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Fiery Dragon has Sword & Sorcery license?


Here they are for $10 and $5 each until they have to be removed from sale under the GSL when the new 4e stuff comes out.

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That's one thing that REALLY annoys me about the GSL. Formerly, pdfs had this "limitless stock" quality, meaning if I ever needed to pick something up that I found out I needed for a setting, I could just go to RPGnow and nab it.

On the bright side (if you want to call it that), most of the Scarred Lands pdfs were made from scans, not original electronic documents, so their utility wasn't that great in the first place. I'll probably be happy just to grab the few non-scan products before the door slams shut.

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First Post
....So, what would you like to see? Favorite creatures from the original Creature collection? Ideas about the Scarred Lands? What stories would you like to see resolved? What characters would you like to step forward? What places should be brought to light, and which should be left to shadow?

'Cause Sword & Sorcery is back and ready to game.

- James

Just caught wind of this thanx to Scarn.com. Anyway, one of the things I always felt led to SLCSs' demise (besides the 3.5 switch & the destroyed continuity after same) was that it went to other parts of the world instead of expanding on Ghelspad proper. So there's no mistake, here's what I'd like to see:
  • Make Ghelspad the default setting & don't even think of going to other parts of the world until it's been covered in depth.
  • I know this was written in a previous post, but I too would like a Vesh sourcebook. This was one of the things that I think everyone was waiting on when the setting was under White Wolfs banner, but for whatever reason we never got. So please give us said sourcebook with info on it & the surrounding areas (like the Ganjus forest, the kingdom of Mansk, etc).
  • Also written in a previous post, a sourcebook on Darakeene. I know that a French company did it, but that don't help me as a guy who can only read English.
I'm glad the setting didn't go the way of the Dodo, though I wish that it's update/rebirth was under the Pathfinder system.


First Post
Hi everyone,

Cat's out the bag, I guess. Although, I was the guy hanging the 8-foot banner at GenCon, so I really should have known... :)

Yes, Fiery Dragon has the worldwide license for the Sword & Sorcery brand and related products including Creature Collection, Relics & Rituals, and the Scarred Lands. Yes, the upcoming Sword & Sorcery products will be some of our 4E offerings starting this fall. (You'll also see some things released just under the FDP brand, such as Battlebox and Counter Collections, plus some PDF adventures as well).

As for Sword & Sorcery, here are my plans at this point in time:

First off, Fiery Dragon is nowhere near the size of White Wolf, and lacks the resources to replicate what What Wolf did with Sword & Sorcery and Scarred Lands for 3E. So, I'm planning on keeping things pretty tight. We may see 12 books over the next 3 years, but I figure that's about my limit. As has already been noted, the last thing I want to do is our typical overpromise and underdeliver... I feel that's being done enough by the market leaders right now... (ouch!) :)

In The Fall (see how I'm keeping the date loose right now), we'll put out a Creature Collection for 4E. This will be mostly a compilation of monsters from the first 3 Creature Collections, but of course converted, updated, with new art and such. AND, there will indeed be new creatures in there as well. I've gone through the original CCs and pulled the stuff that I think will work well with the 4E rules and/or is a prime component of the Scarred Lands setting (though you don't need to play in the Scarred Lands to use these creatures). The book will provide a lot of useful monsters... and give some insight into where we're taking SL.

In the Spring of 2009, I plan on putting out Relics & Rituals, which will be a book full of Relics... and Rituals. It'll also feature new classes... or new class paths... that cover some key aspects of SL stuff (like a Necromancer, of course!) and have lots of great items and powers, and possibly a demonstrating adventure or two.

I would like to put out a Scarred Lands Campaign Guide for GenCon next year. It will have the overview of the Scarred Lands, what's happened since we last visited, where everything stands now, and offer a pretty clear idea about adventures in the Scarred Lands. You'll know what's safe, where danger lies, who the top threats are, and have hope for the future.

Those are my hardcover plans, and probably the only hardcovers that I'll ever be able to do. And some of these plans may change as we see the new GSL and experience the 3rd party 4th edition market for the first time.

Beyond those books, I see 7-9 adventure/setting/sourcebooks that will provide iconic and heroic opportunities in the Scarred Lands.

I have been talking to several writers and artists for some time while spending the past 6 months working out the details with White Wolf, and of course, I'm already behind. The thing about FDP is we are a small game company, and we are limited as to our resources (primarily time and money!), but I do have a passion for D&D, a great fondness for the Scarred Lands, a desire to create the best products we've ever produced, and a dream of creating something that is enjoyed by thousands of fans.

