• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Fiendish Codex II next month--Any scoop/rumors/etc.?


Sage of the Scarred Lands

Glasya is hardly a newbie unlike the previous Lady of the 6th. She's the daughter of none other than Asmodeus himself. I'm reasonable sure BoVD mentioned her in Asmody's write up, but other than that and some 2nd edition materials that I can't recall, that's the extent of my knowledge.

Glasya was kind of the "wild child" of the Arch fiends. While she wasn't in tune with her father's wishes, she was, however, completely his kid. She enjoyed seducing paladins (I believe some where in the hundreds) and then turning them and/or torturing them for fun. She was pretty much the opposite of Fierna, as she was by far way more intelligent than most female devils, and certainly could play the game in the Arch Fiend court with the best of them.

That's about all I recall off hand when it comes to Glasya. Probably better off getting Shemmy to come in and explain it better. I mean he is a fiend after all. ;)

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J-Dawg said:
So... is this new ruler of Malboge something new for this book, or has it got roots somewhere that I'm not aware of?

Glasya first appeared in Dragon #75 and was published in the 1e Monster Manual II. She got a lot of detail in Guide to Hell and a small stat block and description in the Book of Vile Darkness as one of Asmodeus' minions (next to Martinet). She also played a part in an adventure in Dungeon #25.

She's appeared in every incarnation of the Hells except Planescape's.


Shemeska said:
What is said about the ultimate fate of Moloch?

Moloch is mentioned in the list of noble baatezu currently exiled in Avernus. Amon the Wolf is there, too.

So he's apparently still alive. My guess is it was only an aspect the PCs encountered in The Apocalypse Stone. That would make sense; there was no need to manifest in his true form there when an aspect would do just as well.


Sage of the Scarred Lands
That would be my guess too Rip.

*is glad Rip helped him out with Glasya* I knew she didn't appear in PS but I was curious/forgetful how far back into 2nd/1st edition she existed.


Nightfall said:
*is glad Rip helped him out with Glasya* I knew she didn't appear in PS but I was curious/forgetful how far back into 2nd/1st edition she existed.

She actually was mentioned in Planescape - she gets a brief shout-out on page 30 of Faces of Evil: The Fiends, where she's described as the consort of the Lord of Minauros.

So she's appeared in every incarnation of the Nine Hells.

I think it's kinda funny that the authors of these various books keep advancing a timeline and shift around the leadership of Hell. Since 1e, there have been an awful lot of Lords of the Xth circles.

Of course, if you also have Book of Fiends/Legions of Hell then you've got yet more options for Hellish leadership.


J-Dawg said:
Of course, if you also have Book of Fiends/Legions of Hell then you've got yet more options for Hellish leadership.

Tome of Horrors has some too. Even an alternate or deposed ruler of Hell.

Yeah, but I lurve Legions of Hell. Good chance that anything herein that contradicts it will get knocked aside by me.

Heh. Yeah, forgot about those too. All of those options lead me inevitably towards a less structured approach to the lower planes, that can accomodate vast courts of fiendish nobles of various stripes jockeying for position with each other.


J-Dawg said:
Heh. Yeah, forgot about those too. All of those options lead me inevitably towards a less structured approach to the lower planes, that can accomodate vast courts of fiendish nobles of various stripes jockeying for position with each other.

Sort of the same here, but a different angle. I have multiple hells. More room for all the baddies to co-exist (or not co-exist... you get my meaning.)

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