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Femesolate, done and ready for critique!


Demon Queen of Templates
The femesolate is a female divine warrior dedicated to purity of body and soul and the defense of the weak and innocent. She is the fierce defender of her faith and a champion of the oppressed, especially children and other women. A femesolate seeks to maintain absolute clarity of mind, free from the distractions of iniquity. To this end, they tend to sequester themselves in convents and retreats to contemplate and meditate. Some femesolates, however, seek to leave their cloistered convents and venture into the world, bringing their wholesome purity to a bleak and violent world. Femesolates can be found in city temples, rural churches and convents, and remote libraries of religious texts. A femesolate might also be found in headship of an orphanage in a grim and dangerous city, protecting the children with every ounce of her will from the evils around them.

A femesolate dedicated to a female deity refers to herself as a daughter of that deity. She will prominently display her holy symbol in some manner, and will never willingly remove or alter it. Forced removal of the holy symbol will not result in the loss of class abilities. A femesolate dedicated to a male deity can refer to herself as the concubine or daughter of that deity, depending on her own preference. Concubine femesolates wear marriage symbols of their race (i.e. a gold ring, a braided lock of hair, and so on). The concubine femesolate of a male deity will never willingly remove or alter the symbol of her marriage to her deity, although forced removal will not remove her class abilities: the affectation is a symbol of her devotion, but not a source of her powers. All femesolates, regardless of race, refer to each other as ‘sister.’ Femesolates of 5th level or greater earn the title of ‘mother.’

Hit Dice: d10

To qualify to become a femesolate, a character must fulfill all the following criteria:
Gender: Female only
Alignment: Lawful good.
Base Attack Bonus: +4
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Iron Will.
Spells: The ability to cast divine spells.
Special: Code of Conduct
Special: Virginity. A femesolate must be and remain a virgin. If a femesolate looses her virginity, she looses all class abilities and becomes an ex-femesolate.

Class Skills
The femesolate’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Scry (Int, exclusive skill), and Spellcraft (Int).

Skill Points at 1st Level: (2 + Int modifier) × 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are class features of the femesolate prestige class.
Weapons and Armor: Femesolates eschew the use of armaments of any kind, and therefore gain no additional weapon or armor proficiencies. Femesolates can make use of any weapon proficiencies gained from previous classes, but they will only do so in times of dire emergency. A femesolate that uses a weapon in combat looses all of her class abilities until she spends 1 full day in undisturbed prayer and meditation.

Femesolates do not use armor or shields, but they train extensively at dodging blows. A femesolate adds her Charisma bonus (if any) to AC, in addition to her normal Dexterity modifier, and her AC improves as she gains levels. (Only add this extra AC bonus if the femesolate’s Charisma modifier and the number for Sacred Grace is a positive number). The Charisma bonus are the AC bonus represent a divine awareness of danger, and a femesolate does not lose either even in situations where she loses her Dexterity modifier due to being unprepared, ambushed, stunned, and so on.

If a femesolate wears any armor, she loses her AC bonus for Charisma, and AC bonus for class and level. In addition, wearing armor heavier than leather imposes check penalties to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble. Also, Swim checks suffer a -1 penalty for every 5 pounds of armor or equipment carried.

Hand of Righteousness (Ex): The unarmed strikes of a femesolate inflict 1d6 damage (1d4 damage if Small). A femesolate’s attacks may be with either fist interchangeably or even from elbows, knees, and feet. Making an off-hand attack makes no sense for a femesolate striking unarmed.

Advocate (Ex): When acting to defend or otherwise protect another creature of any non-evil alignment, a femesolate receives a +1 bonus to all attacks, damage, and saving throws. This bonus increases to +2 if she is defending a woman or child. This bonus increases by an additional +1 if the creature she is defending is helpless or otherwise incapable of defending itself.

Purity of Thought (Su): At 1st level, a femesolate can never be seduced or magically coerced into forsaking her virginity: all are immune to such specific suggestions. At 3rd level, a femesolate gains a +2 sacred bonus to resist enchantment (charm effects), and gains a further +4 to resist specific suggestions which would cause her to compromise her purity. By 5th level, a femesolate is immune to all charm and suggestion.

Champion of Good (Su): At 2nd level, a femesolate’s unarmed strikes are counted as having a +1 enhancement for the purpose of counteracting the damage resistance of any evil creature. This bonus increases to +2 at 4th level and +3 at 6th level. Note that this ability does not increase the attack or damage of her strikes: it merely serves to negate damage resistance.

Sacred Grace (Su): At 4th level, a femesolate’s AC increases by +1. It increases by +1 every 3 levels after that (ie. +1 to AC at 4th, 7th, and 10th level).

Aura of Divinity (Su): At 8th level, a femesolate can erect a magic circle against evil as a free action a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier plus 1.

Pure of Heart (Su): At 9th level, a femesolate’s unarmed strikes count as holy weapons, inflicting an additional 1d6 of damage to evil creatures. At 10th level, her unarmed strikes count as holy, lawful weapons; she inflicts +1d6 damage to evil creatures and +1d6 damage to chaotic creatures.

Code of Conduct: A femesolate must be of lawful good alignment and loses all special class abilities if eh ever willingly commits an act of evil. Additionally, a femesolate’s code requires that she respect legitimate authority, act with honor (not lying, not cheating, not using poison, etc.), help those who need help (provided they do not use the help for evil or chaotic ends), and punish those that harm or threaten innocents. A femesolate cannot refuse a request for aid or protection made by a lawful good person.

