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Final Fantasy VII - Resurrect the World. [Closed Recruiting for Now]

Kai Sarutobi

First Post
Heh, I think the above title kinda says it all in terms of content for what type of campaign I plan to be running. That said, no sense typing up a bunch of information regarding it if no one is interested in the slightest.

The campaign will be set post Advent Children (And ignoring Dirge as I so HATE that game. Hehe.) I'm looking for somewhere around 4-5 initial players, with the possibility of others entering later.

What system? Good question! This link http://ffd20.orgfree.com/phpBB2/index.php here, is for d20 varient rules that represent Final Fantasy. They're... okay, probably not the best for 'Seven'.

Beyond that I think I'm willing to fiddle with 3.5, 3.75, 4.0 and anything people can think of. Thoughts?


Alright, short of any worldshaking changes, we'll be using 3.5 edition rules, with some major varients to make it more faithful to the source material (The most major of which will be the addition of a materia system.) That said, all the varients will be additions, not subtractions.

At this time I'm going to be allowing:

Core books (Maybe Psionics, I'm still debating this point in my head.)

Anything else will be on an ask basis. And I mean ask for material, with referenced page number not just, "Can I have Book of Nine Swords? Kthxbye." Heh.

Setting specific info will follow soon enough, as will the varient rules (See the link above for the basis of the materia system I will be using.)

Thats it for now!


Update August 11th.

Alright, I'm going to start with something I shamelessly stole from Jemal's Final Fantasy thread.

*Swordsman/Main Character:
So usually the main character is a Swordsman. Sometimes he's got magic, sometimes he doesn't, but hs main deal is "Swordsman".
Requirements: In THIS game, what that means is that your character must be a primary skilled fighter-type wielding a sword.
Must be Human, must be good Hearted (Though can be neutral aligned to start, so long as Good wins out eventually)

Love Interest 1 & 2:
One or Two women who're interested in the main character romanticaly.
Requirements: Female, good looking, interested romantically in main character, mostly good (Or willing to reform).

Someone who focuses on innate magical talent rather than Materia usage. Very rare. ^_^
Requirements: Primary D&D based spellcasting.

A criminal (Or former criminal) with ties to the underworld.
Requirements: Criminal record, ranks in numerous criminal skills.

The face of the party, either royalty/celebrity, or just someone who's good with people.
Requirements: Lots of non-combat Social skills.

The creature/Freak/pet that travels with the party. It/he/she is in Intelligent, but NOT normal.
Requirements: Not humanoid.

Suggestions are acceptable!

Those are pretty much the base Archtypes I'm going to be having for the campaign. As I said, I'm going to be shooting for 4-5 characters initially. Mayhap more. *Shrug.*

As noted above, I'm going to be limiting traditional spellcasters. Specifically, I'm only going to be allowing one D&D based spellcaster.

Every character is going to recieve some sort of 'special' as well. It'll be tailored to your individual character and we'll come up with it as you build them.

[sblock=Materia Rules!]And this is today's final addition

To start with, there are five types of Materia. Spell, Summon, Support, Command, and Independant. (Green, Red, Blue, Yellow, Purple.) Each has its own varied effects, depicted below.

All materia can level up (Though the amount required is dictated on a case by case basis.) Any materia you have equipped will gain MXP at a rate of 1/10 any XP you recieve. (Thus if you gain 1000 XP, all equipped Materia will gain 100 MXP)

Materia can be set and removed in the space of 1 minute, which provokes an attack of oppertunity each round. They can be set into either weapons or armor, to a maximum of the amount of slots each weapon/armor has. (Which will be given to you when your charachters are complete.

The effects of Materia are as follows.


Any equipped spell Materia will grant you access to the spell (Or spells) they contain. These spells will be drawn from traditional Final Fantasy style spells rather than D&D type. Ex. A mastered Fire Materia will allow you to cast: Fire, Fire 2, Fire 3.

Spells cast from Materia are cast using the Spell Point varient rule, seen here: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/magic/spellPoints.htm

All players gain MP as if they were a wizard under the spell point Varient rule system. The spellcasting stat is constitution.

(Spells will be forthcoming as I have time to create a sane system for them. ^_^)


Summon materia are much like Spell Materia in that they drain from the same MP pool. Summon Materia will either summon a creature for a single powerful attack, or as a permanent addition, depending on the Materia.

These will be a while in coming in campaign, so don't worry too much about them.


