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D&D 5E Fey Prom


Fey Prom

Hey people, I’m currently working on a short game ( probably 3 sessions or so) to run themed around the fey realm, specifically an event called the fey prom.

I’m designing this to be a fun and campy game, that’s a little twisted as the fey tend to be. This event is for newly formed fey ( 500 years or less) to engage in the niceties of social combat, peacocking, imbibing, and practicing court politics and messing with mortals.

I’ve sort of envisioned the players will be apart of the same prom group that goes together. I’m currently building npc’s to fit different troupey archetypes of high schoolers ( mean girls, jocks, nerds, art kids, etc.) and what goals the party can do or not do ( like being crowned the spring queen). I’m just looking for ideas for things for the players to do, how to incorporate the different classes or races, ideas for the setting, enemies etc. Everything helps and gives me inspiration, thank you in advance!

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Blue Orange

Gone to Texas
Prom certainly fits many of the themes around the fey!

A lot has changed in high school since the 80s tropes many of us many remember. I remember you could categorize cliques by popularity and achievement orientation, so you got high status, high achievement (preppies, rich kids, etc.), low status, high achievement (nerds, geeks, etc.), high status, low achievement (cool kids), low status, low achievement (burnouts, druggies), and you can probably map that to clerics, mages, fighters, and thieves. (Of course who's high status is going to differ from high school to high school...) But the ecosystem's probably changed so much it's hard to say. Know any teenagers?

In the absence of that you could load on mental traits (INT, WIS, CHA) to determine the cliques--status would of course primarily be determined by CHA and to a lesser extent WIS. Jocks would have high STR and CON, nerds high INT.

I think they would all be low level given their youth, but even that offers a lot of possibilities. You're going to have to decide what to do about enchantments--it seems hard to believe a high schooler with access to Charm Person isn't going to try to use it, and Sleep or Hideous Laughter or even cantrips like Vicious Mockery or Minor Illusion could be useful. Similarly Disguise Self takes care of a lot of your personal presentation needs.


This just stuck out at me as fey and prom.


Dear Lord Vernalia…

We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole 10 mortal years in detention for whatever it was we did at the Fey Prom. But we think you’re crazy to ask us to enchant a scroll telling you who we think we are. What do you care? You see us as your Glamour makes us - in the simplest terms, in convenient 5 foot cubes. But what we found out is that each one of us is a Wizard...

...and a Fighter…

...and a Bard…

...and a Faerie princess...

...and a Rogue...

Does that answer your question?

Sincerely yours,
The Feywild Club

Voidrunner's Codex

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