That being said, while I've got some direction, the journey is still unwritten. We're looking for feedback and input, and I'll be paying attention, certainly more than I've been able to in the past few years, about what's going on here and in other SL sits and blogs on the 'net.

So, what would you like to see? Favorite creatures from the original Creature collection? Ideas about the Scarred Lands? What stories would you like to see resolved? What characters would you like to step forward? What places should be brought to light, and which should be left to shadow?

'Cause Sword & Sorcery is back and ready to game.

- James

I would like to see new content actually. Books about locations not covered by the S&S 3E stuff.

Wouldn't mind seeing my CC III submission making it into the new one either ;) (Momus' Marionette for those that are interested)

I'm glad to see the line being brought back. Cheers :)


First Post
Heck, a rework of the Warlock would make a pretty darn good Titan worshipper don't you think? I always thought Binders fit better than druids anyway.

Warlocks and Binders (with specific Pacts and Vestiges related to the Titans) would probably be better thematically than Sorcerers and Druids anyway. In some cases, the class abilities / spell-lists of a Druid or Sorcerer were a poor fit for a Titan affiliation. A Druid of Golthagga, the Titan of the Forge, eschewing metal, would be a hard sell, while a Sorcerer devoted to Chern would have a death of disease-causing spells.

A Druid or Sorcerer could be *forced* to fit a Titan's theme, via the use of a Scion feat or something, but they weren't always great fits, so it might be neat if the base assumptions were changed around a bit to better suit these thematic bits.

[This post made more sense the first time, but it got eated. I give up!]


Warlocks and Binders (with specific Pacts and Vestiges related to the Titans) would probably be better thematically than Sorcerers and Druids anyway.

Warlock could make a suitable substitute for the Sorcerer, but I don't agree about druids. Titans are tied to the nature of the land... the world of Scarn itself. That is a central unifying theme of the setting. That relates to the fundamental thematic schtick of the druid.


First Post
Please don't change Scarred Lands. Don't do to SL what Wizards of the Coast did to Forgotten Realms. Even though I know it is unlikely it will influence your plans, I feel it with mentioning that if you do remodel the setting, not only will I not buy any of those books you release but I will likely never buy anything you company puts out. I'm not saying that there can be no changes. Changes can be good, on moderation. I'm just saying PLEASE, for the sake of one of only a small few settings I did not create that I really enjoyed, use a scalpel and not a hack saw.

On another note, will you be taking outside submissions or is there a way someone could audition to help out in even some small way?


Warlock could make a suitable substitute for the Sorcerer, but I don't agree about druids. Titans are tied to the nature of the land... the world of Scarn itself. That is a central unifying theme of the setting. That relates to the fundamental thematic schtick of the druid.

I agree that druids work for titan worshippers but binders work fine too I think. Torn apart and imprisoned titans as vestiges works for me. It also gives a good reason for binders to be reviled by people who accept clerics of evil gods.

Given the number and distinctive natures of the titans having various forms of druids works for me too. I could see a Player's Handbook II style one, an Advanced Player's Guide one from XRP, an elemental style one from Goodman's Forgotten Heroes book, and several tailored MM style druid "monsters" each serving different titans.


First Post
Given the number and distinctive natures of the titans having various forms of druids works for me too. I could see a Player's Handbook II style one, an Advanced Player's Guide one from XRP, an elemental style one from Goodman's Forgotten Heroes book, and several tailored MM style druid "monsters" each serving different titans.
This is what I imagine as well, and it would certainly help make SL4e all kinds of awesome.


First Post
I agree that druids work for titan worshippers but binders work fine too I think. Torn apart and imprisoned titans as vestiges works for me. It also gives a good reason for binders to be reviled by people who accept clerics of evil gods.

Given the number and distinctive natures of the titans having various forms of druids works for me too. I could see a Player's Handbook II style one, an Advanced Player's Guide one from XRP, an elemental style one from Goodman's Forgotten Heroes book, and several tailored MM style druid "monsters" each serving different titans.

That would be ideal. A shiftery Gormoth Druid who curses others with debilitating transformations, and alters his own form offensively and defensively could be one class of 'monster,' while a Druid of Chern might inflict various contagions and create controllery swarms of vermin in various squares, and the Golthaggan Druid would have glowing heated metal plates forged into his flesh, and attack with heated spikes of metal embedded into his limbs.

The 3.0/3.5 Druid class, IMO, didn't really 'mesh' well with several of the Titans specific themes.

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