Support Materia only function when linked to another Green, Yellow, or Red Materia. Each weapon given in campaign will specify linked slots.

These materia are things such as:

All - Changes spell materia into an area of effect rather than single target.
Elemental - Links an element to your Weapon or armor, causing it to deal damage or absorb said element.

And so forth.


Command materia will give additional feats or abilities when set. Examples are:

Sense - Learn target's hit points, Level and weaknesses.
Maximize Spell - Gain the Maximize spell Metamagic feat.
Cleave - Gain the Cleave Feat.

And so forth.


Independant materia cover everything else. The effects of many 'wonderous items' fall under this category, such as stat boosters, SR items etc.

And that covers that for now. Time to go to work!



August 12 Update! Updated again!

Still to come....

Limit Breaks.
Example Materia.
Anything else that comes up.


August 13 Update!

[sblock=Story so Far]The Story so Far...

What happened:

Final Fantasy 7 - Sephiroth called down a meteor with the help of the Black Materia. His goal was to damage the planet to such an extent that it would gather all of the lifestream to one location to heal the wound. He would take that energy and become a living god, using the planet as his mother did, to travel the cosmos in search of another victim.

The Shinra company, attempting to destroy Sephiroth, fired the 'Sister Ray' cannon directly at the north crater. While this didn't kill him, it allowed a small strike team, the members of AVALANCHE, to move in and ultimately slay Sephiroth.

This was unfortunately not enough to stop Meteor entirely, and the attack dealt massive damage to the city of Midgar, before ultimately being stopped by the ultimate white magic spell 'Holy.'

Advent Children - The years following the Meteor strike were relitively calm. However, shortly after Sephiroth's defeat, a plague began to spread, seemingly at random throughout the world.

This plague was known as Geo-Stigma. Many believed that it was the planet's way of retaliating for the damage that had been done to it. In truth, the plague was the result of Sephiroth and Jenova's cells infecting people, and the lifestream within them attempting to expunge the infection.

With each death, a negitive lifestream began to take form, something Sephiroth hoped to one day use to seize control of the planet.

During this time, several aspects of his personality, remnants of Sephiroth himself, began to work towards his Resurrection. This culminated with an attack on the city of Edge, built from the wreckage of Midgar.

Ultimately, both the aspects of Sephiroth, and the villian himself were killed by Cloud Strife in an epic battle atop the former Shinra headquarters. Shortly thereafter, a healing rain fell upon most of the world, cleansing away nearly all of the Geo-Stigma.

What the players know:

Final Fantasy 7 - Sephiroth's reasons for his actions are mostly unknown. Most assumed that the former hero had simply gone mad. Regardless, the Shinra company was there to deal with him once and for all, their massive strike not only killing the traitorous former SOLDIER, but slaying the Diamond Weapon in the bargain.

The public has no explination for why Meteor did not strike as intended, save that the planet itself defended them.

Advent Children - The healing of the plague is once more attributed to the planet giving back, though it challenged public perception that the plague was anything to do with the planet at all.

As for the attack on Edge and the massive battle resulting from it, Shinra once again saved the day. Though ordinary citizens were seen fighting off the rampaging beasts, it was two members of the turks, and a blond SOLDIER 1st Class, that were ultimately responsible for saving the city from the bulk of the damage.

Resurrect the World - Eight years have passed since the Meteor strike. The planet was quiet for four years after the Geo-Stigma passed, but at last a new threat had emerged.

Throughout the world, the land began to grow dark and brittle, plants and animals dying off while monsters began to spring from nowhere. These deadlands eminated from old Mako reactors, spreading slowly but inexorably outward.

Midgar is so far the worst, the city overrun with monsters, the expanding deadlands slowly working towards the nearby city of Edge.

People are scared, and in their fear they turned against those seemingly responsible, striking at the Shinra corperation, mobs destroying their business' killing their workers and sending even Rufas Shinra underground, as if blood would appease the angry planet...[/sblock]


Edit August 18th! Update Harder!

Alrighty, now that I've got a handle for things, character creation is as follows.

Core Rulebooks.
Complete Rulebooks (Excepting Psionics.)
Tome of Battle
Any other sources are on an ask me specifics basis.

32 Standard Point Buy.
Max HP at all levels.
Level 12.
Standard Wealth for level 12. Do not buy weapons or anything that gives an 'Armor' Bonus. (Note: Any equipment that you buy at this stage will be with you throughout the campaign. I will allow you to spend GP to upgrade this equipment, but you will not be able to purchase additional wonderous items, finding them only as treasure.)