A femesolate who ceases to be lawful good, who willfully commits an evil act, or who grossly violates the code of conduct loses all special abilities and spells. She also may not progress in levels as a femesolate. She regains her abilities if she atones for her violations (see atonement), as appropriate.

A femesolate that looses her virginity permanently looses all class abilities and becomes an ex-femesolate. If she lost her virginity against her will she may atone. In this case, her class abilities return but she can never again advance levels in the femesolate class. Most ex-femesolates elect to continue as clerics or paladins, but a rare few fall from grace entirely and become blackguards.

BAB: As Fighter
Saves: Will high
Spells: +1 level of existing class
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Demon Queen of Templates
RiotGear said:
This is great! Can we use it for the Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge?

Does a "warrior-nun" really fit the Guide? lol

Well since I posted it here, anyone can use it in their game, but Id prefer it if you didnt publish it as part of your book. Sorry. :)


edit: wording? bah That's just plain old bad english!

back from the other thread: Villichi ... I think it's worth a read over if you haven't already.

back to femesolate: do you think divine grace (cha bon to saves) would be to much (such as paladins have)?

avatar: if you're gonna change it, go for the one-eyed girl from futurama (off the wall thought)
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Demon Queen of Templates
Wolf72 said:
back from the other thread: Villichi ... I think it's worth a read over if you haven't already.

back to femesolate: do you think divine grace (cha bon to saves) would to paladin?

avatar: if you're gonna change it, go for the one-eyed girl from futurama (off the wall thought)

I dont have any of the DS books...what are the Villichi like?

And about your question regarding the Charisma bonus to saves...I dont understand what you mean...could you clarify?

And Leela avatar? Hmm...never thought about that. :)


it was like a nunnery ... only they were trained in the martial arts and could slice and dice with the best of them.

Although the dragon-kings could have used their army to wipe them out it would be have a "chicken-bone" defense for the Villichi. They'd have hurt the dragon-king's army so bad another would have taken him over (dragon-king).

They would send out sisters to find children who were born as villichi (some high up psychic-leader would tell them were to look) ... they usually came gave the family some ceramic bits (money) and took the female child. If the child was harmed they usually killed the family.

(will post more soon ... just realized I have my DS MC here with me!)

divine grace: a paladin gets to use her/his cha mod (if positive) as a bonus to all saving throws.



[edit: okay not much background sorry bout that, but try www.athas.org it gives a brief campaign/world history ... not much on villlichi but enough to see where they came from and what kind of world the live in]

okay a little more ...

in DS they were psionic characters (def psy-war in 3e, or w/o psi would be a warrior type/monk.

the sister was called an envoy, and her entourage (sp) would give their lives for her if need be.

strict vegetarians (info not organized ... I'm just typing what jumps out at me).

mild allergy to sun, not quite albino's but very pale ... usually wear cloaks and stuff

Born to normal humans, about 1:30,000 (always female)

athletic human build, tall (about 7' ... but proportions are similiar to normal humans giving them a thin look)

they won't use metal (campaign and racial thing, DS very poor in metal anyway).

as a group they meet with much prejudice (but would be behind their backs since they can basically take care of themselves).

from DS MC entry: "Should a group of raiders harm or slay an envoy, a large group of envoys is sent to find and exact revenge on the perpetrators of this upseakable crime. A group of envoys out for revenge in this manner always number at least 20, and the least powerful of these is 8th lvl [psionicist], while they are led by a[n] elder of 11th or 12th lvl. Such criminals are put to death in the most painful manner possible to these intelligent, vengeful females [ouch, glad they don't go into detail on that one]. Fortunately, the villilchi reputation makes such incidents extremely rare."

oh if the perpetrator of killing a child [before it is found] can not be located they wipe out the entire village.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral.

avg lifespan: 150 years (current high mistress is over 200).
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Demon Queen of Templates
Wolf72 said:
back to femesolate: do you think divine grace (cha bon to saves) would to paladin?

Its the way its worded thats confusing me...what are you asking me here?

Are you asking if I think that the femesolate should have an ability similar to this?

If thats your question...no...I think the class is already quite powerful enough. Paladins have the fastest tract to becoming a femesolate, so its likely most femesolates will have started out as paladins and will therefore have the Divine Grace from that class.

Paladin or Ranger: can meet the requirements by 4th level, provided that she has a Wisdom of at least 12 so she can get a bonus spell. This meets the BAB and spell requirement.

Cleric/Barbarian, Cleric/Fighter, Cleric/Ranger: can meet the requirements by 5th level, using any combination of fighter and cleric. This meets the BAB and spell requirement.

Cleric, Cleric/Rogue, Cleric/Bard, Cleric/Druid, Cleric/Monk: can meet the requirements by 6th level. This meets the BAB and spell requirement.


Demon Queen of Templates
Born to normal human parents, eh?

Sounds like prime template material to me!

From what youve told me here I can see a lot of similarities, but there are more differences. They do make a good topic for comparison and contrast though! :) Thanks!


the wording?

maybe it's the wording? ... self-editing/proofreading is not one of my stronger points :)

yeah, bad english there.

and yes I was asking: were you considering giving them the divine grace that a paladin gets?

sorry for the confusion.

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