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Figureing XP for an odd encounter


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If the players knew about the approaching army and planned the attack with using this position as a defense point, then they should not get full XP due to the fact that they set it up in their favor. As has been mentioned, probably about half XP for the defeated creatures.

If they were just in the area when the orcs attacked and made use of the current situation on the fly, then they should get normal XP for the encounter.

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Thanee said:
Of course, but noone said, that they would not get rewarded for it.
Just, that they might not get the full XP for 30 orcs and 5 worgs.


I'm going to assume (hope?) that you mean the full XP from the 90+12, not the 30+5 that they actually killed in combat instead of on the bridge.

Cutting XP for an encounter is generally a way for the GM to say that he messed up the encounter; that it shouldn't have been as easy as it ended up.

The only times that I will actually use XP penalties/bonuses are when I plan them in advance. (ie. I set up an encounter with orcs behind barricades and loaders for their Xbows.) Even then, if the PCs can figure out a way around the other sides tactical advantage, the bonus XP is left in.

As an aside, I probably would have handled the battle by having the war leader of the small army call off the assault after just a few of the orcs and none of the worgs had died trying to cross, then had the orcs set up a siege around the stronghold. After all, tactics and strategy work both ways (and it looks like you were trying to make the PCs run from the back door in the stronghold anyway... unless you have random encounters with small armies. In which case I'm just confused.)


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whatisitgoodfor said:
Cutting XP for an encounter is generally a way for the GM to say that he messed up the encounter; that it shouldn't have been as easy as it ended up.

Uhm... do you really consider 90 orcs and 12 worgs to be a combat encounter for three 4th level PCs?

It might have been an encounter with a very low EL, because it basically only consisted of running like hell. :D

The PCs made more out of it, which they should be rewarded for, but in no way the XP for the whole lot (or even the third they killed) was assumed to be the reward for that encounter, so they will get *more* than what they normally had gotten, if they would not have come up with the intelligent way to handle it. :)



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whatisitgoodfor said:
Cutting XP for an encounter is generally a way for the GM to say that he messed up the encounter; that it shouldn't have been as easy as it ended up.

The bridge was 5' wide. They could have just stood on the other side and killed the orcs one by one. Just because the PCs don't take advantage of an obviously advantageous situation doesn't mean they should get full xp either. If I give my PCs an easy way around a situation and they don't take it, they should be no more rewarded than punished for making a difficult situation easy. In this case, the situation was by far in their favor.


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farscapesg1 said:
If the players knew about the approaching army and planned the attack with using this position as a defense point, then they should not get full XP due to the fact that they set it up in their favor. As has been mentioned, probably about half XP for the defeated creatures.

If they were just in the area when the orcs attacked and made use of the current situation on the fly, then they should get normal XP for the encounter.

Somewhere in the middle. THe orcs sent a small party that the players killed all but one. He got away and then the players figured that some more orcs would on thier way, but they were not expecting that many nor were they expecting any worgs.


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ThirdWizard said:
The bridge was 5' wide. They could have just stood on the other side and killed the orcs one by one. Just because the PCs don't take advantage of an obviously advantageous situation doesn't mean they should get full xp either. If I give my PCs an easy way around a situation and they don't take it, they should be no more rewarded than punished for making a difficult situation easy. In this case, the situation was by far in their favor.

Tthere was a secret door before the bridge that the players feared the orcs knew about. So the main fighter was positioned near the door for a few rounds as they thought they had to defend two ways into the outpost and not just one. However after a few rounds and the orcs made no attempt to open th4e secret door the players grouped up together, but by then too many orcs were getting across the bridge, the war mage and cleric/ranger where in big trouble and the scout was getting ganged up on. So, the fighter and hexmage helped get everyone out of trouble, shut and barred a door and made a hastily retreat for fear of being over run.


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I am curious how 60 some-odd creatures died on a 30' long 5' wide bridge, though. Were they crowded together as they crossed? That would have to be 2/square which is definately possible, but kind of cramped for a "slick" surface, imposing possible penalties to balance and if one fell he'd probably take a few others with him.


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  • PCs defeated an army of 90 orcs and 12 worgs.
  • The PCs used a fortified dwarven outpost.

Asumptions by Me:
  • DM provided ideal setting..that is, it was not the PC's cleverness and planning that led to the battle being at the outpost.
  • The orcs could not get to the PCs in any way other than crossing the bridge.
  • The orcs could not attack the PCs in any way until they crossed the bridge.
  • There was no other signifiant danger immediately before, during, or immediately after the battle.
  • The orcs didn't try to "wait the PCs out" or attack in waves over long periods.
  • The orcs were all CR 1/2, and the Worgs were all CR 2.

These assumptions are important to verifiy, BTW. Thanks.

If they are true, then I'd give them 25% of the total for 90 orcs and 12 worgs. For three 4th level PCs, that XP is 862 each.


First Post
ThirdWizard said:
I am curious how 60 some-odd creatures died on a 30' long 5' wide bridge, though. Were they crowded together as they crossed? That would have to be 2/square which is definately possible, but kind of cramped for a "slick" surface, imposing possible penalties to balance and if one fell he'd probably take a few others with him.

it was 30 odd creatures, and they all were not on the bridge at the same time. They tried to run across in waves about a half dozen each round. Each creature had to make a balance check and a save verse the flaming sphere when it was there.


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Nail said:
  • PCs defeated an army of 90 orcs and 12 worgs.
  • The PCs used a fortified dwarven outpost.

I'm not sure defeated is the right word for all of them. They killed a third, but in the end had to give up the Outpost and retreat to what is in theory safety.

Asumptions by Me:
  • DM provided ideal setting..that is, it was not the PC's cleverness and planning that led to the battle being at the outpost.
  • The orcs could not get to the PCs in any way other than crossing the bridge.
  • The orcs could not attack the PCs in any way until they crossed the bridge.
  • There was no other signifiant danger immediately before, during, or immediately after the battle.
  • The orcs didn't try to "wait the PCs out" or attack in waves over long periods.
  • The orcs were all CR 1/2, and the Worgs were all CR 2.

Point 1: Dm proivided the setting in that Pcs had to clear it of orcs first, then defend it from orcs attacking from the outside. It was not the PCs being clever that lead to the fight, it was the PCs failing to kill all the orcs in a patrol that did.

Point 2: There was a secret door but they never found it

Point 3: Some of the orcs I think had ranged weapons they just choose not to use them.

Point 4: Before the battle they faced a squad of 8 orcs killing 7. The army came about 2 hours later. After the battle they faced and killed 10 stirges as they retreated threough some underground unexplored sections of the outpost. Session ended with them down there.

Point 5: They did not do this, there first rush attack was enough to eventually drive the PCs away

Point 6: I think they were all standard MM creatures.

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