To save yourself time, I would suggest running anything you think might be... difficult, by me first. Make sure we agree on the concept before you go into specifics. Hehe.


August 23, 2008!

Alright, a final update. Having finally made my decision upon armor, I bring to you thus! For this campaign, characters will use the Defense Bonus rules seen here:


Select a type of item, such as bracer, hairpin, necklace etc. This will be where you slot materia for your 'armor' half.
Last edited:

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Also, I don't think 4e provides the style of play & detailed customization I'd want with a final fantasy type of game. I think 3.5 would be the way to go.

Kai Sarutobi

First Post
Well, at the very least I've got some interest in it so far. *Chuckles.* And it looks like 3.5 is the way to go. I'll be updating with a bit of 'backstory' in the main post in a day or three.

In the meantime? I'd like even just general concepts that people might want to play in a setting such as this. Fighter, mage, etc. I'll be selecting one player as the 'starting' character, for a quick scene to start the campaign, then introducing pretty much all the remaining cast within the space of one encounter.

Don't want to leave people hanging after all.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Wow. I just watched Advent Children earlier today, then started FFVII again for nostalgy's sake and now stumble upon this on the same day. Wow...

I'd be very interested. A gunslinger type of character maybe. Your typical FF gunslinger ala Vincent/Irvine/Balthier...


First Post
The Materia system on that FFd20 site seems to just be for magic item creation, so I don't know what you're planning to do as far as magic-users are concerned, unless you're replacing or modifying that Materia system.

Anyway, I'd probably go with something like a dragoon, ninja, or red mage. I could just play a black mage or white mage type, but I already play pure casters a lot.

With 3.5, for a dragoon I'd go with a Warblade focused on Tiger Claw maneuvers and stances, maybe a few feats from Players' Handbook II. I know to avoid Swooping Dragon Strike or whatever (the maneuver that stuns without a save). Lesser use of Stone Dragon and Iron Heart, and I never learn or use Iron Heart Surge. Not even going to touch White Raven or Diamond Mind with a dragoon-type character.

For a ninja, I'd either go Rogue/Fighter dipping into Shadowdancer later, or straight Swordsage with maybe the monkish-variant mentioned in Tome of Battle, or just dip into Monk before Swordsage. Main disciplines would be of course Shadow Hand, Setting Sun, and Diamond Mind (stealth, finesse over force, and speed). I hardly ever use the Concentration-for-saving-throw-Counters.

For a red mage, I'd think either Cleric/Sorcerer/Fighter/Eldritch Knight, Bard/Cleric/Fighter/Mystic Theurge, Beguiler/Duskblade/Cleric, or just Duskblade/Cleric. I'd prefer one of the last two combos for that, since heavy multiclassing is really harsh on the trying-to-be-slightly-effective department. Otherwise, for the cleric/sorcerer angle, it'd be nice if I could use the Battle Sorcerer variant in Unearthed Arcana (you can find it in the Hypertext D20 SRD as well, under the Variant Rules section).


dangit, ENWorld ate my post. :(

Anyways, what I'd essentially said was my character will change based on level, but I'm going to try a Finesse character, unarmed. (Monk/swashbuckler most likely). If you'll allow it, I've been wanting to use bladed bracers for a character for some time now. I just can't find them in any source-books. :(

Basically I'm looking for something that looks like the Neitchzian's bone-blades (From Andromeda), or batman's gauntlets. Mechanically, it would be dual-weapons that enhance unarmed strike damage and allow you to deal slashing/piercing.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
dangit, ENWorld ate my post. :(

Anyways, what I'd essentially said was my character will change based on level, but I'm going to try a Finesse character, unarmed. (Monk/swashbuckler most likely). If you'll allow it, I've been wanting to use bladed bracers for a character for some time now. I just can't find them in any source-books. :(

Basically I'm looking for something that looks like the Neitchzian's bone-blades (From Andromeda), or batman's gauntlets. Mechanically, it would be dual-weapons that enhance unarmed strike damage and allow you to deal slashing/piercing.

Well it's from 3.0 book Arms & Eguipment Guide, but there's a weapon called Bladed Gauntlet which does pretty much that. Eventhough the description is more of Wolverine's claws than Nietzschean Boneblade...

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