in LA are just as deadly as the next, but the game reduces the minimal amount of harm based on weapon type, due to not having to be as acurate to cause more harm.

[quoteI think the most interesting way I've heard of to make Armor as DR is Iron Heroes (IIRC) where the amount of damage reduced is random, although it adds one more roll to every successful attack.[/quote]
Does sounds interesting. :)

I confess this is the first time I hear about Legendary Adventures... BTW, after reading about your frustrations with 2e, 3e, C&C and in prospect with 4e I have to ask: why didn't you try OD&D?
To be honest, because LA found me first? I have read some stuff on OD&D recenetly and it does sound like a good system as well, and I imagine if I got intrerested in trying something new it would be that. Although from what I understand LA is better for campaign type play and OD&D is better for quick, one time play. (Could be wrong, as it being that I never played OD&D and just got this info off hand)

Maybe I'm too much of a spelling nerd, but I find myself put off immediately by the deliberate mis-spelling of "legendary".
:p :lol:

Good questions and good suggestions guys. :D


First Post
I have a similar problem with dnd, so many freakin rules, and then exceptions to those rules, and then adjustments to the exceptions... ugh

So i ran savage worlds instead, the first fight i ever ran, invloveing 22 npcs and 4 players who had never encountered the game before, took 45 minuets. Thats from implausable plot crowbar, to looting the corpses. 45. Thats less time than we spend re-interpreting the dnd rules per session.

Your mileage may vary, but my mileage was way up.


First Post
Good for you! As everyone knows I love C&C, but I own LA Essentials and several other books for it and am hoping to play it in the near future. Hopefully in Wulfgarn's game.

Plus I am such a 3E hater it looks like I will be running some 3E on November 3rd. Heck, I am still in shock that I agreed to it. I'll find out more on Monday as to what exactly I will be running.


Li Shenron said:
Just because I have to nitpick something... Armor as DR? Doesn't it make it so that daggers can't touch you anymore? ;) I think the most interesting way I've heard of to make Armor as DR is Iron Heroes (IIRC) where the amount of damage reduced is random, although it adds one more roll to every successful attack.

Dragon Warriors, IIRC, had fixed damage by weapon but random DR by armor. Oddly, though, it struck me as perhaps working better than the reverse.

MarkB said:
Maybe I'm too much of a spelling nerd, but I find myself put off immediately by the deliberate mis-spelling of "legendary".

Me too. Except that I can excuse it as it may be for trademark reasons.


Gary Gygax
RFisher said:
Dragon Warriors, IIRC, had fixed damage by weapon but random DR by armor. Oddly, though, it struck me as perhaps working better than the reverse.

Me too. Except that I can excuse it as it may be for trademark reasons.

"Legendary" is so commonly used that it is quite impossible to trade mark.

'Nuff said by me.



Hi everyone!

Just wanted to pitch in to say that I really like Lejendary Adventures. I recommend it to anyone who likes Gary's games and wants a skill-based, relatively rules-lite fantasy game to play with. The Essentials boxed set is really great to start right away, particularly if you have little cousins, brothers, sisters or children you want to bring to the hobby!

It's a great change of pace from other games.

Here you go.

Cheers! :)


First Post
Odhanan said:
Hi everyone!

Just wanted to pitch in to say that I really like Lejendary Adventures. I recommend it to anyone who likes Gary's games and wants a skill-based, relatively rules-lite fantasy game to play with. The Essentials boxed set is really great to start right away, particularly if you have little cousins, brothers, sisters or children you want to bring to the hobby!

It's a great change of pace from other games.

Here you go.

Cheers! :)


I was just reading through the 1999 Hekaforge version of the rules today. I have to admit, once you get all the terminology down and create a character or two it does look pretty easy, with some interesting flavor elements.

I still think in terms of stealing ideas and adding them to my C&C, but I'll definitely give it a try when the opportunity occurs.

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