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Fighting High level monsters/ Deities


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The reason the encounter was so easy was that we all built characters designed to abused certain features except for the warlock who made the mistake of starting way too close to Tiamat and got dominated round one. As for not losing a single character, we nearly lost the warlock due to him being dominated and unable to heal himself from taking 50 damage a round. Tiamat didn't have a chance to engage the Ranger because the ranger started about really far away from Tiamat from the upstart. On the flip side my ranger was simply by game mechanics unable to die or fall unconscious and the dwarf battle rager was just that a dwarf battlerager who resisted 9 damage created temp HP every turn nearly negating Tiamat's aura.

Additionally the person playing Tiamat wasn't our usual dm so she probably didn't abuse the complete awesomeness of Tiamat. As for the terrain it was a canyon. A few boulders scattered about and no traps just Tiamat and the party. In retrospect if we face the next deity in line we are definitely going to seal in the encounter area and most of us are not going to be playing super ranged characters. Also we negated Tiamat's villain of the week plot device escape mechanism for the fight.
This was not part of a story but rather a simple proof of concept were we take on the biggest and baddest monsters currently released. We started with Orcus who turned out to be a push over and jumped right to Tiamat.

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Tiamat can move 85 squares per round (17 per activation, 5 activations)... there's no way that ranger could outrange her, if she wanted to base him.


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Yeah, it was really only after the encounter that we realized that each individual head could convert their action into a move action. Before the we read Tiamat's lengthy character box and interpreted it that Tiamat had 1 regular move action for all 5 heads, I am not sure right now if Tiamat got a move action per each head. If she did then what stops her from simply grabbing a PC in one of five mouths and flying straight up and then dropping them assuming no feather fall or similar ability?


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She gets a standard and minor each activation, so she does have to give up an attack to move.

She could fly up with people, doing about 8d10 per activation that way if they have no way to deal with falling... but truth is that she can do more than 8d10 per activation just using normal abilities, too :)


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Thanks, I will let her know so that if she gets another diety with similar powers that she gets the those actions each activation. How much damage would a PC take if Tiamat decided to sit on their character? So Tiamat drops you and then bodyslams from above. It would make for a humorous image.


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How much damage would a PC take if Tiamat decided to sit on their character? So Tiamat drops you and then bodyslams from above. It would make for a humorous image.

I would deal 8d10 damage and then another 8d10 damage to both creatures. But i guess you can only move half your speed with a grabbed creature.

Anyway, if I were Tiamat I would fly like 10,000 feet, drop the grabbed creature and go home.


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The correct damage for 85 squares would be 25d10.

So i would deal 25d10 from dropping from 85 sq height +25d10 from a suicide attack from the skies in a form of Tiamat body slam.


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Sorry, 1 square represents 5 feet ( i did the math for 3 feet). So It would be 5x85 425 Feet height. And I am sure that each 10 feet you get 1d10, So 42d10, correct me if I am wrong.

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